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DOCX Jewish Legends by Stefan Zweig epub pc original online free
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Book descriptionThe first and last stories in the collection earn 5 stars. The other stories are less enchanting.Here is the review I wrote for the Washtenaw Jewish News. Stefan Zweig has been restored to wide attention by film director, Wes Anderson, whose recent movie, The Grand Budapest Hotel, is based on Zweig’s writings. In interviews, Anderson lamented the obscurity into which Zweig fell after his death in 1942. In his day, Zweig was among the most acclaimed writers of Europe. His work was translated into fifty languages.The Buried Candelabrum, a novella, and Buchmendel, a short story, are the first and last pieces in a Zweig anthology entitled Jewish Legends. Candelabrum is based on a little-known Jewish legend. In Zweig’s retelling of the story, about the last remaining relic of Solomon’s temple, the narrative is both cinematic and gripping. It takes us through the sweep of Jewish history. Though Zweig was not a religious Jew, he was conversant with the customs and traditions of Jewish observance. He references biblical hallmarks and liturgical touchstones. He recreates the veneration accorded to rabbinic leaders and offers detailed portraits of these figures, emphasizing their tenderness, authority, and compassion. Zweig combines his powers of observation with a spirit of hope, as symbolized in the candelabrum. He embraces the notion that the Jewish people were chosen to be a source of light unto the nations. He follows the candelabrum on its journey through time, over land and sea, to its apocryphal final resting place. Zweig manages to capture the fears and excitement of a seven year old Jewish boy, enlisted to aid his elders, as well as the perspective and experience of an aged sage. Zwieg’s storytelling powers are in full bloom in this narrative, which reveals the author’s yeasty imagination and uncanny powers of observation.Buchmendel is a story about a mousy, reclusive Jacob Mendel, a walking encyclopedia. He lives for books; hence his eponymous nickname. His photographic memory mesmerizes the young narrator of the story, who is in awe of this self-contained Jew. The story, a parable for the people of the book, shows us a man absorbed solely by texts. He is a walking concordance, oblivious to world events. Yet suddenly, he is arrested as a spy, an enemy alien. The story was prescient. It was first published in 1928. Eleven years later, Zweig himself was designated an enemy alien by Great BritainвЂ"shortly after Germany invaded Poland. He soon left for Brazil. In 1936, he published The Buried Candelabrum. It, too, was prescient. If Zweig had only been as prophetic about Hitler’s demise, he might not have taken his own life, which he did in 1942 in a suicide pact with his second wife, Lotte. He was 60 years old. Days before his death, he sent off the completed manuscript of his autobiography and a number of short stories, including The Royal Game, which became the title story of that fine collection.Zweig was born and raised in Vienna. He lived in various parts of Europe, Great Britain, the United States, and Brazil, but he always wrote in German, his beloved native tongue. For most of his life, travel had been one his greatest pleasures. He gave lectures around the world and relished foreign experience. But when travel became necessary for survival, he came to see it as a kind of torture. Writing was Zweig’s primal form of expression. In Buchmendel, he writes: “What is the use of living, when the wind obliterates our footsteps in the sand directly we have gone by?” Then, evoking biblical precedent, and savoring the bible’s spare language, he adds: “and there had arisen a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.” In story after story, Zweig transports the reader through time and space, recalling both Jewish and general history. Zweig wrote fiction, poetry and many biographiesвЂ"of figures including Marie Antoinette, Magellan, Erasmus, and Balzac. Zweig counted among his friends Sigmund Freud; Theodor Herzl; the philosophers Hermann Cohen and Martin Buber; and the writers Arthur Schnitzler and Romain Rolland, a Nobel laureate. Most of Zweig’s writing had nothing to do with Jews or Judaism. But four of the five stories in Jewish Legends are very Jewish. As is the writing.Not only does Candelabrum lay out the sad blueprints of perennial anti-semitism, it also validates the premise of the Zionist movement. Hitherto, Zweig had dismissed the movement as unrealistic and unwarrantedвЂ"despite his admiration for and warm relations with Theodor Herzl, the visionary behind modern Zionism.In the first and last stories of Jewish Legends, Zweig ruminates on mortality, on the ebb and flow of succeeding generations, on the nature of time. The final sentence of Buchmendel, spoken by the story’s narrator, sums it up. “I, a man of education and a writer, had completely forgotten Buchmendel for yearsвЂ"I, who at least should have known that one only makes books in order to keep in touch with one’s fellows after one has ceased to breathe, and thus to defend oneself against the inexorable fate of all that livesвЂ"transitoriness and oblivion.”A passage that links Zweig dramatically to his current champion, Wes Anderson, is the opening paragraph of The Buried Candelabrum. This description of interrupted, gladiatorial combat shows Zweig’s erudition, his pace, and his cinematic bent. “In the Circus Maximus, on a fine June day in the year 455, a combat between two tall Heruli and a sounder of Hyrcanian boar had reached its sanguinary close when, in the third hour of the afternoon, disquiet spread among the thousands of onlookers. At first, it was only those seated near the imperial box who noticed that something was amiss. A horseman, dusty and travel-stained by a long ride, descended the stairway with its statues on either side, and approached the bedizened dais where Maximus lolled, surrounded by courtiers. The Emperor listened to the tidings, sprang to his feet, andвЂ"disregarding the convention which forbade him to leave while the games were in progressвЂ"hastened out, followed by his train. The senatorial benches likewise and those of the other dignitaries quickly emptied. The cause must be grave for such a breach of etiquette. Naturally the common folk grew uneasy.”I am deeply indebted to Wes Anderson for introducing me to Stefan Zweig, whose writing carried me away. I don’t remember the last time I opened a book and could not put it down, as was the case with Jewish Legends. If you read only the first and last stories of this collection, you will appreciate the legacy of this great writer.Jewish Legends by Stefan Zweig find download shop iBooks epub
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