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Kenneth's concerns quest guide: >>'s+concerns+quest+guide << (Download)
Kenneth's concerns quest guide: >>'s+concerns+quest+guide << (Read Online)
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9 Feb 2016 Kennith's Concerns. Description: As ever, there are strange occurrences afoot in the sea slug-riddled town of Witchaven. Kennith, the child rescued at the end of the Sea Slug quest, is convinced that the usually peaceful (albeit gastropod-possessed) locals are up to no good in the caverns under the village
Information Submitted By Blackt3ars Kennith's Concerns Start point Kennith's house in Witchaven Requirements Level 46 mining Must have completed the Slug Menace quest Items needed Any pickaxe Reward 1 quest point, 12000 mining experience, 5000 agility experience, access to Rubium mines. Walkthrough Start off
25 May 2015
23 Nov 2013 Speak with Kennith to begin the quest and get initial instructions. 1. Walk just west of the start point and enter the ruins. Once you have climbed down the ladder, walk through the wall opening to the east. Follow the trail to the imposing doors, making use of the agility shortcut if you wish. You will come to a
9 Nov 2009 Quest walkthrough: Everything you need to know to complete Kennith's Concerns.
Kennith's Concerns is a members quest that takes place in Witchaven. You must investigate guide found here. Quick guides provide a brief summary of the steps needed for completion. in Witchaven. You must investigate the strange occurrences that have been going on in Witchaven and assist a child named Kennith.
21 Mar 2015
The Note is a quest item that Kent gives to players automatically as part of Kennith's Concerns
Talk to Kennith in the house immediately west of the church in Witchaven. This is the quick guide for Kennith's Concerns. For a more in-depth . If you talk to the parents of Kimberly, they are at the end of the cave (where you found them mining in the quest), they will ask you to fetch an item from the surface. The items
11 Mar 2008 He'll explain that it is hard to talk openly in Witchaven because Kennith doesn't like his parents speaking to others such as yourself. The reason that he's made you come all this long distance from Witchaven to the Guild isn't anything to do with the Sea Slugs, but in fact to do with a girl called Kimberly who