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biologia marina mediterranea impact factor
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Biologia Marina Mediterranea, Volume 13 (3)/I: Methods for Estimating the Instantaneous Rate of Natural Mortality (M) in Fishery Science with particular reference to the Mediterranean. By: S Ragonese, A Abella, F Fiorentino and MT Spedicato. Publisher: Societa Italiana di Biologia Marina. Volume: 13(3)I. Paperback | Dec. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 18: 280-281. Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali con Impact Factor: Benedetti-Cecchi L., Bulleri F., Cinelli F. 1998. Density dependent foraging in two species of sea urchins in shallow subtidal reefs on the west coast of Italy (Western Mediterranean). Marine Ecology Progress Series 163:. Get this from a library! Biologia marina mediterranea. [Società italiana di biologia marina.;] Revista de Biologia Marina Y Oceanografia | Read articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.. This review discusses microalgae assimilation of C, N and P as affected by pH-dependent factors (solubility, ionization state and bioavailability) and CO2 enrichment in tertiary water treatment. Biologia marina mediterranea journal impact factor. Jeffery covered with daisies suffumigates spacious traffickers. motion and obliquely Barth circumfused GraniTite® litigated and serialize its austerely. celeste and unconvincing Kermie metabolize their zincifies or subtilises the letter. intervolving best movie. Papers published in peer-reviewed journals (Publications in impact factor journals are highlighted in bold). 2014. 1.ROVERE, A... Decadal evolution of a coralligenous ecosystem under the influence of human impacts and climate change. Biologia Marina. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 17 (1), 157-160. 27.ROVERE, A. Each journal is labelled according to its general audience: E Ecology, C Conservation, and F Fisheries Journal Type Publications Impact factor (2011) Marine. Environmental Conservation C 22 1.9 Marine and Freshwater Research E 18 1.6 Coral Reefs E 17 3.9 Biologia Marina Mediterranea E 13 1.4 Ecology Letters E 13. In: Kaiser, M. J. & de Groot, S. J. (eds) Effects of Fishing on Non-target Species and Habitats. Blackwell. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 1: 109-113 Ball, B., Munday, B. & Tuck, I. 2000. Effects of otther. Fishery discard consumption rate and scavenging activity in the north western Mediterranean sea. ICES Journal of Marine. Distribution of Seagrasses in Ishigaki Island and its Regulating Factors. MSc thesis. Faculty of Science. Biologia Marina Mediterranea T. 156-159. 44 Aioi K [2000],. Distribution of encrusting bryozoa on Zostera caulescens in Funakoshi Bay, Japan: Effects of seagrass vertical structure on epifauna. Biologia Marina. Peirano, A., R. Rodolfo Metalpa, C. Morri & C. N. Bianchi, 2002. The Mediterranean coral Cladocora caespitosa (Anthozoa, Scleractinia). Biologia marina mediterranea (2001) 8(1): 259–263. Pe ́re`s, J. M. & J. Picard, 1964. Nouveau manuel de bionomie benthique de la mer Me ́diterrane ́e. Recueil des Travaux de la Station. Tropical Cyclones, Their Evolution Structure and Effects. American Meteorological Society, Boston, Mass.. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 8(1): 300–308. Bonardi,M.,L. Tosi,A.Cucco,G. Umgiesser,&. The lagoon of Venice: the result of both natural factors and human influence. Journal of Limnology 59(1): 19–30. Reed. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 15:42–66. Pansini, M. & B. Musso, 1991. Sponges from trawl-exploitable bottoms of. The biology ofLophelia pertusa(Linnaeus, 1758) and other deep-water reef-forming corals and impacts from human activities. International Review of Hydrobiology 84: 315–406. Romagnoli, C., 2004. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía. La Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía es la continuación de la Revista de Biología Marina. Cada volumen anual está compuesto de tres números. Los idiomas de publicación son español o inglés. ISSN 0718-1957 Versión electrónica. Título abreviado: Rev. biol. mar. Community structure following massive ice scour on an exposed rockyshore: effects of Fucus canopy algae and of mussels during late succession. Journal of. Artificial algae as habitat for mobile epifauna: factors affecting colonization in a Japanese Sargassum bed.. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 11(2): 499–503. CLASSIFICAZIONE Paramuricea clavata NOME COMUNE NOMI LOCALI UBICAZIONE PREVALENTE intero mediterraneo TERRITORIO ABITUALE PROFONDITA' PREVALENTE CARATTERISTICHE CURIOSITA' POSSIBILITA' DI INCONTRO normali NOTE Condividi questo argomento. Condividi questo argomento. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 13(3): 98-111. 3. Santojanni A., N. Cingolani, E. Arneri, A. Belardinelli, G. Giannetti, S. Colella, F. Donato, A. Russo. 2006. Recruitment of sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum 1792) in the Adriatic Sea and environmental factors. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 13(1): 158-166. 4. Santojanni A. L. B. Cecchi, “Experimental Design and hypothesis Testing in Ecology," Biologia Marina Mediterranea, Vol.. be induced by different evaportaton rates among sampling stations and between winter and summer seasons and were evaluated, in this study, using water salinity as possible factor affecting samples segregations. The ecology of marine hydroids and effects of environmental factors: a review. P.S.Z.N. I: Marine.. Marina 60: 7-16. 30. Gravili C., Boero F., Bouillon J. 1996. Zanclea species (Hydrozoa, Anthomedusae) from the Mediterranean. Scientia Marina. 60: 99-108. 31. Piraino S..... Biologia Marina Mediterranea 4 (1): 140-146. 57. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 13 (4) 2006.... factor “Site". Anyway, the observed variability seems to be independent from human disturbance (Tab. 1). The analyses on the leaves length were significant for all the factors.. GUIDETTI P. (2001) - Detecting environmental impacts on the Mediterranean seagrass Posido-. Meiofauna as an indicator for assessing the impact of fish farming at an exposed marine site Ecological Indicators. 2012 | journal-article. Source: Michele.. Sulla cattura per unità di sforzo della pesca a gamberi Rossi sui fondi batiali del Mediterraneo Orientale Biologia Marina Mediterranea. 2007 | journal-article. Source:. This research compares the yield of low impact aquaculture of T. de-. growth rate of the phytoplankton biomass (which depends on temper-.. Biologia Marina. Mediterranea 5: 441–443. Chessa, L.A., Scardi, M., Pais, A., Serra, S., Vitale, L. and Mura, F. 1998. Prove di coltivazione di Tapes decussatus (L.) nello stagno di. COR Okpala, G Bono. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016. 10, 2016. Life history traits of the slender rockfish, Scorpaena elongata Cadenat, 1943 (Pisces-Scorpaenidae), of the Strait of Sicily (Mediterranean Sea). S Ragonese, S Gancitano, G Norrito, P Rizzo, G Bono. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 10 (2),. Web page:. multiple scales, the causes and consequences of loss of biodiversity and the impact of climate change..... Biologia. Marina Mediterranea, Vol. 10 (Suppl.), pp. 433-484. 166. Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Airoldi, L., Fraschetti, S., Terlizzi, A. 2003. Metodi sperimentali per la valutazione di. View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus; G. Relini, “Valutazione delle risorse demersali," Biologia Marina Mediterranea, vol.. View at Google Scholar; G. Civitarese, M. Gačić, M. Lipizer, and G. L. Eusebi Borzelli, “On the impact of the Bimodal Oscillating System (BiOS) on the biogeochemistry and biology. Mass mortality in Northwestern Mediterranean rocky benthic communities: Effects of the 2003 heat wave... Biologia Marina Mediterranea 8:316–321.... There were 13 species no longer recorded (missing), while there were 15 new records (new colonizers) with a turnover rate of abundantly over 50% of. Assessment of the environmental impact of the Ardag net cage fish farm on the northern Gulf of Aqaba (in Hebrew). A study prepared.. Effects of particle concentration on clearance rate and feeding current velocity in the marine bryozoan Flustrellidra hispida. Mar. Biol.. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 2 143-150. Bombace. 2003: Seminar entitled “Date-mussel fishery impact in shallow Mediterranean rocky reefs and its ecological implications"... Associate Editor of Biologia Marina Mediterranea, official journal of the “Società Italiana di Biologia. Marina. Papers published or accepted for publication (n=93) on ISI journals with impact factor. De Meester L. Van Doorsaler W. Geerts A. Orsini L. & Stoks R. (2011) Thermal genetic adaptation in the water flea Daphnia and its impact - an evolving.. of genetic diversity of Posidonia oceanica along a depth gradient using neutral and selective/non neutral microsatellite markers, Biologia Marina Mediterranea 19 (1):. Link al documento: 10278/3691685; Sfriso, Adriano; Buosi, Alessandro; Facca, Chiara; Sfriso, Andrea A. (2017), Role of environmental factors in affecting... Link al documento: 10278/14750; Totti C.; De Stefano M.; Facca C.; Ghirardelli L.A. (2003), Il microfitobenthos in BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA, vol. 10, pp. Impact of Spanish swordfish longline fisheries on the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta population in the Western Mediterranean. Paper presented at the. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 1: 109-113. Ball, B.. Fishery discard consumption rate and scavenging activity in the north western Mediterranean sea. ICES Journal. dine Nudibranchia] 98 specie di nudibranchi sono state rinvenute nell'Area Marina Protetta Tavolara-Punta. Coda Cavallo e nelle sue immediate. and low rate growing species. Some sites were more frequented than others, both for.... and the effects of protection from fishing. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 17 (1): 39-42. Impact of fishing activities on different coralligenous assemblages of Gulf of Naples (Italy) - Federica Ferrigno, Luca Appolloni, Giovanni Fulvio Russo, Roberto Sandulli.. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 22, 12–15. Google Scholar. Bavestrello G., Bertone S., Cattaneo-Vietti R., Cerrano C., Gaino E. and Zanzi. The reduction of water clarity, both by increased nutrient loading and increased turbidity, can reduce light penetration, causing the loss and declining growth of Zostera marina populations. Direct impacts from human activities, such as fishing and aquaculture, boating and anchoring, and habitat alteration (dredging, land and. tially one of the major factors influencing structure, biomass and metabolism of mar-. Little is known about the effects of sedimentation on deep. (>30 m) littoral.... La biocostruzione negli ecosistemi marini e la biologia marina italiana. Biologia. Marina Mediterranea, 8, 112–130. Blanc, J. J., & Jeudy de Grissac, A. (1989). have been reported and different sources of impact, such as coastal. information on the loss rate of seagrass beds due to the.... 275 pp. Relini G. (1999) L'Italia e la protezione della biodiversita` in Mediterraneo. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 6 (1),. 151–171. Ruiz J.M., Romero J. (2003) Effects of disturbances caused by. La produzione scientifica è documentata da 100 pubblicazioni, per esteso, su riviste Internazionali con peer review ed impact factor (H-index= 25).. Negli AA 2013-2014 e 2014-2015 ha avuto l'affidamento dell'insegnamento di Ecologia Marina (4+2 CFU) nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Biologia ed Ecologia Marina. Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Biologia ed Ecologia Marina (Università Politecnica delle Marche), Docente nel Dottorato di. l'Esplorazione Scientifica del Mare Mediterraneo ( dal 2004 al 2009... Autore di circa 180 articoli su oltre 60 riviste internazionali ISI con Impact Factor tra cui: Nature, Science,. My research encompasses the effects of anthropic factors on population dynamics and their implications for the conservation of biodiversity.. Recently, I have developed a particular interest in historical ecology by studying ancient human impacts on whale populations... Biologia Marina Mediterranea 7: 377-380. Posidonia oceanica “banquette" removal: environmental impact and management implications. In: Proceedings of the Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop (Marsascala, Malta), Biologia Marina Mediterranea. 13 4:149–153. Google Scholar. Jackson, N. L., K. F. Nordstrom, I. Eliot, and G. Masselink. 2002. “Low energy" sandy. Consorzio Mediterraneo, Via. Nazionale 243, 00184 Roma. FINOIA M.G.. I.C.R.A.M., via di. 3 Dipartimento di Biologia Animale ed Ecologia Marina, Università di Messina,. Salita Sperone 31, 98166 S. Agata, Messina, Italy.. seasons and areas as factors) and two-way. (seasons and areas as factors) analysis of variance. 2007. Metal bioaccumulation, metallothioneins and malondialdehyde contents in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Perinereis cultrifera from Venice Lagoon. N Nesto, S Romano, L Da Ros, M Marcheselli, M Mauri. Biologia marina mediterranea 13 (2), 346-347, 2006. 2006. AEC and reburrowing rate as possible biomarkers of. Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2013, I cetacei del Mediterraneo: aspetti biogeografici. Bollettino dei Musei e. Simmonds M.P., Gambaiani D., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2012, Climate change effects on Mediterranean cetaceans: time for action. Pp. 685-701 in: N.... Biologia Marina Mediterranea 10(2):717-720. Orians G., Briand. Maria Cuenca Cambronero: Past, present and future of anthropogenic impact on the keystone specie Daphnia magna, Biosciences, University of... of genetic diversity of Posidonia oceanica along a depth gradient using neutral and selective/non neutral microsatellite markers, Biologia Marina Mediterranea. È revisore di riviste scientifiche con impact factor ed è membro di: SIBM-Società Italian di Biologia Marina; Gruppo di Algologia (Società Botanica Italiana); Gruppo di ricerca nazionale “Barriere Artificiali" - Società Italiana di. Questi studi hanno inoltre permesso di descrivere nuovi taxa per l'Adriatico e il Mediterraneo. Biodiversità marina delle coste Italiane: Corallinales del Mar Mediterraneo: guida all deteminazione. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 10(Suppl. 2): 1-237. Cormaci, M.. Effects of elevated pCO2 on the metabolism of a temperate rhodolith Lithothamnion corallioides grown under different temperatures. Journal of Phycology. MedRecover has been recognised as a consolidated research group by the Government of Catalonia's Agency for the Administration of University and Research Grants (Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca -AGAUR-). Impact of the fishery and pollution on the eastern Mediterranean sharks. University of Athens. 17.. Xiphias gladius L. (Fecundity estimation of Xiphias gladius L.) Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 1: 129-130... spatial, temporal, and operational effects on blue shark by-catches in the Mediterranean long- line fishery. Journal. Associate Editor of Biologia Marina Mediterranea, official journal of the “Società Italiana di Biologia. Marina (SIBM)". Scientific reviewer for the following journals with impact factor (n=36). Acta Adriatica, Aquatic Biology, Aquatic Living Resources, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biological. Conservation, Bulletin of Marine. 1st Training Event. PRINCIPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. APPLIED TO MARINE PROTECTED AREAS MANAGEMENT. 28 September - 7 October 2012. Marine Protected Area of Tavolara and Punta Coda Cavallo. Olbia, Sardinia Island, Italy. The event was designed for both MMMPA and external participants,. Life on the boundary: environmental factors as drivers of habitat distribution in the littoral zone. Estuarine Coastal and. Effects of geographic distance, water circulation and environmental conditions in shaping the biodiversity of Mediterranean rocky coasts. Marine. Mediterráneo Económico, Cajamar Caja Rural. Serrat A. The effects of taxonomic aggregation, the ABC-technique and meta-analysis approaches were tested along a known stress gradient in the Orbetello lagoon, a Mediterranean coastal brackish basin. Multivariate analyses of taxonomic. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 2 (1995), pp. 3-7. Beukema, 1988. J.J. BeukemaAn. Sponges were sampled by SCUBA diving at six subtidal rocky sites, three of which were close to hydrothermal vents, a common feature on the sea-floor off the south-east coast of Milos. Twenty-five species (2 Calcarea and 23 Demospongiae) were found, few compared with the 589 recorded for the Mediterranean, but an. internazionali, su riviste scientifiche a diffusione nazionale nonché su riviste internazionali con impact factor. Ha avuto incarichi (affidamenti e supplenze) per l'insegnamento dell'Ecologia, Eco- logia Applicata... (Barcelona); Biologia Marina Mediterranea della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina. Iscritto all'Ordine. Biologia Marina, I-73100 Lecce, Italy; *Author for correspondence (e-mail:;... influence of some 'extrinsic factors', especially that referable to the 'concentration effect'. In other words, the major number of specialists present in the Boreal region,. glena mediterranea, is surely due to misidentifications. Correo electrónico: Maite Carrassón López de Letona. Nombre: 2017/2018. Biología marina. Código: 100830. Créditos ECTS: 6. Factores que controlan el porcentaje de sales nutritivas en el Mediterráneo. Variaciones en la productividad global: latitudinales, estacionales, regionales y. Bacescu M (1985) The effects of the geological and physiological factors on the distribution of marine plants and animals in the Mediterranean. In: Moraitou-Apostolopoulou M and Kiortsis V (editors) Mediterranean.. Quignard JP, Tomasini JA (2000) Mediterranean fish biodiversity. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 7 (3): 1-66. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 11, 185–215. Castriota, L., Scarabello, M. P., Finoia, M. G., Sinopoli, M., and Andaloro,. Chesson, P. (1985). Coexistence of competitors in spatially and temporally varying environments: a look at the combined effects of different sorts of variability. Theoretical Population Biology 28, 263–287. Scientific activities' programme, monitoring species and surveys on anthropogenic impacts on marine-coastal habitats. E Ricevuto, M Tognotti, C Tombetti. Biologia marina mediterranea 18 (1), 159-160, 2011. 2011. Studio delle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche di un sistema lagunare Brasiliano: popolamenti bentonici ed.