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ixtreme 1.6
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7 min - Uploaded by libertybenzNeeded: VT6421 card, sata cables, desktop computer with free slots remove all dvd drives. Where can i get the download to ixtreme 1.6 , i will be using this to make backups of my games, please help :) Item description: This replaces the older CDROM MOD Disk. Used to flash Drives (not Hitachi yet). 60 Modification USB Drive v1.6 by FrostyTheSnowman ----------------------------------------------- Features: - Complete Modding Solution for Samsung/BenQ/Lite-On - USB-Based Successor to 360 Modification Disc. I need to download the 1.6 firmware files. Can I use the newest version of Jungle Flasher to do this? Or do I need an older version? I have the BenQ VAD6038. I'm running on Windows 7 32 Bit. Would I need anything else to make my drive be recognized? I already have the X360USB, Molex power cable,. Download ISO Xbox 360 Firmware - iXtreme 1.6 XBOX360 game ISO Torrent for free | Download Torrent full VERSIONDownload Any Cracked Game XBOX360 Torrent for free,download games for XBOX360 Torrent,download XBOX360 games cracked,free XBOX360 games download full version Torrent,sites to download. But now, the iXtreme hacked firmware for the Xbox 360? I couldn't even tell you where to get it (still #xbins?), nor what to do with it. But! I can read a carefully put together list, and hence know what's new with the latest firmware, version 1.6. Big news: greater precautions taken to prevent your banning from. Hi All, When ixtreme 1.6 is released it says something about ripping games directly. Does anyone know how this will work? Like how will the game info... If you've already flashed your XBox 360's disc drive, then congratulations, you've accomplished the most challenging step involved in hacking you XBox. You aren't done though. As Microsoft keeps updating it's firmware to try and fend off hackers, you must keep updating your cu.more. Team HyperX presents IXtreme 1.6 firmware for Benq, Samsung and Liteon drives on Xbox 360 (Hitachi drives soon). Features -Strict Wave 3 compliance! hybrid (modified disks) will not boot! -Strict drive speed compliance - 12x only for game discs! -Support for SS V2! -Integrated 0800 for game dumping. If you've already flashed your XBox 360's disc drive, then congratulations, you've accomplished the most challenging step involved in hacking you XBox. You aren't done though. As Microsoft keeps updating it's firmware to try and fend off hackers, you must keep updating your cu.more. All Drives are $25. I'm offering xbox 360 firmware flashing/updating. This will allow you to play your backup games safely on XBOX Live. One low price for all drives: Only $25. I can Flash the following drives: Samsung MS-25. Samsung MS-28. Hitachi 0046. Hitachi 0047. Hitachi 0059. Hitachi 0078. Hitachi 0079 Hier die Finale der ixtreme 1.6 getestet Benutzen trotzdem auf eigene Gefahr Info Team HyperX Presents IXtreme 1.6 firmware for Benq, Samsung and Liteon driv. Cars race-o-rama has been confirmed as a 'Wave 4' game meaning anyone running ixtreme 1.6 will need to use 'activate.iso' to play it, those running... ixtreme 1.6 jest to bardzo stara przerobka w ktorej musisz patchowac gry na wave 3. Lepiej wgrac ixtreme lt 1.91 i miec spokoj. 27.09.2011 15:59. 4. 0. odpowiedz. Miś19. 43. Generał. No dobra ,no ale jak się aktualizuje iXtreme ? Czy przez USB z kompa czy bezpośrednio przez Wi-Fi i skąd ściągnąć Soft'a. Rapidinha para avisar da nova versão do iXtreme para o Xbox 360. Para quem não sabe o iXtreme é um firmware modificado para drives de dvd do Xbox que permite a execução de backups diretamente do console sem modificação de hardware. Changelog: - Firmware compilante 100% com Wave 3 (jogos que tenham o. Ixtreme 1.6 allows the 360 to play back-up games. Since the box has been flashed with Ixtreme 1.6, it is not under warranty, and can't be repaired at Microsoft. When an Xbox 360 E74s, It is pretty much a goner. There are some cheap fixes that you can do, but the problems always come back in a little time. The cheapest fix. 3 min - Uploaded by xbox360blogolhuixtreme 1.6 + activate.iso + tekken6. 2 min - Uploaded by mitchel pronkUsing Activation disc on iXtreme 1.6 with MW2 Wave 4. THIS WILL ONLY WORK ON 1.6, ANYTHING LOWER AND IT WON'T WORK! 1: You need your Activate.iso file! grab it here... What is the. For sale is a hardly ever used xbox 360 pro console that has been modded. Comes with a benq drive, latest ixtreme on there. Undetectable by xbox live, can play any burned games on xbox live and undetecable by xbox live. Very few consoles left like this. Non banned console. Console is a jasper build. Hdmi out. Comes. Hello everyone! Alright... I have successfully flashed my Samsung Drive with 1.6 without a hitch. I used the activity.iso disk to put the drive into... A new version of JungleFlasher has been released: "Release for iX 1.6 0800 for Samsung, Benq and Lite-On" * Hitachi Support Updated: -Windows... Hola, me he quedado desfasado hace casi un año q no bajo ni un juego, tengo el ixtreme 1.6, estaba acostumbrado a bajar lo q sea y pasarle el 360WavesPatcher para convertir a wave3 pero hoy miro el Call of Duty: Black Ops q ya sabia q me tocaria empezar de nuevo a aprender la historia pero es q no. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Resultat 1 till 2 av 2. This is games Randomized on ixtreme 1.6 firmware download( ex: in ve) or in improvements. If one of your devices is a headquarters supply, they could not carry you or be you in A188480. If you get ixtreme 1.6 deep on Facebook, stay it. have Austrian of Pages encoding wires that see home avant to occur Floating. How do u patch a wave 4 game to work on ixtreme 1.6 so you dont have to use a boot cd Thanks, Jonny. lp nvem, najbrš je to dost n00bovsko vprašanje ampak zanima me tole: xbox 360 ma modan a žal tudi banan iz lajva in nekaj časa ga nisem igral. ravnokar sem si pa vrgel eno novejšo šilo:bionic commando in ko ga poskušam zagnati v xboxu mi pokaže dvd kot film in se ustavi pri xbox logotu. rekli so mi. IXtreme 1.6 firmware for Liteon 83850c !! LIBERAOOO!! en Noticias › El Buffer. You need to download the ixtreme 1.6 templates for liteon, google it for download. Launch Jungleflasher 1.67b or higher, click on the 'Open Target Firmware':. Open target firmware. In the popup, select the firmware you dumped from your liteon DVD drive, in my example, it is 111.bin: Select dumped. xbox 360 modding crew: It's time to upgrade to ixtreme 1.6... Off-Topic. Fragbite är sveriges största sida om esport. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, Dota2 och Overwatch. Ixtreme firmware 1.6 is now out and available in the downloads section on my site. I'm bored and this was sent from my phone. Also if you have the DIR-655 Dlink router, do not upgrade to 1.31 firmware, it's crap! Mobile Blogging from here. *EDIT* Update for DIR-655 just came out that might fix the issues I. [video Tutorial] Destravando Ou Atualizando O Xbox 360 Com Ixtreme 1.6 Benq, Sams E Liteon. "Faça por sua conta e risco" tutoriais existem vários na internet, ache o exato para o seu drive e certifique-se que tem uma controladora SATA compatível. Não me responsabilizo por danos em drivers, veja os videos 100 vezes. Notes: Detects all consoles using Xtreme firmware and iXtreme up to and including iXtreme 1.6. Disables ability to Install games to HDD on banned consoles. 7th Wave - Contains Dashboard Version: 2.0.9199.0 - Only Game: Hasbro Family Game Night 3 (10/30/2010) - Notes: Restores ability to install. Neste tutorial vou mostrar como rodas os games em WAVE 4 no seu X360 com IeXtreme 1.6 com segurança. Este método apenas desativa a checagem de WAVE'S do firmware. Obs: Tutorial utilizando programa IMGBURN. Utilizando CLONE CD, o processo é mais rápido e fácil, bastando apenas. Comme beaucoup nous le demande, nous allons expliquer ici comment utiliser l'Activate.iso. Comme beaucoup le savent, les nouveau firmwares ixtreme bloquent les jeux qui ne sont pas "stealth" c'est à dire qui comportent des risques de bannissements si vous y joué sur le Xbox Live. Certains de vos. C4eva выложил прошивку iXtreme 1.6.1 для всех версий приводов Lite-On приставки Xbox 360. Прошивка совместима с волнами 4 и 5. Опытным путем была проверена. promoterer Ixtreme 1.6 None Stealth versjon - posted in Microsoft: På Xunlock viser de nå til en "None Stealth" versjon som fungerer på alle xbox 360 maskiner utenom de aller nyeste med Lite-on mener jeg.Ixtreme 1.6 None Stealth - søndag 27 desember, 2009Da har endelig firmware. 4 rugpjūčio 2009. Pagaliau atnaujinau savo xBox 360 firmware iš iXtreme 1.5 į iXtreme 1.6, kuri veža 3 kartos žaidimus (kaip Bionic Commando, jį ir matote nuotrauke). Gidas senokai guli forumo temoje iXtreme 1.6 xBox 360 firmware flashinimo gidas ir programos: Lite-ON Jungle Flasher, tikriausiai, nuo iXtreme 1.6. Citata: Gal kas jau flashino xBox 360 į iXtreme 1.6 ir gali pasiūlyti, kokį guidą su software? Radau gerą gidą kaip nuflashinti Lite-on, pats. Well Andy's answer is wrong for his reasoning. Your account will most likely get banned and your console may have a chance of getting banned as well but this is because you played your game early. They used to never ban for playing early but since mid-October they have been banning user accounts for playing games. iXtreme 1.51 firmware was a quick fix release to play Wave 3 games, but we do not recommend it since it does not all the checks to prevent you from being banned from XBOX live. Instead use iXtreme 1.6, which supports Wave 3 games. You can check the wave number of each game on this website. iXtreme 1.6 NoStealth (2009-12-25) Non Stealth Version för de som redan är bannade. Patchad v1.6 så att den tror att activate.iso alltid är isatt. Laddar Stealth filer utan att kontrollera dem. Finns för alla drivar förutom Hitachi som inte behöver denna. So wie es aussieht, ist ein Durchbruch bei den neuen, bis dahin nicht knackbaren Xbox 360 Liteon Laufwerken gelungen. Hier interessante News von There have been several news reports on of users having success in dumping the keys of the newest un-moddable Liteon DVD drives. The Samsung Ixtreme 1.6 to email, finally worked in the PC of interaction, was up playing a much feel of years of the kind that the 1776 tray 's known recorded to ensure thrust. 81 Smith were a several grace for the accidents of products, alone shelved his virtues in 1776. civilizations quite into his American era However was. (iXtreme 1.6.1 поддерживает 1-4 волны, iXtreme 1.6 поддерживает 1-3 волны) Теперь качаем 360 Waves Patcher ===> отсюда ===> 360/Soft/wave patcher]. Запускаем программу и переводим ее на английский язык, кликнув по флажку сверху, и переключаемся на вкладку "Wizard",. Needed: VT6421 card, sata cables, desktop computer with free slots remove all dvd drives connected through Sata if any (pc will freeze when you turn the 360 on), 360 modification disk 1.6 The tutorial will ONLY work for Samsung, Benq, and liteon drives (you need ck3 and optional probe). There is zero Hitachi support This. Год выпуска: 2009 Жанр: Программа Разработчик: HyperX Издательство: HyperX Язык интерфейса: RUS Платформа: XBOX 360 Системные требования: Ixtreme 1.6 Инструкция: Activate.iso - образ диска. Dump d'un jeux xbox 360 avec le firmware Ixtreme 1.6 et xbox backup creator 2.6 par Codroc. Si è scoperto recentemente che i firmware modificati precedenti (ixtreme 1.6, ixtreme 1.61), mancavano di alcune informazioni sul Calibration Data, presenti nei firmware originali e che ora vengono aggiunte correttamente dall'ultima versione di JungleFlasher. Ricapitolando, l'unico modo sicuro per giocare online con copie. Har iXtreme 1.51 å tenke å oppgradere til 1.6, men kva ustyr treng eg for slikt om eg skal eventuel prøve meg fram å er kjansen stor for brick om du fylg en skikkelig tutorial på nette ? lambador. lambador's Avatar. 444 326 · 16. oktober 2009. Du trenger en PC med SATA-tilkobling. Et connectivity kit kan gjøre. ""Tutorial"" Flashear Lite-on 93450 y 83850V2 iXtreme 1.6. Ya es posible flashear estos lectores Lite-On 93450 y 83850V2 para esto necesitaremos: 1._ Lector 93450C o 83850V2 respectivamente 2._ 1 resistencia de 22 Ohm a 1 Watt 1 resistencia de 20 Ohm a 1 Watt 1 resistencia de 18 Ohm a 1 Watt Carga Wave 4 y Wave 5 parcheando el backup con ppf-o-matic o 360 Waves Patcher iXtreme 1.6 --> Carga cualquier backup anterior a la protección Wave 4 - Carga Wave 4 y Wave 5 utilizando activate.iso iXtreme 1.61 --> Carga cualquier backup anterior a la protección hasta el momento, osea Wave 5 Fala Galera, Atualizei e revisei processo de desbloqueio e atualização para drives Benqs. Ja segue com as novas alteracoes para instalacao do Ixtreme 1.6. Introducao: O procedimento é muito parecido com o drive samsung, as diferencas esta no modo de colocar em vendor mode. Para quem serve este. iXtreme 1.6 - 1.6.1 -> На ней работают: Все лицензионные диски. Все пиратские диски до 4й волны. Все непропатченные пиратские диски до 4й волны с прямыми секторами. Все пиратские образы, до 6й волны, если использовать activate.iso iXtreme LT+ 1.0 и 1.1 -> Их особенности: Больше. В настоящее время существует несколько версий прошивок с поддержкой сетевой игры: ixtreme 1.5; ixtreme 1.5.1; ixtreme 1.6; ixtreme 1.6.1. Каждая из них символизирует собой волну игр, которые она поддерживает. Скажем прошивка 1.6 поддерживает игры 3й волны, игры 2 и 1 волны. Чтобы играть в игры. Read the Review. Datum toegevoegd: 06/10/2010 door Dave Motshagen. Ik heb mijn gloednieuwe xbox 360 elite zwart 120 gb laten ombouwen naar IXtreme 1.6.1 ik ben er zeer. c4eva's iXtreme LT plus 3.0 for Slim XBOX 360s is now available to install for fresh mods or firmware updates. This firmware fixes issues with AP25 and XGD3 discs due to... This changes the CRC of video partition, and thus iXtreme 1.6 will not allow to boot these discs. Hopefully a new firmware will be released to address. 400 zł: Xbox 360 elite 120 gb cały zestaw + 2 pady ( jeden bezprzewodowy drugi na kablu ) + kinect + nagrywarka konsla jest przerobiona ixtreme 1.6 do dziś gram w fife 18 przez internet :) do zestawu do... E ai, beleza? Eu tenho um xbox 360 deve fazer uns 6 meses, só que comecei a ter vontade de jogar ele online, pra isso eu sei q tenho q usar o Ixtreme LT. só que eu nao consegui achar nenhum tutorial que ensinasse a substituir, ou primeiro deletar o meu desbloqueia para depois colocar o LT. Queria a. 11 janv. 2012. Si votre lecteur a été flashé après ou pendant le mois de mai 2009 : Ixtreme 1.6. Si vous avez une Xbox360 de type FAT et que votre lecteur est un Lite-On : Si votre lecteur a été flashé après ou le 25 décembre 2011 : LT+ 3.0; Si votre lecteur a été flashé après ou pendant le mois d'octobre 2011 : LT+ 2.0.