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Follow us Facebook Twitter Google+ Linkedin . ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ () "adolescent" adolescent Home Explore Search Polls Quizzes More .It feels like the EasyList authors took just a minute to look at swfchan, said "fuck it" and proceeded to block the whole thing instead of only the ads.So if you have a moment I'd really appreciate it if you took the time to e-mail them about this: chrome QQ 360 360 UC Opera The first one is the primary mail but I've sent mail to both and received a reply from neither
Just be polite and ask EasyList to block only the ads on swfchan, not the actual content on swfchan itselfSTORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULARArchived flashes:188178/disc/ /res/ — /show/ /fap/ /gg/ /swf/P0001P2035P4069I should have written this announcement earlier but this whole thing felt like such an open-and-shut case that I would never have imagined swfchan still being blocked like this after three weeksI also don't think this is a fair practice by EasyList, there's no reason what-so-ever to block swfchan itselfapp 13352,2528 13352,2528 404 Not FoundThe page you are looking for has returned to the mana poolRESOURCES BLOG RESOURCES CENTER CASE STUDIES .()
Home Explore Search Polls Quizzes More .21/8 -2017 05:00:29 Last modified: 21/8 -2017 05:00:29 Server time: 21/8 -2017 05:00:29This causes captchas to not load and the easy solution is to just disable the adblocker completelyHowever, I have been trying to contact EasyList for over three weeks now with no responseI don't serve ads and an adblocker should block ad providers, not sites that use ad providersAbout Company Media Kit Contact
If the site isn't working like it should for you it is because EasyList (a set of filter rules used by your adblocker) has started to block the whole subdomainI am however worried that in the long run, in a year or so, this may lead to less links leading to swfchan which would sure enough finally kill it off the web, especially with the dwindling flash support these daysHave sent using different mail accounts as well so I know there was no sending issues on my endThere's a discussion thread over here.Breaking news!Old DiscussionDiscussion . 2017Baidu APP
I also don't limit anyone blocking ads from using the site in any wayTERMS Term of Use Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Refund Policy Ironically this causes people using the EasyList ruleset to actually see more ads.Since it's exceptionally easy to only block the actual ads on swfchan (no ads are actually served from swfchan's own domain) and because the current ruleset is actually causing visitors to see more ads I thought this matter would be quickly resolvedBig thanks to anyone helping out!Note: I'm not writing this because of money, the site's income is actually the same as before (less visitors but less blockers equal same ad views)Therefore I feel the need to ask my visitors to e-mail them as well to bring attention to this issue and show that regular users of EasyList care about swfchan, not just the guy running the site.They have two e-mails: and c173c0c542