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iso 4034
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Thread size d, M5, M6, M8, M10, M12, M16, M20, (M22), M24, (M27), M30, (M33), M36. P, 0,8, 1, 1,25, 1,5, 1,75, 2, 2,5, 2,5, 3, 3, 3,5, 3,5, 4. dw, min. 6,7, 8,7, 11,5, 15,5, 17,2, 22, 22,7, 29,5, 33,2, 38, 42,7, 46,5, 51,1. e, min. 8,63, 10,89, 14,2, 18,72, 20,88, 26,17, 32,95, 35,03, 39,55, 45,2, 50,85, 55,37, 60,79. m, nominal, 4, 5. The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable to its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 225, Fasteners — Bolts,. ISO 4034:2012 specifies the characteristics of hexagon regular nuts (style 1) with threads from M5 up to and including M64 and product grade C. General information. Current status : Published. Publication date : 2012-12. Edition : 4. Number of pages : 5. Technical Committee. : ISO/TC 2/SC 12. Fasteners with metric internal. Status: Check Gyldig. Norsk tittel: Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) — Product grade C. Engelsk tittel: Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) — Product grade C. Varetype: Standard. Språk: Engelsk. Utgave: 4 (2012-12-13). Erstatter: ISO 4034:1999 Alert Tilbaketrukket. Antall sider: 5. Pris: NOK 403,00 (eks. mva) NOK 503,75 (ink. mva). 15.1 Dimensional comparison of hexagon nuts according to DIN and ISO standards. Table 19. Nuts according to ISO 4032, ISO 4033, ISO 4034 and ISO 8673 as well as nuts for high-strength structural boltings according to ISO 898 Part 2 or Part 6 (marking of the property class without bar on top of the part,. d. M 5. M 6. M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24 M 27. P. (pitch). 0,8. 1. 1,25. 1,5. 1,75. 2. 2. 2,5. 2,5. 2,5. 3. 3 e. (min). 8,63 10,89 14,20 17,59 19,85 22,75 26,17 29,56 32,95 37,29 39,55 45,2 m. (max). 5,6. 6,1. 7,9. 9,5. 12,2 13,9 15,9 16,9. 19. 20,2 22,3 24,7 s. 8. 10. 13. 16. 18. 21. 24. 27. 30. 34. d, M 5, M 6, M 8, M 10, M 12, M 14, M 16, M 18, M 20, M 22, M 24, M 27. P (pitch), 0,8, 1, 1,25, 1,5, 1,75, 2, 2, 2,5, 2,5, 2,5, 3, 3. e (min), 8,63, 10,89, 14,20, 17,59, 19,85, 22,75, 26,17, 29,56, 32,95, 37,29, 39,55, 45,2. m (max), 5,6, 6,1, 7,9, 9,5, 12,2, 13,9, 15,9, 16,9, 19, 20,2, 22,3, 24,7. s, 8, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 34, 36. Purchase your copy of BS EN ISO 4034:2012 as a PDF download or hard copy directly from the official BSI Shop. All BSI British Standards available online in electronic and print formats. Maße, M 5, M 6, M 8, M 10, M 12, M 14, M 16, M 18, M 20, M 22, M 24, M 27, M 30. m, 5,6, 6,1, 7,9, 9,5, 12,2, 13,9, 15,9, 16,9, 19, 20,2, 22,3, 24,7, 26,4. s, 8, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 34, 36, 41, 46. Maße, M 33, M 36, M 39, M 42, M 45, M 48, M 52, M 56, M 60, M 64. m, 29,5, 31,9, 34,3, 34,9, 36,9, 38,9, 42,9, 45,9, 48,9, 52,. Sechskantmutter DIN EN ISO 4034 (siehe auch alte Bez. DIN 555). Technisches Datenblatt laden (PDF)zurück zur Produktübersicht. Wir sind DIN. ISO 9001. zertifiziert! Lippische Eisenindustrie GmbH • Alter Weg 57 • 32760 Detmold • Germany • Tel 05231 / 564-0 • Fax 05231 / 9624-255. China Mainland Dongtai QB Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. Inquiry. Mr.Dai Mobile Phone: +86-13914669268 Telephone: +86-515-85520679,85921968. Material: stainless steel; Specification: M3-M100, according to customer requirements. You will get the best price if inform us the information comes from ISO 4034:2012. Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) - Product grade C. standard by International Organization for Standardization, 01/01/2012. View all product details. Most Recent. Track It. Language: English. Available Formats; Options; Availability; Priced From ( in USD ). PDF;; Immediate download; $45.00; Add to Cart. Moreover, the content of the standard has been brought in line with the revised ISO 898-2. This standard is identical to the European Standard EN ISO 4034:2012 in which the International Standard ISO 4034:2012 was adopted without any modifications. This standard has been prepared by ISO/TC 2 "Fasteners" in. Title: hexagon nut iso - 4034 - m6 - s. Description: Catalog: User Library. Categories: Hardware, Nuts. Added on: 02 Sep, 2004. Downloads: 1258. Average rating:. Table 25.1 Matching Ordinary Assemblies2 Grade Bolt Nut (1) Washer Incorporating full threaded length bolts 4.6 BS EN ISO 4018 BS EN ISO 4034 (Class 4) (3) BS EN ISO 7091 (100HV) 8.8 BS EN ISO 4017 (2) BS EN ISO 4032 (2) (Class 8) (4) BS EN ISO 37091 (100HV) 10.9 BS EN ISO 4017 (2) BS EN ISO 4032 (2). EVS-EN ISO 4034:2012. Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) - Product grade C (ISO 4034:2012) Yararlanılan Kaynak : EN ISO 4034:2000. Uluslararası Karşılıklar : EN ISO 4034-EQV; ISO 4034-EQV; DIN EN ISO 4034-EQV; BS EN ISO 4034-EQV; NF E25-402,NF EN ISO 4034-EQV. Tercüme Edildiği STD : EN ISO 4034. ICS Kodu : 21.060.20 Somunlar. Atıf Yapılan STD : TS 7940 EN 20225 :1996; : (ISO 724:1993);; TS. la présente norme internationale spécifie les caractéristiques des écrous hexagonaux normaux (style 1) de diamètres de filetage m5 à m64 inclus, de grade c. si, dans des cas particuliers, des spécifications autres que celles figurant dans la présente norme internationale sont requises, elles peuvent... SFS Unimarket > 12 Buntmetall/Kunststoff > Verbindungselemente Kunststoff > DIN 555 > Kunststoff > DIN 555 (ISO 4034) - FN 160 - Polyamid 6.6, weiss - Sechskantmuttern 3D CAD models. 4.1.19 BS EN ISO 4034: 2001 Hexagon nuts style 1 – product grade C Dimensions 30° d d e m s m' m' 15° Example for the designation of a hexagon nut with thread size d M12 and property class 5: Countersink at Hexagon nut ISO 4034 – M12 – 5 BS EN ISO 4034: 2001 Table 1 start of thread permissible Preferred sizes. Nen afmeting = max. 19. 24. 30. 36. 41 min. 18,48. 23,16. 29,16. 35. 40 d1. Onderlegring binnen-Ø. 14. 18. 22. 26. 30 d2. Onderlegring buiten-Ø. 24. 30. 37. 44. 50. Afb. Y. Nen lengte l. Klembereik lK. 30. 5 – 9. M 12 13. 35. 10 – 14. 6 – 10. M 12 35. M 16 35. 40. 15 – 19. 11 – 15. 8 – 12. M 12 40. M 16 40. M 20 40. 45. Find the most up-to-date version of ISO 4034 at Engineering360. Thread size d, M5, M6, M8, M10, M12, M16, M20, (M22), M24, (M27), M30, (M33), M36. P, 0,8, 1, 1,25, 1,5, 1,75, 2, 2,5, 2,5, 3, 3, 3,5, 3,5, 4. dw, min. 6,7, 8,7, 11,5, 15,5, 17,2, 22, 22,7, 29,5, 33,2, 38, 42,7, 46,5, 51,1. e, min. 8,63, 10,89, 14,2, 18,72, 20,88, 26,17, 32,95, 35,03, 39,55, 45,2, 50,85, 55,37, 60,79. m, nominal, 4, 5. Buy ISO 4034:2012 Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) - Product grade C from SAI Global. Klíčová slova: Matice šestihranná - výrobní třída C ISO4034 DIN555 DIN972 ČSN021601 EN24034. Norma: ISO 4034. Odpovídající normy: EN 24034. ČSN 021601. DIN 972. DIN 555. Váha / 100 : 160,00 kg. Průměr, 60 mm. od 3 balení, 39 030,96 Kč / 100 ks, Sleva 3%. od 5 balení, 38 226,20 Kč / 100 ks, Sleva 5%. Oznaka standarda: SIST EN ISO 4034:2013. Koda projekta: 00185328. Organizacija: SIST. Naslov (angleški):, Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) - Product grade C (ISO 4034:2012). Naslov (slovenski):, Šestrobe matice (tip 1) - Razred izdelave C (ISO 4034:2012). W niniejszej Normie Międzynarodowej określono charakterystyki nakrętek sześciokątnych (odmiany 1) z gwintem od M5 do M64 włącznie i klasy dokładności C. Jeżeli, w szczególnych przypadkach, wymagane są warunki techniczne odmienne od tych wymienionych w nin. This Standard was redrafted by reference to ISO 4034:2012, Hexagon Regular Nuts (Style 1) – Product Grade C (English edition). The technical differences between this Standard and ISO 4034:2012 and their reasons are as follows: -- it deletes the specifications of ISO 4034, “If, in special cases, specifications other than. Šesťhranné matice bežné (typ 1). Výrobná trieda C (ISO 4034: 2012) ISO > Mechanical systems and components of general use > Fasteners > Nuts. Sprzedajemy śruby, nakrętki, wkręty, podkładki, kołki, elementy złączne. Największy wybór śrub z łbem sześciokątnym, śrub ze stali nierdzewnej, nakrętek sześciokątnch. Rozmiar nominalny d Rozmiar klucza s Wysokość nakrętki m M1 2,5 - M1,2 3 - M1,4 3 - M1,6 3,2. ISO 4034 - nakrętki sześciokątne. Centrum elementów złącznych Wiking Kraków. MAXIMET - Bezpośredni importer elementów zlącznych. Fastställd/Approved: 2013-01-03. Publicerad/Published: 2013-01-07. Utgåva/Edition: 2. Språk/Language: engelska/English. ICS: 21.060.20. SS-EN ISO 4034:2013. Fästelement – Sexkantsmuttrar (utförande 1) – Produktklass C. (ISO 4034:2012). Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) – Product grade C (ISO 4034:2012). DIN 555 ISO 4034 (Hexagon Nuts) in categories Hex / Nuts. Sechskantmuttern (Typ 1) - Produktklasse C (ISO 4034:2012). ÖNORM EN ISO 4034: 2013 03 15. Hinweis: Nachfolger-Entwurf verfügbar > Anzeigen. Zusammenfassung: Diese Internationale Norm legt Eigenschaften von Sechskantmuttern (Typ 1) mit Gewinden von M5 bis M64 in Produktklasse C fest. Falls in besonderen. Nakrętki sześciokątne. Normy, DIN 934 / DIN 555. PN 82144 / PN - EN 24032. ISO 4032 / ISO 4034 / ISO 8673 / EN 24034. Materiał i klasa: 5 / 5-2 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / A2 / A4 / A5 / 1.4571 / C35 / 24CrMo5 / 25CrMo4 / CuNiSi / mosiądz. Pokrycie: cynk galwaniczny [ZN] / cynk płatkowy [flZnnc] / cynk ogniowy [HDG] / cynk. Errata Corrige numero : EN ISO 4034:2012/AC:2013. Norma numero : EN ISO 4035:2012 - EN ISO 4034:2012. Commissioni Tecniche : [Fasteners]. ICS : [21.060.20]. Data entrata in vigore : 29 maggio 2013. Data ritiro :. ISO-4034 Hex Nut (product grade C) in these materials. U nás si vyberete z desítek druhů matic různých materiálů a velikostí. Nákup spojovacího materiálu nebyl nikdy jednodušší. ISO 4034 — шестигранная гайка с метрической резьбой. Применяется совместно с любыми цилиндрическими предметами и изделиями с соответствующей резьбой в промышленности, машиностроении, строительстве. Гайка ISO 4034 производится из углеродистой стали, нержавеющей стали А2 и А4,. PNE-prEN ISO 4034 Tuercas hexagonales normales (tipo 1). Producto de clase C. (ISO/DIS 4034:2016). Norma: ČSN EN ISO 4034. Název: Šestihranné matice (typ 1) - Výrobní třída C. Třídící znak: 021601. Katalogové číslo: 93496. Obor: 02 - STROJNÍ SOUČÁSTI · 0216 - Matice hrubé. Platnost: Norma není platná - byla nahrazena těmito normami: (021601) ČSN EN ISO 4034 (Neplatné normy lze dodat - informujte se, prosím,. ISO 4034:2012. Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) — Product grade C. This document has been re-assessed by the committee, and judged to still be up to date. ISO 4034:2012 specifies the characteristics of hexagon regular nuts (style 1) with threads from M5 up to and including M64 and product grade C. INDUSTRIAS UGATU - Fabricación y comercialización de tuercas, arandelas, tornillos y varillas de acero. (STİL: 1) - MAMUL KALİTESİ C (ISO 4034:2012). STANDARDI İLE İLGİLİ TEBLİĞ. (TEBLİĞ NO: MSG - MS - 2016/9). Amaç. MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Tebliğin amacı, TS EN ISO 4034 (Haziran 2013) “Altıköşe Normal Somunlar (Stil: 1) - Mamul Kalitesi C (ISO 4034:2012)" standardının uygulamaya konulmasına. Pasirinkite. Veržlės · DIN 315 · DIN 319 · DIN 431 · DIN 439/ ISO 4035 · DIN 466 · DIN 467 · DIN 555/ ISO 4034 · DIN 557 · DIN 562 · DIN 917 · DIN 928 · DIN 929 · DIN 934/ ISO 4032 · DIN 935 · DIN 936/ ISO 4035 · DIN 937 · DIN 979 · DIN 980/ ISO 6925 · DIN 981 · DIN 985/ ISO 10511 · DIN 986 · DIN 1587 · DIN 1804 · DIN. Шестостенни гайки. Клас на точност C (ISO 4034:2012) Hivatkozási szám, MSZ EN ISO 4034:2013. Cím, Hatlapú, szabályos csavaranyák (1. típus). C pontossági fokozat (ISO 4034:2012). Angol cím, Hexagon regular nuts (style 1). Product grade C (ISO 4034:2012). ICS, 21.060.20 Csavaranyák. A szabvány nyelve, angol. Alkalmazási terület, This International Standard specifies. ISO 4034 Hexagon Nuts, production class C Dimensions, Specifications, Standard, Weights, Equivalent and Download PDF. DIN 417, ISO 7435, Slotted set screws with long dog point. DIN 427, ISO 2342, Slotted headless screws with chamfered end. DIN 428, ISO 4034, Hexagon nuts, Grade C. DIN 433, ISO 7092, Washers for use with cheese head screws. DIN 433-1, ISO 7092, Product grade A washers - with a hardness up to 250 HV designed. Nakrętka sześciokątna PN-86/M-82144 DIN 555 ISO 4034 DIN 934 ISO 4032 M2-M100. idt ISO 4034:2012. Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) – Product grade C. Écrous hexagonaux normaux (style 1) – Grade C. Tato norma je českou verzí evropské normy EN ISO 4034:2012. Překlad byl zajištěn Úřadem pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví. Má stejný status jako oficiální verze. This standard. Обозначение: ГОСТ ISO 4034-2014. Статус: действующий. Тип: ГОСТ ИСО. Название русское: Гайки шестигранные нормальные (тип 1). Класс точности С. Название английское: Hexagon regular nuts (style 1). Product gradе С. Дата актуализации текста: 26.02.2016. Дата актуализации описания: 01.01.2018. Table 5: Comparison DIN : ISO. – Wrench sizes for screws and nuts with standard wrench sizes. – Nut heights. Notes: ISO 4032 = also replacement for DIN 970. – RG = Coarse pitch thread. ISO 4034 = also replacement for DIN 972. ISO 8673 = also replacement for DIN 971-1. – FG = Fine pitch thread. ISO 4033 = also. Стандарт. Наименование. Отличие от DIN 555. EN ISO 4034. Гайка шестигранная, класс точности C. В стандартах ISO новый размер под ключ (M10, 12, 14, 22) и другая высота гайки с размерами от М5 до М39. Полностью идентичны гайки с размерами до М5 и свыше М39. China Mainland Dongtai QB Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. Inquiry. Linkman:Mr.Dai Mobile Phone:+86-13914669268 Telephone:+86-515-85520679,85921968. Fax:+86-515-85523066. Material: stainless steel; Specification: M3-M100, according to customer requirements. Please check that WebGL is enabled or upgrade your browser to one that supports WebGL to experience 3D preview. Add this Part to "My Favorites". Send this page to a friend. Do you have a better or corrected version of this model? Post Alternate Version (Login required). Embed this 3D Model in your. - Große Auswahl an ISO 4034 6KT-Muttern zu günstigen Preisen online kaufen! 4 Приказом Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию и метрологии от 21 июля 2015 г. N 942-ст межгосударственный стандарт ГОСТ ISO 4034-2014 введен в действие в качестве национального стандарта Российской Федерации с 1 января 2017 г. 5 Настоящий стандарт идентичен.