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Warez Life The Walking Dead >>>
Mr Moustache 79,139 views 4:30 The Walking Dead Then And Now 2017 Part 1 - Duration: 2:56Robert J O'Dell • on Apr 4, 2017 10:11 am It remains the highest rated scripted series on TV so I dont see any reason to hold a memorial mass quite yetThe comics will have to go it alone, it doesnt translate well on TV anymoreHe even talked to Michonne about Judith, how he is not his father by blood but loves her as his own, but we never seen him with the baby, she is even walking now but we never get to see them together and if we do he is delivering her to the nanny of the day• on Apr 4, 2017 8:08 am Sad sad sad get some more writers for the show&the producers of the walking dead are niw starting to draw fans away with their none sense of procrastinating episodesWhat the hell is the END game to this show? It should have been address already
.RemoveTo help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookiesIts freaking going on into season 8 and theres NO END GAMELauren Cox Senior Editor Share This Article Reddit LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Print Talk As season seven of The Walking Dead begins its end, Rick and Michonne go on a desperate search for weaponsThey did away with CDC and surgically removed any possibility of any future interesting sci-fi plotsNas • on Apr 4, 2017 11:43 am The shows needs new talent, Gimple needs to step down as a showrunnerThe walking dead shiw is getting a little boring and theres no incentives to watch the producers keep letting evil win and we want justice for all that has happened to rick and his peopleYou can peek ahead if you like and see what happens next
The Walking Dead is a five-part game series set in the same universe as Robert Kirkmans award-winning comic book seriesClose Learn more You're viewing YouTube in English (US)I do wish the writers show runner get a clue and do away with this debacleMichonne brings up a really good point while theyre talking about it: what happens after Negans gone? She suggests that Rick be the one to help the communities forge working relationships to move forward and keep surviving, but hes not interested• on Apr 4, 2017 12:26 pm They also need to bring Zombies back into the storyadPlay as Lee Everett, a convicted criminal, who has been given a second chance at life in a world devastated by the undeadThe commercials seem to be more interestingThrough tears she tells him, I cant lose you
LoadingShe jumps into the cars trunk and pulls it closed as the car rolls directly into a group of walkers, and Rick ducks down in the drivers seat while they are swarmed.Great plan, guys! Their next move is to pop out of the sunroof and hop a gate that is conveniently right next to the carRicks okay, and they immediately start fighting off the walkers together as a team.Once the walkers are down Michonne runs and jumps into Ricks arms, and at their feet we see the deer is what the walkers were actually eatingThere was a lot of fat that could have been trimmed away this season by a reduction to 10-13 episodesAfter killing a massive (and super nasty looking) walker to get to the gun, she finds its a toy gun.You triedMaybe YOU should get YOUR facts right&Cheers 43b42fc606