Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
I should realizz that this aint no fairytale and im no way near being a prinzess... Not Even Close Being A Reality.
det bästa jag vet är att se dej - Het Het Het
EN skiitfräsch kille jobbar på holsskola :P med två andra snubbar ^^ shit asså :O heeet! liten kopia på Chace Crawford ;)
Dagarna sakktade ner mer och mer... sedan fanns hon inte mer.
Totte... Pelle ;)
Snart rymmer jag... usa nästa.
Grattis Charlie 18 år :'( <33
Fyfaan säger ja bara.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjlsvIpb0DY&NR=1 (hittade ingen annan bild på pappas data...) OKej nu är det officiellt... vi ÄR dom bästa!! :D för er som in
You are my Manhattan from the sky You look so neat and tidy when I’m way up high, But I know your streets are lined with a fine mess inside And I wanna come down and walk around your mind.
Detta är ett rent Helvette.
Min familj är den mest störda som finns.. finns faan inget possitivt. - Jävla Idioter
Försök att skratta, och försök att le... när det ända som kommer fram är Fejkat.
Small ppl CAN do big tthings...
Just imagine how you would feel If you would be the one they're picking on
would you be the who's gonna stand up strong
Honestly - Would you let us lie break down and cry...
would you? Never let nobody step on your right
What if it was your brother sister mother father child Then would it still be cool
Why can't you see your words are hurting
Everybody deserves to be themselves and no one else So think before you move
What about if that was you, That would the victim Of the criticism and they treated you that cruel What about if that was you That would be bullied, How would you feel if they were doing it to you
What about if that was you How would you would you would you feel Honestly How would you would you would you feel If they were doing it to you
Just imagine how you would feel If everybody always laughed at you Would you would you would you They think it's ok with me and you
If you were me And the people 'round you were having you down now Would you would you would you Like if they did that to you