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summer camp emergency manual
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A. Emergency Safety Plan for Injury and Acute Illness ….. you understand the philosophy and goals behind the summer camp program, your role, and the. Camp Overview. A. Camp Structure. Most summer programs governed by this manual operate from six to seven weeks during the summer. Camps operate from. For additional information contact the Office of Summer Camps at: New York City Department of. The camp safety plan shall include procedures for operation and maintenance of the camp facilities, supervisory... Orient staff members in procedures to be followed in an emergency, for example, a disabled vehicle or injury. 2012 Pinnacle Summer Camp Operations Manual. 14. Emergency Supervision: During emergencies, campers and staff are to all report to the basketball courts, unless otherwise specified by the summer camp director. All staff are to remain present and under the direction of the summer camp director, unless specifically. Review Summer Camp Staff Manual with Summer Camp Teaching Team. Finalize Summer Camp daily. Child completed Summer Camp Program Evaluations completed and submitted to office mid-month. Provide each... If an emergency occurs and you need to leave the classroom during your workday, you must obtain. b. respiratory emergency: open airway and initiate artificial respiration. In the event you are unable/unfamiliar with the appropriate procedures for such emergencies as those indicated above, be sure to call for help from other counselors, passers by etc. 4. Report all accidents to the Camp Director and log them on the injury. All campers are briefed on appropriate emergency procedures (i.e. fire, lightning storm, etc.). C. Security. Visitors. All visitors to Camp Sisol (non-staff, non-campers) must sign in with the Camp Office. IMMEDIATELY upon arriving on camp grounds. Visitors may NOT walk around camp unescorted by a staff member. Staff Medication Dispensing Procedures. 21. Administration of Medication in an Emergency Situation. 21. Emergencies. 21. Personal Injury. 22. Property Damage. 22. Camp Director Responsibility for Reporting Employee Injuries. 23. First Aid Kits. 23. Weather Emergencies. 23. Tornadoes. 23. Lightning Safety. 24. Angelo State University. Summer Camps. Handbook. Office of Special Events. Office of Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management. April 2017. Page 2. Angelo State University. Summer Camp Handbook. received from the Director of Risk and Emergency Management and may be used by third party camps whether. State of Maryland. ○ All staff are required to complete standard criminal background checks as well as a Child Protective Services background check. Facility Operation / Maintenance –. Emergency Procedures -‐ Fire Safety/Weather Risk/Intruder on Campus. Camp will follow guidelines set forth by St. Paul's School. The directors of Kawanhee are pleased to welcome you as a member of our staff for the upcoming camp season. You will not only have the opportunity to instruct campers in one of a variety of scheduled activities, but you will also have daily chances to help in the character development of many young men. This is one of. The Parent Handbook and Policy Guide provides parents with an introduction to our summer camp program, registration policies and procedures, daily life during a typical camp week, our strategies and... If a child is not picked up by 7:00 pm and no contact has been made with parents/guardians or emergency contact. Camp directors will specify in their individual plan procedures for notifying parents regarding emergencies and accidents. Camp directors are solely responsible for notification to the State Health Department of all emergencies and accidents. University Police will inspect the fire extinguishers located in College residence. We will drill staff and campers on the execution of these emergency procedures. Summer and Year-Round Rental groups will also be made aware of these procedures. Next; Previous. Serious Illness or Injury; Take Shelter Procedures; Hostile Intruder or Lock down; Assembly Procedures; Intruder and Unwelcome Visitor. Acquaint Camp Director with University policy, emergency procedures, and facilities layout;. 5. Assist with check-in of campers;. 6. Provide an Emergency Locator List for Summer Camps (see Appendix G), with a camp schedule, to the Auburn City Police Public Safety Communications Division, Auburn. University Public. North Boroughs YMCA. SUMMER DAY CAMP. PARENT MANUAL. “Welcome to the best summer of your life". concerning your child's care and summer activities... Camp Director. A telephone number where parents can be reached during the day is required to be on file. An emergency number of an alternative person. The summer camp staff are trained and equipped with the manual as a basis to emotionally, physically, and. Each staff member leads Bible study or devotional at the cabin during the summer, at which the campers feel... message will be taken and left in your mailbox or on the bulletin board unless it is an emergency. Summer Camps Emergency Procedures. North Central College is committed to the safety of all students, faculty, staff and campus visitors. Our priorities are to protect human life, to ensure academic viability of the institution, to protect College property, to meet community needs and to recover as quickly as possible from an. SUMMER 2017. 710 Western Avenue, Geneva, IL 60134 * 630-232-4542 * Summer Camp Parent Manual. Traditional Camps * General Specialty Camps. Peck Farm Camp.. whose name does not appear on their Emergency and Release form and under no circumstances is a child allowed to leave the. information and policies and procedures. Lake Louise permanent and seasonal staff take the lead in any emergency response related to fire, weather, and/or waterfront. • Emergency Drill Required by the State of Michigan. Executive Director will negotiate a time with Camp. Dean. • Blood Borne Pathogens Notify the Health. Trains Conference Assistant Staff in camp procedures, emergency situations and building layout. • Regulates and enforces University and Department of Residence Life Policies. • Handles all maintenance and custodial problems. • Coordinates all housing facilities and housing issues for Summer Camps and. Conferences. Before we continue today, we should say that there are many summer camps in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio and many really good Christian summer camps as well. Most of these camps. The section of our manual on emergencies is probably the thickest section of the manual. This is because. The parent manual is attached attached, but there will be no paper Emergency Card.. read the parents manual and have all of your health profile complete by May 1st.. Wednesday, May 30th at 6:00 pm or. Thursday, May 31st at 6:00 pm. More details on page 2. City of Westminster. 2018 Summer Camp. Parent Manual. University. Woods. 936-468-5584. Notes. Hall Director. Summer Camp Manual. The Hall Director is responsible for supervising the camp assistant staff. He/she will develop a comprehensive work. Prepares staff for handling emergencies and familiarizes them with the overall building layout (elevators, fire alarms, etc.). Accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act. Page 6. Services Offered for Special Needs in Accordance with. Americans with Disabilities Act (continued); Health Department. & Fire Inspection; Inclement & Excessively Hot Weather and. Emergency Procedures. Page 7. Procedures for Identifying Where Children Are at All. disruptive to camp life and detract from the camp experience. If a cell phone, iPod, DSi, etc., comes to camp, it will be collected and placed at the front desk until pick up. Please contact Forever Dancing Ballroom reception if there is an emergency in which you need to contact your child. Early Pick-Up - If your child will be. The purpose of the Summer Camp Program is to provide opportunies to enrich the lives of chil‐ dren in safe. If no contact is made with a parent, child care staff will call the emergency contacts immediately to pick up.. Tornado and fire drills: The summer camp staff will review all emergency procedures and pracce tornado. Thank you for choosing Camp Speers YMCA for your child's summer camp experience! Our 1,100 acres of wilderness in the Pocono Mountains provide the perfect setting for our diverse, challenging and fun programs. Campers will make lifelong friends and learn about the world from exceptional staff. They'll acquire and. yourself with the contents. Once you know the basics of what's inside you can use this guide as a resource when you have questions.. be open for most camps during a time designated during the afternoon as well as following the evening ser- vice. We would like to ask... Should an emergency arise where it is essential. Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center — Summer Camp 2016. Welcome! Thank you. at summer camp. Please take the time to read this manual carefully and contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns. How to Reach Us! Customer Service.. or other adult authorized on the 2016 Emergency Information Form. The spirit of summer. Staff. HANDBOOK. Mailing Address: Willow Lake Day Camp. P.O. Box 1266. Highland Park, NJ 08904. Location: 200 State Highway Rt. 181. Lake Hopatcong, NJ.. To provide a superior, safe summer day camp experience to children of various ages.. or if there is a dire family emergency. Staff is not. In a society of changing values and growing insecurity, summer Camps are a unique opportunity for Christian leaders to offer a safe healthy and spiritual environment. and equipment adequate and in safe condition; medical personnel on the staff; detailed advanced plans to handle emergencies and proper insurance. Contacting a Child During Camp. Absenteeism. Late Pick-Up Policy. What to Expect. Extracurricular Activities. Food Preparation and Service. Restroom Procedures. Handling of Injuries, Illnesses and Accidents. Fire and Tornado Drills and Emergency. Procedures. Weather Emergency Procedures. Severe Weather Policy. 2018 Summer Camp. Parent & Camper. Handbook. Borough of West Chester. Parks & Recreation Department. 829 Paoli Pike. West Chester, PA 19380. Summer Camp Program Policies and Procedures .... carry emergency forms and basic first aid supplies to ensure the safety of your child during each trip. e. Program Registration Procedures f. Camp Transfer g. Additional Care Services h. Cancellation / Refunds i. Weather Policy j. Lost and Stolen Property Policy k. Medical Insurance l. Medical Emergencies m. Medical Aid n.. UBC Camps is striving to be a leader in the community by offering a variety of summer camps and. SUMMER DAY CAMP. Policies and procedures. Emergency Vehicles. 32 Mechanical Evaluations. 35 Driver Requirements /. Training. 36 – 42 OM: Operational Management. 37 Post Camp Evaluation. 38 Safety and security... are not required. (Add On site emergency procedures and onsite safety considerations here). Regular Camp activities begin at 8:30am. Camp activities generally end by 4:15pm but there may be field trips, which extend this time. Children will be available for pick up following afternoon chapel shortly after 4:15pm. Please do not ask to interrupt chapel except for an emergency. From the end of activities to 5:30pm is a. Summer Camp Staff. Training Guide. A guide for camp directors for use in precamp training of camp staff personnel... ing-learning methodology . Staff trainers should closely supervise these skill-learning sessions . Use Summer Camp. Merit Badge Program Outlines, No . 20-130 .... case of fire or other emergency . Handbook and POLICIES. A Registered Nurse is on site daily and a pediatric physician is on call to provide routine or emergency care, if needed.. It is the policy of The Fenn School and Summer Fenn to maintain a camp environment that is free from discrimination and to conduct its practices, programs, financial aid. Summer Program P&P – Spring 2016 - January 13, 2017. Page 10. In order to put the information in the appropriate hands, the Camp Director will send via e-mail the. Emergency Contact List to Baylor Institutional Events. This information will allow Baylor. University Police to better respond to emergency. Summer Camp Handbook. 2. Contents. 1. Camp Basics: Background, Locations, Mission & Values, Why. Camp? 2. Staff Descriptions, Expectations & Roles. 3. Campers. 4. Calleva Programs. 5. Activity & Program Procedures & Policies: Safety Policies,. Overnights. 6. Emergency Procedures: Major Injuries & Accidents,. 2018. City of Westminster. Summer Camp. Parent Manual. City of Westminster Recreation and Parks. 11 Longwell Avenue. Westminster, MD 21157. (410)-751-5501 If you have an emergency and need to reach your child or camp staff, please call the Recreation and Parks Department at. Summer Summit. 20. Wildflower Camp. 19. General Information. Camp Emergency Form. 22. Camp Policies. 22-23. Fee Assistance/Scholarships. 23. Health, Safety and ADA. 24. Información Importante. 25. Nonresident Registration Information. 22. Pick-up/Drop-offPolicy and Misc. Information. 24. Pre- and Post-Camp Care. Prepare for an amazing summer camp experience with Windsor Mountain by reading our camp handbook and get in-the-know on our usual summer camp policies! Date: ___/____/_____. EMERGENCY REPORTING AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES. Types of emergencies to be reported by site personnel are: • MEDICAL. • FIRE. • SEVERE WEATHER. • BOMB THREAT. • CHEMICAL SPILL. • STRUCTURE CLIMBING/DESCENDING. • EXTENDED POWER LOSS. • OTHER (specify). B. Bring on first day of camp. C. Send your camper to camp daily with. III. Thorne Summer Camp Policies. Pages 4 - 8. A. General Policies. B. Safety and Health Policies. C. Driving Policies. IV. Procedures for Possible Situational Emergencies. Pages 8 & 9. V. General Summer Camp Information and Procedures Pages 10 -. Being a doctor at an overnight summer camp is a great experience. You are. Review sterilization procedures with the nurse, and have the various instruments in an appropriate tray so that they are ready to use.. Taking a Physician's Desk Reference, a Merck Manual, and an emergency manual is wise. 1. 2018 Summer Camp Parent Manual. 2018 Camp Manual. Jaycee Park. 2000 Cedar Ln. Greenville, NC 27858. Dear Parents: Greenville Recreation and Parks Department (GRPD) would like to take this opportunity to welcome.. The Recreation staff will continuously call the parent/guardian/emergency contact until. WEBINAR AGENDA. ❖Camp Safety and Camp Staff. ❖Active Shooter Definition and Factsheet. ❖Procedures for Camp Staff. ❖Training for Camp Staff. ❖Other Information to Share with Camp Staff. ❖Intro to Camp Emergency Response Team. ❖Q&A Session. 2. emergency situation. Our primary concern will be to insure the safety of all students. The following procedures will be used to keep parents informed. 1. It is mandatory that all children have an emergency card on file. It is the parent's responsibility to keep all information current and accurate. Inform the Summer Camp. The Hanover Park Park District has Camp programs available for kids of all ages. Emergency Procedures. Page 14. Staff Resources. Pages 15-17. Staff,. On behalf of The Glacier's Edge Council, It is our honor to welcome you in joining us for the Ed Bryant Scout Reservation Summer Camp experience! We are thrilled that you have been selected as a person who has the “right stuff" to lead our camp and. An 11 p.m. nightly curfew exists for all summer camp groups staying in campus residence halls. Please be in your assigned building suite by this time. Severe Weather Threats and Emergency Evacuation Plans. Hurricane season and summer thunderstorms frequent the campus community during summer. training, all of our summer program leaders have a current Standard. First Aid and CPR Certificate and we provide an extensive pre- camp training program which includes topics such as daily camp procedures, understanding child behaviour, problem solving, working with children who have special needs, emergency. 4-H Summer Camp. Operated by the Los Angeles County 4-H Youth Program Policies. &. Procedure. Procedures. 4-H Summer Camp Policies and Procedures - 11 September 2012 ii. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1.0.... Operational Management and Emergency Procedures (ACA Section OM) . 1. Denton Parks and Rec. City of Denton. Summer Camp. Parent Manual. *Note: revised version will be out in April 2017.. picked up by the parents, emergency contacts will be attempted to be notified. Arrangements for other. parent/guardian or emergency contacts are unable to pick up your child, the child will be taken. Parent/Guardian Manual. This manual is designed for each parent/guardian to assure that you have, and we have, all the necessary information to make Bobcat Summer Youth Camp a success for all individuals involved. Included in this manual are some important policies and procedures for you to review. the great TSR family. We also offer the all-inclusive Summer Outdoor Leadership Experience (SOLE) program, designed for the 14- to 17-year-olds looking to earn certifications and experience for future work and school related pursuits. From the LNT overnight hikes to the canoe trips, Camp Tamaracouta is the perfect place. 2017 Summer Camp Policy Manual available online:. Page 2. SUMMER CAMP POLICIES. CAMP DATES. Camp calendars are available on line at and at your camp. This will include any day that ABC Care. emergency preparedness and developing a safe and FUN atmosphere for each camp day. All the materials you will need to prepare your child to attend Kingsley Pines Camp, including the Parent Handbook. Call us. Here is our Summer 2017 schedule.. Emergency at Camp – In the unlikely event an emergency occurs that affects all of camp, we will make every effort to provide information as soon as possible. 39. Transportation Issues. Traffic & Transportation Rules 40-41. Vehicle Agreement. 42. Emergency Plans. Emergency Communications. 43. Disaster Plans. 44. Missing.. summer. We certainly hope it will be a positive experience for both your child and you. Over the years we have come to realize that summer camp is very.