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Pdfbox api: >> << (Download)
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A string object, which may be a text string, a PDFDocEncoded string, ASCII string, or byte string. Text strings are used for character strings that contain information intended to be human-readable, such as text annotations, bookmark names, article names, document information, and so forth. PDFDocEncoded strings are used
The pdfparser package contains classes to parse PDF documents and objects within the document. org.apache.pdfbox.pdfwriter. This is the persistence layer used to write the PDFBox documents to a stream. org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel. The PDModel package represents a high level API for creating and manipulating PDF
The pdfparser package contains classes to parse PDF documents and objects within the document. org.apache.pdfbox.pdfwriter. This is the persistence layer used to write the PDFBox documents to a stream. org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel. The PDModel package represents a high level API for creating and manipulating PDF
This will add a signature to the document. If the 0-based page number in the options parameter is smaller than 0 or larger than max, the nearest valid page number will be used (i.e. 0 or max) and no exception will be thrown. Parameters: sigObject - is the PDSignatureField model: signatureInterface - is an interface which
The Apache PDFBox™ library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents. Apache PDFBox also includes several command-line utilities. Apache PDFBox is published
Parameters: pageIndex - the zero-based index of the page to be converted: scale - the scaling factor, where 1 = 72 DPI; Returns: the rendered page image; Throws: IOException - if the PDF cannot be read. renderImageWithDPI. public BufferedImage renderImageWithDPI(int pageIndex, float dpi) throws IOException. Returns
org.apache.pdfbox.pdfwriter. This is the persistence layer used to write the PDFBox documents to a stream. org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel. The PDModel package represents a high level API for creating and manipulating PDF documents. org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common. High level PD classes that are used throughout
Latest development snapshot. Development snapshots are built automatically from the latest SVN trunk. Snapshots are unreleased development previews and may change without notice. Snapshots do not have their own version numbers and there is no guarantee of API stability between snapshots. Download a snapshot
getDestinationDocumentInformation. public PDDocumentInformation getDestinationDocumentInformation(). Get the destination document information that is to be set in mergeDocuments( . The default is null, which means that it is ignored. Returns: The destination document
This will add a signature to the document. If the 0-based page number in the options parameter is smaller than 0 or larger than max, the nearest valid page number will be used (i.e. 0 or max) and no exception will be thrown. Parameters: sigObject - is the PDSignatureField model: signatureInterface - is an interface which