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Action, File Title, Filename. Required Login, The Eye of Revelation" by Peter Kelder - 1939 AND 1946 Editions · Ancient_Anti-Aging_Secrets_of_the_Five_Tibetan_Rites.pdf
is Kelder's "lost" 1946 Edition, reprinted for the first time with incredible new information about Mantram Mind Magic and the. Power of "Aum." The Eye of Revelation: The Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation. Buy The Complete Version of This Book at.
Eye of Revelation - The Original Five Rites of Rejuvenation, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1989,. ISBN 0-945685-04-1. The rites are comprised of five different movements (with a sixth added for good measure), with each movement performed up to 21 times (Tibetans believe 21 is a perfect, mystical number).
The exact same Five Rituals that were passed onto Peter Kelder, who went on to write "The Ancient Fountain of Youth" and "The Eye of Revelation" - where he documented the amazing power of these five rituals, and how they had the power to radically make anyone look and feel . Distributed as PDF and MP3 audio files.
Annotating Author & Publisher's Note The edited sections & advice given in this book is not intended to replace or supersede professional medical advice. If you have any serious medical or psychological problems, you should consult your physician before undertaking these exercises or dietary recommendations. Neither
THE EYE OF REVELATION. –By –. PETER HELDER. PART GNE. One a?tern?on I dropped int? the Travelers Club t? ?scill? sudden shower, and while Weilled in all Envy ch?ir waiting ?t?r in It! Elrir lip I ?ell inlu a c?nversaliull will il III ?il iller?still; t?l?l gentleman; one who, ulth?ugh I did not know it then, was destined t? change the
Eye of Revelation, Peter Kelder, Five Rites, Borderland Sciences, Authentic Alternative Science.
12 сен 2007 Полюбуйтесь на интересный вариант книги : (только вот цена немного кусается :) :) :) ) The 1939 editions of the Eye of Revelation have earned millions for their publishers. This 1946 .
THE EYE. OF. REVELATION. By Peter Kelder. Five Secret Rites of the Tibetan Lamas - Discovering The. Fountain of Youth. Personal Development Institute. INFORMATION AND EDUCATION SERVICES
THE EYE OF REVELATION: The Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation [Peter Kelder, J. W. Watt] on *FREE* Two million copies of Peter Kelder's 1939 edition of the Eye of Revelation have been sold. The Five Tibetans DVD: An Expert Teacher's Practice Guide + Two Bonus Training Manuals (PDF) DVD.