March 2009
Sjukt suddig/dålig bild då den precis var nygjord (försök fotta ditt eget ryggslut...) men, jag är sjukt nöjd (:
tack för igår :) btw, någon som vet ngn vettig, inte allt för dyr lokal att hyra?
lyckades pajja min mobil idag, vilket innebär att alla nummer är borta (jag har dock samma, har lånat en gammal mobil) så SKICKA ERA NR, skriv här eller skicka ett sms med n
har inga vettiga bilder, men ni ser mig lite där till höger? A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find
A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form. A picture of you in one of your favourite
har ingen från min födelsedag så det får bli en från min tjejmiddag/fest som jag hade för att jag hade fyllt 16... dvs. typ ett år sig och jag hade precis klipp
A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form.A picture of you in one of your favourite o
brukar inte fotta outfit, så får bli mina favorit skor.. haha A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can f
jag är snygg, jag vet :) A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form. A picture o
A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form. A picture of you in one of your favourite
ångrar inte saker så ofta, bättre att acceptera att man gjorde fel och inte gör om det? iaf, en onödig kväll.. midsommar 08. A picture of you in your room. A picture o
A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form. A picture of you in one of your favourite
elin fick vara med.. tagen förra helgen :) A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital
spexfottot! :D haha, alle var pimp som sålde mig till adam.. fina tider. A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you
färgar ju aldrig håret men.. här har jag nyss klippt mig själv för drygt ett år sen, haha. A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you
A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form. A picture of you in one of your favourite
svårt att välja bild men.. typ tiden när jag jobbade i allerum & var för liten för allting. A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you
sommaren 07, när mitt liv gick sönder? :) tack & lov hade jag människor som gjorde sommarnätterna roliga trotts att jag hela tiden gjorde saker som skrek på folk i telefo
A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form. A picture of you in one of your favourite
HAHA, fjortis-ida, 13 år gammal :') A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form.
A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form. A picture of you in one of your favourite
halvseriös, glad människa med en hatt på huvudet? låter bra. A picture of you in your room. A picture of you very drunk. A picture of you on your birthday. The youngest picture