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Intel gather instruction: >> << (Download)
Intel gather instruction: >> << (Read Online)
scatter gather algorithm
intel intrinsics tutorial
simd gather
gather scatter
intel avx gather
avx2 instructions tensorflow
avx2 instructions
As Casey mentioned on stream for newer instruction set AVX2 which is available starting with Intel Haswell CPU's there are gather instructions that can fetch memory from multiple locations with single instruction and store all results in one SSE/AVX register. This is exactly what this loop does (which is last
13 May 2016 Knights Landing introduces an AVX-512 v(p)gather instruction that normally provides better effectiveness and wider applicability/flexibility than v(p)gather instructions in AVX2 or Knights Corner (which is IMCI ISA based). AVX-512 gather (and scatter) support various combinations of index vs. offset vs.
Opcode/Instruction, Op/En, 64/32 -bit Mode, CPUID Feature Flag, Description. VEX.DDS.128.66.0F38.W0 92 /r VGATHERDPS xmm1, vm32x, xmm2, A, V/V, AVX2, Using dword indices specified in vm32x, gather single-precision FP values from memory conditioned on mask specified by xmm2. Conditionally gathered
SHIFT instructions: Intel® AVX2 vector SHIFT instructions operate with per-element shift count and support data element sizes of 32- and 64-bits. GATHER instructions: The Intel® AVX2 vector GATHER instructions are used for fetching non-contiguous data elements from memory using vector-index memory addressing.
It is the vector-equivalent of register indirect addressing, with gather involving indexed reads and scatter indexed writes. Vector processors (and some SIMD units in CPUs) have hardware support for gather-scatter operations, providing instructions such as Load Vector Indexed for gather and Store Vector Indexed for scatter.
14 May 2015 Whereas a gather operation reads elements from memory and packs them in an SIMD register, the scatter operation unpacks the data and then writes to individual memory locations. Typical coding for this will result in the non-optimal use of the SIMD instructions on an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. Gathers
I did some benchmarking of the AVX gather instructions and it seems to be a fairly simple brute force implementation - even when the elements to be loaded are contiguous it seems that there is still one read cycle per element, so performance is really no better than just doing scalar loads.
6 Jan 2014 Gather-Scatter instructions may not be the optimal choice of instructions when you are trying to achieve superior performance on the Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessor. However, if your code uses indirect addressing or performs non-unit strided memory accesses, gather-scatter instructions may be the best
29 Jan 2014 vector gather implementation on Intel Haswell and Knights Corner microarchitectures. Finally we discuss why GPU implementations perform much better for this specific algorithm. Keywords SIMD, Intel MIC, gather, computed tomography, back projection, performance. 1. Introduction. Single Instruction