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Destiny library manager user guide: >> << (Download)
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30 Mar 2013
We want you to be confident in your ability to use Destiny Library Manager, and we of videos and quick reference guides for your product that are available.
Destiny Library Manager “Beyond the Basics". Quick Reference Guides. 1. Creating and Using Resource Lists. 2. Customizing Your Home Page a. Customizing
Overview Learn how Destiny Library Manager can benefit different users. Destiny Discover Browse, search and access your school's library resources.
If you need installation instructions, see “Installing Destiny" in the documentation provided with your. Destiny installation CD. For help converting your database
Participant Guide. P . Any user of Destiny Library Manager is a patron. The patron . broad topics to help guide patrons toward a particular area of interest.
Company governing the use of Follett Software Company's library and for a.
Library Manager. Notes .. Welcome to a Library Manager Training Destiny. It is not a manual because it would be outdated with each new software release.
Welcome to the Follett Destiny® Library Manager™ Essentials training. Each module, and supporting quick reference guides and videos, walks you
If you need installation instructions, see "Installing Destiny" in the documentation provided with your Destiny installation CD. For help converting your database