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Prot pally mage tower challenge guide: >> << (Download)
Prot pally mage tower challenge guide: >> << (Read Online)
protection paladin artifact challenge guide
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mage tower prot paladin guide
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4 Aug 2017
The prot challenge for pallys is so fucking obscene. By the time I last checked (~12h ago) not a Single pally on the discord has done it making it the only challenge yet to be beaten over all classes. We have to nibble down 160M HP (not countIng adds), wich is more than a lot of the dps challenges.
5 Sep 2017 Please instruct. I have read/watched every guide, I'm going in with food, legendaries, flasks, potions, 920 ilvl, the right talents, everything, and I can't even get past Phase 1 and I don't understand why. Mind Shear's hitting for 2M and the knockbacks are all over the place. Valen getting stomped by anything
As far as the increased hp I guess it's since protection paladins have the strongest damage out of all protection specs in that challenge. Nowhere near top DPS, we are long surpassed by pretty much every spec (except for DKs). The reason is we used to be top and we are still paying for it months later after
26 Apr 2017
12 Jul 2017 However, not even I was prepared for the Mage Tower Artifact Challenge. The Mage Tower Artifact Challenge is actually a collection of solo trials with different versions for different specs. There's about five different DPS only challenges (including one for Disc Priests) and then a tank and a healer one.
15 Dec 2017
7 Jun 2017 Since we first saw it in Legion beta, Protection Paladins coveted the Crest of Holy Fire, the hidden Artifact appearance which turns our sword into a flail like the Diablo 3 Crusader. The Crest of Holy Like the other Artifact challenges, Kruul is only available when the Mage Tower is up. Your first attempt is
Learn how to defeat the Artifact Challenge encounter, The Highlord's Return, as a Protection Paladin. In this guide, we'll go over optimal talents, legendaries, gear, consumables, and spec-specific tips.
So I have completed all 36 mage tower challenges and I can say without a doubt the absolute hardest is the prot paladin one. The simple reason being the more hp the boss has the more rng involved. Now I beat some of the tank ones in literally 3-5 tries. The demon hunter and monk ones are stupid easy