Thursday 8 September 2011 photo 1/1
På Scenisk Gestaltning i skolan just nu, så har vi fått uppgiften att hitta en blogg som handlar om nånting... ah, jag vet inte riktigt hur man ska beskriva det, men någonting som berör oss och allmänheten. T.ex, vissa har tagit en blogg som handlar om anorexi, en om cancer, och en annan om den där kvinnan i Knutby vars dotter tog självmord. Jag hade jättesvårt att hitta en blogg som jag verkligen ville ha, men så kollade jag runt lite idag, och stumblade på denne underbare man. Eller, jag har bara läst första sidan av hans blogg, och det är det första inlägget där som jag planerar att använda mig utav. ANYWHO. För att göra denna text lite längre, så tänker jag ladda upp det inlägget här, för der är SÅ FREAKIN AWESOME. Here it goes;
The Suck Will Be Less
The kid just keptscreaming.
“But I Want It NOW!!!!"
I put on my Beats to cancel whatever noise I could cancel out.
Every few minutes I would gaze left to see his mom sipping on her iced Cuban whilethe gray of the clouds outside the window silhouetted her portrait against theglass.
Probably late 20′s.
But her kid.
Holy crap.
A terror.
I could almost feel him lock his eyes on me.
“Yea buddy?"
“What’s that? What’s that?" he was screaming pointing at my laptop.
His mom was 20 feet away oblivious that her 5 year old was bugging the crap outof me while I’m trying to close a consulting deal that I had been working on afew weeks.
“Um. Hey kid. I’m on the phone. It’s my laptop. Go back to your mommy now."
He gave me a look that could stop Jack Bauer in his tracks and ran back to hismommy.
By the time I got off the phone I realized a few more of the customers in thecoffee shop were getting annoyed.
OK Carlos. Time to do your job. Stand up for what is right.
I got up from my table and headed over to her table.
I was going to gently let her know that I have kids and I know how crazy it canget and he can play on my jacked up phone if it would shut him up, I mean calmhis spirit…
About a foot away from her table I saw a dried streak of pain on her leftcheek.
And another drop was rolling down her right one.
She saw me out of the corner of her eye and quickly snapped out of her trance…
“Hey! Oh. I’m sorry! Was he bothering you? I’m so sorry. I’m just a little outof it"
“Honestly, I was about tocome over here to tell you that your kid could play with my phone if he neededa distraction. I mean look at it. It’s unbreakable."
She managed a smile.
“I’m not his mom. My sister is. Was. We are on our way to the airport. So Iguess I’m his mom now. I mean, not his mom, but his aunt. Anyways."
I almost said something really stupid.
Like “I’m sorry for you pain".
Then I realized I don’t even know what the hell that means.
So instead I said…
“Wow. That sucks. Like really sucks."
This prompted an outburstof laughter from her. And me.
“No shit. It does suck. That’s about as true as anything anyone has said to methis week. This does suck!"
She rejected my offer formy phone as it would have probably injured her nephew as opposed to occupyinghim.
She got up, not wanting to be a bother to anyone else in the shop, and startedout the door.
“Hey, That Sucks lady." Iwhispered, loudly…
“Yea?" she didn’twhisper back to me…
“It will stop sucking oneday. A long time from now. But the suck will be less"
We were deeply entrenched into a contest of how many times we could say suckonly because it was a temporary cure for the pain.
“Jill? What does SUCKmean?" the kid said…
She laughed again and walked out the door.
When I got back to mylaptop I realized what “my job" really is and how to “stand up for what isright"…
It is to make peoples life suck less at the moment.
I think that is all of our jobs.
Sometimes we think we need to stand for the many, when in fact we need to sitwith the one.
It’s better that way.
“But I Want It NOW!!!!"
I put on my Beats to cancel whatever noise I could cancel out.
Every few minutes I would gaze left to see his mom sipping on her iced Cuban whilethe gray of the clouds outside the window silhouetted her portrait against theglass.
Probably late 20′s.
But her kid.
Holy crap.
A terror.
I could almost feel him lock his eyes on me.
“Yea buddy?"
“What’s that? What’s that?" he was screaming pointing at my laptop.
His mom was 20 feet away oblivious that her 5 year old was bugging the crap outof me while I’m trying to close a consulting deal that I had been working on afew weeks.
“Um. Hey kid. I’m on the phone. It’s my laptop. Go back to your mommy now."
He gave me a look that could stop Jack Bauer in his tracks and ran back to hismommy.
By the time I got off the phone I realized a few more of the customers in thecoffee shop were getting annoyed.
OK Carlos. Time to do your job. Stand up for what is right.
I got up from my table and headed over to her table.
I was going to gently let her know that I have kids and I know how crazy it canget and he can play on my jacked up phone if it would shut him up, I mean calmhis spirit…
About a foot away from her table I saw a dried streak of pain on her leftcheek.
And another drop was rolling down her right one.
She saw me out of the corner of her eye and quickly snapped out of her trance…
“Hey! Oh. I’m sorry! Was he bothering you? I’m so sorry. I’m just a little outof it"
She managed a smile.
“I’m not his mom. My sister is. Was. We are on our way to the airport. So Iguess I’m his mom now. I mean, not his mom, but his aunt. Anyways."
I almost said something really stupid.
Like “I’m sorry for you pain".
Then I realized I don’t even know what the hell that means.
So instead I said…
“Wow. That sucks. Like really sucks."
“No shit. It does suck. That’s about as true as anything anyone has said to methis week. This does suck!"
She got up, not wanting to be a bother to anyone else in the shop, and startedout the door.
We were deeply entrenched into a contest of how many times we could say suckonly because it was a temporary cure for the pain.
She laughed again and walked out the door.
It is to make peoples life suck less at the moment.
I think that is all of our jobs.
Sometimes we think we need to stand for the many, when in fact we need to sitwith the one.
It’s better that way.
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