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Ir56b pdf 2017: >> << (Download)
Ir56b pdf 2017: >> << (Read Online)
employer's return of remuneration and pensions 2017
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??2017 ?3 ?31 ?1??, IR 56B(PDF). - ??????3 ?31 ?1??, IR 56B(PDF). BIR56A???IR56B????????, Notes and instruction for Formd BIR56A and IR56B(PDF). IR 56E, ?????????????????? ( * ????????), IR 56E(PDF). IR 56F, ????????????????????
FOR THE YEAR FROM 1 APRIL 2016 TO 31 MARCH 2017. 1. Employer's File No. (as shown at the top left hand corner of the address box on Please provide a copy of the completed Form IR56B to your employee and retain a copy for reference. Replacement of the form (sheet no. ) submitted on one of the above boxes
For the year ended 31 March 2017, IR 56B(PDF). - For the year ended 31 March of other years, IR 56B(PDF). Notes and Instructions for Forms BIR56A and IR56B, Notes and instructions for Forms BIR56A and IR56B(PDF). IR 56E, Notification by an employer of an employee who commences to be employed (* e-filing
24 Apr 2017 Specimen on Completion of Form IR56B - For Employees Still Under Employment as at 31 March manual IR56Bs should start from 900001. 6Y1 31 03 2017. 1 0 0 0 0 0. 01 04 2016. 31 03 2017. 7 1 1 2 0 0. Supply the latest address. Remind employee to notify IRD of change in postal address.
2017?4?24? ?????. ????. IR56B ??. ??,???. ?????. ?? - ?????. ????. ??????. ?????. BIR56A ??. ????? - ?????. 1 ?IR56B. ?????. ?????. ????? ????????IR56B. ???????? ?????. ????? 2016. 2017. 2016. 2017. ?????(
24 Apr 2017 -Use IRD IR56B self-developed. IR56B software, for dispatch of general tax information. acceptable: telephone number of. ?????(????):. ERIC(e-filing):. XXXXXXXXXX. 1 8 7 8 0 2 2. 2017. 2 0 1 7 ? 4 ? 3 ?. 03 A PR 2 017. ???. MISS TSUI SIU-FONG, MARIA. Room 230 Success Commercial
4 May 2017 IRD IR56B Software version 4.2. (Last updated in March 2017). English, Chinese. 1. Installation Program. 2. Installation and Operation Guide. 3. Employer's Obligations (IR56H)
20 Apr 2017 delivery. D. Sample file in XML format for submission via e-upload or physical delivery. E. XML Schema for verifying the file for submission via e-upload or physical delivery. F. Data Specifications and Layout of IR56B Record for applications approved before 1 March 2014. IR56B Spec. (Apr 2017)
19 Sep 2017 Company carrying on business in Hong Kong is obliged to file Form IR56B for all its employees, irrespective whether the employee rendered services in or outside Hong Kong, so long as their total income exceeded the limit as laid down in Note 1(a) of Notes and Instructions for forms BIR56A and IR56B.
Note 3 below) for the year from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 is in excess of $132,000 (if employed for less than a year, a proportionately reduced amount). (ii) Directors, married persons and part-time employees who were likely to have other income chargeable to Salaries. Tax, irrespective of any amount paid and whether