Monday 15 March 2010 photo 1/1
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Kommentera annars kommer jag tro att du inte gillar mig eller till och med hatar mig vill höra din åsikt so pleez kommentera. <3
Varför leva på en lögn när man kan leva på en sanning?
1. I thought you were my friend,
but you leave me alone,
I thought you were here with me,
but you left me,
here with the memories,
the good and the bad,
but I want you back,
but you don't care,
if I die alone you can't cry,
because you don't remember me,
now I don't know if you hate me or not,
but you have always a place in my heart,
and you can take it back when you need me.
2.Sometimes I don't know,
don't know anything,
I think on you,
I cry sometimes in my bed,
I miss you so much,
why does it happens,
they separate me and you,
and one thing I wonder,
why do you're sister,brother and parents hate me?
why need I this,
I've told you my secrets but you told it to other persons before you ask me if it's OK,
but it isn't OK,
how can I ever trust you again?
3.Sometimes, anywhere,
I see the light,
but it always go away,
cause in this dark world,
I need a light.
Kommentera ett:
! om du tror att det är dig jag menar.
<3 om jag finns i ditt hjärta.
¤ om du känner igen dig i en av texterna och isåfall i vilken. Kanske alla?
* om du hatar mig.
? om du inte fattar att man kan tycka så här.
# om du inte vet.
Varför leva på en lögn när man kan leva på en sanning?
1. I thought you were my friend,
but you leave me alone,
I thought you were here with me,
but you left me,
here with the memories,
the good and the bad,
but I want you back,
but you don't care,
if I die alone you can't cry,
because you don't remember me,
now I don't know if you hate me or not,
but you have always a place in my heart,
and you can take it back when you need me.
2.Sometimes I don't know,
don't know anything,
I think on you,
I cry sometimes in my bed,
I miss you so much,
why does it happens,
they separate me and you,
and one thing I wonder,
why do you're sister,brother and parents hate me?
why need I this,
I've told you my secrets but you told it to other persons before you ask me if it's OK,
but it isn't OK,
how can I ever trust you again?
3.Sometimes, anywhere,
I see the light,
but it always go away,
cause in this dark world,
I need a light.
Kommentera ett:
! om du tror att det är dig jag menar.
<3 om jag finns i ditt hjärta.
¤ om du känner igen dig i en av texterna och isåfall i vilken. Kanske alla?
* om du hatar mig.
? om du inte fattar att man kan tycka så här.
# om du inte vet.

Men vi står ju inte så nära varann <3
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