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Gorgo Full Movie In Hindi Free Download
Greedy sailors capture a giant lizard off the coast of Ireland and sell it to a London circus. Then its mother shows up.
A salvage vessle is nearly sunk off the Irish coast by an undersea earthquake. A few nights later, a walking sea monster tangles with the fishing boats and enters the town. The salvage vessel captures Gorgo and takes it to London for display. Gorgo's mother, who is upset and significantly larger follows his trail to London leaving a wake of destruction in her path.
This is one of those movies from which I refer to as the "golden age of monster movies". As a kid, I enjoyed any kind of monster picture. Godzilla was one of my favorites, and I would have to say that Gorgo was second. Back in the '50s and '60s, they didn't have the technology for special effects as they do now. Gorgo (or actually Gorgo's child) comes to life after a huge undersea earthquake in the North Atlantic. The fishermen who capture it are supposed to take it to the University of Dublin in Ireland for study. The two fishermen have a better idea. They decide to take it to London, and put it on display at a circus. Unknown to them, it's just a baby, and pretty soon, mama comes looking for her offspring. The adult Gorgo is over 200 feet high. (is it the mama or papa?...we don't really know). The adult finds it way to London (sinking a ship on the way) and totally trashes the city. Gorgo reclaims her child, and heads back to sea. This is one of the few monster movies where the monster actually lives at the end. I thoroughly enjoyed this picture as a child, and I enjoy looking for all those old monster pictures. I guess you'll beleive anything when you are 6 years old!
A better-than-average giant lizard movie from Britain, this is a fairly well-made and exciting monster flick.
Sailors capture a huge, scaly sea monster and take it to London to be a tourist attraction. Unfortunately this 'monster' is only a baby and its MUCH BIGGER mother is on the way to save it!
Gorgo is an epic B picture thats a notch above all the rest on every level. The story is more creative than the normal giant monster movie, it doesn't have one of those clichéd conclusions either. The creature FX (while granted the monster is a big rubber suit) are far more impressive and ominous than most of its kind. There's lots of intense action to be had, especially in the destructive climax! The music score is nice as well.
The cast is better than average too. Leading men Bill Travers and William Sylvester do some solid performances, even young Vincent Winter isn't bad as a kid who wants to see the creature set free.
All the way Gorgo is a better quality monster movie than most of its breed. Genre fans will find it a worth-wild watch.
*** 1/2 out of ****