Tuesday 18 September 2018 photo 6/7
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Acid Head: The Buzzard Nuts County Slaughter 720p
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2ult
Acid scarred teenager : Pheromone Labonza (aka Acid Head) is a bullied, tortured and physically scarred teen-aged former college student; turned vengeful bloodsucking cannibal student killer & goth-girl fugitive, that had vanished for a year. One year later, guess who's back to the scene of the crime? Pheromone is now the fabled Acid Head murderess. Witness Acid Head's bloody, lustful vengeance, as she slashes her way though rural Buzzard Nuts County, N.Y.'s lonely roadsides and the sin-soaked Vom College sorority House (which also serves as an underground whorehouse, built on the grave-site of a nefarious top-hatted, evil, demonic force named: Count Dracula, no less).
Acid scarred teenager : Pheromone Labonza (aka Acid Head) is a vengeful, bloodsucking cannibal goth-girl killer that slashes her way though rural Buzzard Nuts County, N.Y.'s roadside and Vom College sorority House (which also serves as an underground whorehouse, built on the grave-site of a top-hatted poltergeist...a nefarious, evil force), then disappears. One year later, guess who's back to the scene of the crime?
Tex Watt is a legend in his own mind who sees himself as a Lloyd Kaufman type grind house movie maker..... he is nothing of the sort. The few of us who have ever heard his name (and we are on the low-low-low-low-low end of Toronto/Hamilton "micro budget" ultra independent film making) only know the name Tony "Tex" Watt as a punchline. A guy who constantly posts and emails about all the hugely amazing things he is doing and shamelessly (and incorrectly) describing himself as a "legendary" or "popular" or "well known" horror film maker or mover and shaker in the world of comics and manga.
Let's get something straight, nobody knows this guy outside a handful of us and the tragic Vivita, he has no power or clout in "the industry" at all and even less talent.
He shoots all his stuff on a crappy camera in front of a green screen he does so badly even public school A/V groups would be ashamed of it and refuses to edit any of his crap out as though all he cares about is having as long a run time as possible. He flat out lies about the "budgets" of his movies to make him seem legit which he isn't. He fills out tons of bios and trivia and facts to try to pump himself up which only makes him more of a punchline.
Do not pay to download any of these movies unless you want to basically lobotomize yourself in boredom and rage that something so shoddily produced is allowed to be marketed by this clown as something comparable to "a film". The quality is so poor you can barely see it, can't hear anything, and end up glad about that because the acting and his writing and direction are so bad you know you're better off NOT knowing what the hell is supposed to be going on.
Worst of all he deliberately tries to piggyback off others. He constantly name drops people like Lloyd Kaufman who literally prides himself on being in any movie any time anywhere as long as you pay his travel and meals but who will not return this guy's calls.
Shamelessly he called his only movie that got any numbers of downloads "Frankenpimp" in a very obvious ripoff of "Frankenhooker" and went out of his way NOT to distance himself from that movie, obviously wanting people to assume it was a sequel or somehow officially related to that film.... I really hope the Frankenhooker people find out and sue his ass, though he is obviously pretty much destitute so I bet all they'd get is his "super famous Tex Watt black cowboy hat".
He even shoots home video on his camera phone, posts it on YouTube and then lists it on IMDb, like the "TV series" of his cat which is just a minute long video of his cat while he makes stupid noises and which he claims cost tens of thousands of bucks to make in just one of the many many countless lies he tells himself and everyone else who will listen.
Spend your money elsewhere, at least download something by someone who will at least try to make something watchable and don't support an egomaniac who is completely detached from reality.
http://branfasthi.jugem.jp/?eid=335 http://esilan.jugem.jp/?eid=342 http://dayviews.com/callvopils/526826764/ http://riokerbti.jugem.jp/?eid=253 http://telegra.ph/Tamil-Movie-Dubbed-In-Hindi-Free-Download-Tensai-G-Ru-K-P-Wakabayashi-Kara-No-Ch-Sen-09-18 http://www.nookl.com/article/337543/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ra-part-1-movie-download-in-hd https://pastebin.com/T7pjWKV5 http://arpecthou.jugem.jp/?eid=257 https://pastebin.com/PTMy9MRU http://compwunna.jugem.jp/?eid=306