Friday 7 March 2008 photo 1/1
grej till skolan, måste spara den nånstans:) haha usbminnet va borta :( Book Review “Hanging on to Max” by Margaret Bechard. Sam’s father is telling : Sam’s mother past away when Sam was in fourth grade. Sam went his last year in high school when suddenly “not planned” baby Max appears. Sam wanted to raise the baby with the mother but the she wanted to gave the baby up for adoption. Sam promised me to take the responsibility and gave up his social life, sports, and plans to go to collage to raise the baby on his own. Sam and Max moved in with me and he gets good help from me and Sam’s aunt. Baby Max is now 1 year old and a few weeks ago when Sam took him to the day-care he met Claire Bailey who also has a baby. The two teenagers got close and it seemed like it could be easy to team up and become a family, raise their two babies together. Sam told me he has met the girl of his dreams. He said she is the love of his life, I have met her a few times but she seems like a nice girl. One night out for Sam and Claire being "normal" teenagers, playing ball, fixing a meal, ends in an accident and a trip to take Max to the hospital. This proves to Sam that he has to rethink his decisions about being a father, which I think is good. Sometimes I don´t understand all of Sam’s resoning, it looks like it all is going in one direction but it suddenly changes quickly after this trip to the hospital. After years when my grandson Max becomes 18, I figured out that Sam’s decision was a wise one for himself and his babyson.
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Fri 7 Mar 2008 08:37
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Många köper lajv på lunarstorm för pengarna, men det går givetvis att köpa vad som helst.
Välj bland dessa operatörer: Comviq, Telenor, Parlino och Glocalnet.
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