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Projection in computer graphics pdf: >> << (Download)
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Viewing requires three basic elements. • One or more objects. • A viewer with a projection surface. • Projectors that go from the object(s) to the projection surface. Classical views are based on the relationship among these elements. • The viewer picks up the object and orients it how she would like to see it. Each object is
“Computer graphics: principles & practice", Foley, vanDam,. Feiner, Hughes, S-LEN 500.1644 M23*1;1-6 (has a good appendix on linear algebra). ? “Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques", Watt and. Watt, S-LEN 500.18 N26;2-5. ? “The OpenGL Programming Guide", Woo, Neider & Davis, S-. LEN 500.18 N72
Now that we can express perspective foreshortening as a matrix, we can composite it onto our other matrices with the usual matrix multiplication. ? End result: can create a single matrix encapsulating modeling, viewing, and projection transforms. ?Though you will recall that in practice OpenGL separates the modelview
University of Freiburg – Computer Science Department – Computer Graphics - 3. Examples. ? left images. ? 3D scene with a view volume. ? right images. ? projections onto the viewplane. ? top-right. ? parallel projection. ? top-bottom. ? perspective projection. [Song Ho Ahn]
Computer Graphics. Chapter 7. Projections. 1. Chapter 7. Chapter 7. Chapter 7. Projections. 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Perspective projection. 7.3 Orthographic parallel projection. 7.4 Projection matrices. 7.5 Camera model
17. Computer Graphics 15-462. Viewing and Projection. • Our eyes collapse 3-D world to 2-D retinal image. (brain then has to reconstruct 3D). • In CG, this process occurs by projection. • Projection has two parts: –Viewing transformations: camera position and direction. –Perspective/orthographic transformation: reduces 3-D.
Computer Graphics and Visualization. Fall 2009. Pedher Johansson. Department of Computer Science. 2. Planar Geometric Projections. ? Standard projections project onto a plane. ? Projectors are lines that either. – converge at a center of projection. – are parallel. ? Nonplanar projections are needed for applications.
Coordinate systems for CG. The real computer graphics guru uses lots of different coordinate systems: w Model space — for describing the objections (aka “object space",. “world space") w World space — for assembling collections of objects (aka “object space", “problem space", “application space") w Eye space — a
25 May 2011 until they hit an image plane image plane perpendicular to viewing direction: orthographic otherwise: oblique. (note: other definitions exist). Characteristics: keep parallel lines parallel preserve size and shape of planar objects. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter. Lecture 07: perspective projection
Rasterization. Display. Clipping. Orthographic/. Perspective. Visual Realism. Geometrical Model. Viewing. Transformations. Rendering/. Shading. Modeling. Transformations. Graphics Pipeline. PROJECTIONS - Classification. Plane Geometric Projections. Parallel. Perspective. Orthographic. Axonometric. Oblique. Trimetric.