Monday 26 March 2012 photo 1/1
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Någon mer än jag som gillar att rp?((Rollspela)) Ja, jag tycker det är jätte roligt att göra det på imvu, specielt när jag har en outfit och natur som hjälper :3
Här är en simpel T1 entre till ett RP rum.
With a huge sound he woke up, confused as salivary got down like a flood from his mouth. He wiped it away and took a look around, he was still in the train, seems like the big locomotive had made those sounds again though he could sleep very well but not this time it seems. A big wind swept by over his cold skin as he pull his dirty smelly jacket into himself. He looked at his brittish 10 pound in his hand, he'd soon be in London, he looked up to the star filled sky, started to imagine his life there, even though it'd take 8 hours before he'd be there he couldn't wait untill he would get there. He smiled and igamine that he would get a small jobb, an easy jobb to start with, then earn money to buy food and earn more and more untill he could have his own small house, there would be a garden too, with green grass and a lot of flowers and also a lot of food in the tree made table and new clean clothes that didn't smell. He knew it was hard to get a jobb but he would give it a try, even though people would see him as a pitifull homeless boy that smells like the rats in the sewers and haven't brush his teeth in awhile. His dream poofed away from his mind when the train started to move with a high speed and jumped a little, seems like it had hit a big rock. It started to lean against the left as he could see the down from the very high view from the train as he was about to fall down to the water and there was no mountains that was under, just a big empty hole between him and the hard ground. As lucky he was it was those thick metal sticks holding the long train bridge up as then with a thud it had go back and he wasn't about to fall for his death, he thought for that moment. Untill after a moment when the train was almost near the other side it made a big jump and like a horse it threw him out as he screamed, he landed on the thick snow but it punched him out and he falled again and landed once more as he at the end got to the thick ice, lucky he wasn't heavy but that was because he haven't had any food for some days and he only weight 88.2 lb now. Slowly he got up but his body stopped him as he puked out something green that have been inside his stomach, his stomach growled and was in pain and so was the arms and legs and his back but he couldn't give up now, he had to keep moving. How else would he get to London? He watched the train as it with a high speed left him down there and made that sound again. With something green coming out from his mouth and some got on his clothes and a little higher up on his chest he tried to whipe it away but it was useless, he started to move forwards but his body screamed in pain and wanted to rest. He had to find some people who could help him. He walked some more as his pants was wet and got very tight but not tight enough to strangle his skinny legs, he looked at his dirty dark brown belt as he had to make another hole to not let the pants drop down but right now he didn't have anything sharp so he'd let it go from his thoughts. He had some black shoes but as lucky he was they where warm enough to warm his cold feet, he felt something in his back as he remember his note that said "Will work for food." He had put it there for some thought for help but it didn't work that well. He let it be there on his dirty jacket as he felt another cold wind, he pulled it closer to his black t-shirt, it was also smelly and dirty and it was big to him so it hang about middle of his chest. He suddenly saw some people, they had armors that shined with silver and warm dark clothes was under and there, they had got a big fish and a fire as well. He could probably warm himself and get something to eat. He got closer to them but it wasn't what he had expected, with a hard punch one of his tooth flew down to the snow as he couldn't find it, blood got out from his mouth and nose as he had dark blue and purple marks on his face and chest. One of the guys in armor yelled and hold his heavy foot on his skinny weak tummy. -"Get out of here you little brat and don't think that you're going to steal our food. GO AWAY!" The man in armor made an hard punch in his stomach as it growled in pain and he almost screamed loud -"Uggh...." He started to cough as the man in armor looked at him, waited for him to go. -"You don't have any chance to win, you don't even have any muscles." He said laughing and the others laughed as well, he wiped away the blood from his mouth and saw a strange large tree stick. It was a very old one but it would work, with a jump he takes it and hits the armor guy right in the face where the armor couldn't protect. -"AAAH!! MY NOSE!" The man screamed and bows down a little but it was enough for him to punch the man with the stick and run. He sighs as he thought he was lost but he saw some other people by a fire, it was a very old man and a younger man sitting together as they suddenly walked away with their stuff and thought the fire would go down by itself. He had luck though, when the two men was gone he slowly and carefully walked to the fire, he still had a chance to save the fire as he started at once. With his hand over the warm fire he sighs once again, now what would he do? The armor men took his only money he had, and he couldn't probably find another train as well, how can he possibly go to London now? Maybe it wasn't meant to him to go there, maybe there was a reason till why he got thrown off the train. Or just.... Maybe he've bad luck. Nothing to do he started to sang a song that just come up to his mind, his voice was somewhat deep but it would fit the song as well. When he sang the last part of his song he mumbled low for himself as he sighs at the end and have a thin tree branch in his hand that would touch the fire and the stones around, he poked the old sticks and some paper that was in the fire as some small parts flied up in the air then danced down to the white snow on the ground. He pull his dirty black jacket closer to his body as he starts to shiver a little, he goes closer to the fire to hope that it'd help a little. He suddenly heard some noices as he turned his head to the direction, it was pretty far away. Hopefully he thought it wouldn't get here, if it was those bad armor men or maybe even a monster. He rubbed his hands into each other to make them warm as he have them over the fire again. It helped a little... but not that much. He sighs as he looks up to the star filled sky, wonder if that train is already in London now. -"Maybe I should give up on London.." He said for himself a little sad and disappointed.Jaaah! Min engelska suger lite men jag tränar fortfarande :b
Comment the photo

Mon 26 Mar 2012 21:56
RP är något v det underbaraste som finns, har dock aldrig testat det på IMVU.. o-o

Mon 26 Mar 2012 22:36
Jag vet och nähe? Det finns faktiskt några bra rp rum och har gjort en själv medans min kompis jag delar account med Inte visste det :3 Men det är roligt, bara hitta några bra outfits elr en och gå till ett passande rum elr där det finns många personer och börja göra en entre och starta din rp med de andra. Själv har jag lyckats rollspela 6 karaktärer i min rp förutt samtidigt. Roligt vare men jobbigt att skriva medans de andra väntade otåligt :/
försökte rpa för några år sedan men jag var typ för stel haha, har alltid varit lite avis på de som kan :)

Mon 26 Mar 2012 18:40
mhm, men man får ju träna elr tja... jag gör det för jag tycker det är väldigt roligt, ser det inte som att träna på engelska elr nåt, gillar att skriva små berättelser/noveller elr rp nu då :3
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