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uistackview spacer
uilayoutguide uistackview
ios layout guides
snapkit layout guide
uilayoutguide tutorial
23 Jul 2015 In iOS 9 Apple provides a new improved way of controlling negative space called a UILayoutGuide. A UILayoutGuide, or layout guide, is an empty rectangle in a layout against which constraints can be applied to define the it's relationship to other UILayoutGuides or UIViews. UIlayoutGuides don't have a
22 Feb 2017 Built-in views like UIStackView use UILayoutGuide internally to implement their layout behavior, while several UIKit classes expose special guides to allow For example, view controllers decoded from a storyboard tend to use view-based implementation, while those instantiated and embedded manually
UILayoutGuide is not available from Interface Builder yet. Please file a radar at to request that Apple add support.
23 Sep 2016 iOS 7 introduced the concept of a translucent tab/nav/status bar.
22 Jun 2015 I am a big fan of auto layout since it was introduced in iOS 6 and especially by using it directly in code, not by using Storyboard. But when using it in code it can get really verbose. . This also impacts performance. This brings me to layout guides, represented by the UILayoutGuide class. You can add them
6 May 2016 In this Auto Layout tutorial instead of using Interface Builder and storyboards, you'll create all your constraints in code using layout anchors, a new API delivered as part of iOS 9. Creating constraints in code will lead to a greater understanding of Auto Layout constraint relationships, and even make it easier
29 Feb 2016 They allow you to control the spacing between views or to group related objects. The disadvantage is that they are still real views in the view hierarchy consuming memory and able to respond to messages in the responder chain. Apple added the UILayoutGuide class in iOS 9 to do the same job as spacer
6 Mar 2017
7 Nov 2015 In this article, I will explain how to replace the dummy views, added in our UI, just for the sake of adjusting layout, with a much more light element. We been using dummy view in our UI for long
21 Mar 2016 Describes the constraint-based system for laying out user interface elements.