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Manual crab pot puller: >> << (Download)
Manual crab pot puller: >> << (Read Online)
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Results 1 - 7 of 7 If you love to put out crab or shrimp pots to catch your own dinner, but hate the work of hauling up all that wet line and a heavy trap, it's time to invest in a line puller! Often referred to as a crab pot puller or a shrimp pot puller – a pot puller can be a real back saver – making retrieval faster with far less effort.
31 Aug 2014
Low amp usage but plenty of might to pull 1-3 prawn traps or 1 crab trap. Uses TRAC Power Connectors. They have a technical information section that has all manuals as well as dims and mounting inform Scotty 2500 Electric Trap/Pot Line Puller. $350.00. 0 bids. Pulls one crab trap or up to four prawn traps.
“I have been a convert to EZ Pull's crab/shrimp puller for the last 10 years. It's quiet, strong, dependable and fast. In my view, it is the best puller available in the Pacific northwest for sport shrimping & crabbing." Tony Floor. "I have owned a EZ pull pot puller for over 10 years and I think it is the superb puller on the market for
Has anyone ever built a homemade crab pot puller? I really don't have the money to buy one, so I would like to know what you all have done. I looked at the electric motor kits (to add to my own welded arm), but those are still around $700 from what I've seen! I have a 16' welded skiff with wood floor boards. Could I bolt
Products 1 - 25 of 25 Mfr. Quality Products Northwest Crab & Shrimp Pot Pullers. Handy Hauler Manual Pot Puller. Your arms do the work and the block and Davit pipe save your back $314.14 - $451.71. View Details
Manual crab pot puller used in Scotty mounts 241 or 244. Aids in lifting heavy crab pots.
EZ-PULL MANUAL CRAB POT PULLERS. Item # CSH-EZMPP. View Details. no-shipping. MANUAL DAVIT / PULLER W/ DR MNT. Item # CSH3EGS. $167.95. Add to Cart. SPARE DAVIT PIN 3/8" X 2-1/2". Item # CSH98404A386. $9.00. Add to Cart. CRAB POT PULLER W/PULLEY &CHAIN. Item # FOL-F008. $48.95.
30 Nov 2017 At Discovery Bay Marine Gear we manufacturer high-quality electric and manual fishing systems designed for both the recreational and commercial marine fishing industry. Our crab pot pullers include: both manual hand pull davit pullers as well as well as the finest line of 12 volt electric recreational / light : Premium Heavy Duty Schedule 80 Crab Pot Puller Davit Package : Boating Equipment : Sports & Outdoors.