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Teemo guide gamepressure: >> << (Download)
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Player rated Teemo guide created by LoL Fans. Players guide you in all aspects of playing Teemo from beginning to end game.
He has a 54 % winrate and having a play percent of 7%. But the suggested build is full damage. Is full damage now really better than Onhit ?
hey mates, so I usually build on hit teemo with fervor. with the new fervor (pre-season) I'm not really sure what the changes with the AD-stacks do for teemo and if it will be still good or if I should change to thunderlord playstyle. I was thinking about early game pressure with gunblade and ignite, to transform
Teemo's best item (after his ult's AP ratio nerf) is Liandry's Torment, which also happens to scale with lots of MPen. My build is Sorc Shoes, Liandry's, and Void Staff. Flash + Teleport always. Runes are 20 flat MPen + flat HP yellows (scaling HP if easy lane or low jungle pressure). Your laning phase won't
25 Feb 2017
bossvinny 1 year ago#5. corupting potion harass him early. when he dash in blind. if he goes for a tiamat 1st then punish him when he walks up. if he goes for cowls then push him in tower(i might build on hit teemo tho if he goes mr)the difference here is the jungler. Fc 117780215154 eevee
[–]ShroomsAreWards704,931 Reporting for Booty! 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). AP for sure for early game pressure. Mpen aren't efficient enuogh to give up such a huge boost early but if you are confident enough to win without offensive runes you will score very hard into the mid game.
No matter your build teemo needs attack speed in his kit, so changing from m-pen reds to AS reds will benefit you. Also quints changed to flat AP will make your early game so much easier to carry out. Teemo is a cheese pick, playing him for late game isnt a good idea, even though you play in low elo.
Teemo's · Pro History (Last 10 Games Played). All Roles, Top, Jungle, Middle, ADC, Support. All Regions, NA, BR, EU, KR, OCE. Sunday, November 22nd, 2015. Player. VS. KDA. Gold. Keystone. Loading Recent Final Builds. Player. KDA. Gold Earned. Final Build. Most Recent Winning Build
A few months ago, I started to play LoL and I instantly fell inlove with the Teemster, I've used him constantly and currently I'm on lvl. 6