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Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV Full Movie Torrent
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2vfx
King Regis, who oversees the land of Lucis, commands his army of soldiers to protect the kingdom from the Niflheim empire's plans to steal the sacred crystal which gives Lucis its magic and power.
The magical kingdom of Lucis is home to the hallowed Crystal, but the menacing empire of Niflheim will stop at nothing to make it theirs. War has raged between the two for as long as most can remember. King Regis of Lucis commands an elite force of soldiers dubbed the Kingsglaive. Wielding their king's magic, Nyx Ulric and his fellow glaives stand before the crown city of Insomnia, fighting to stay the inexorable advance of Niflheim's imperial army. Before the overwhelming military might of the empire, King Regis can only salvage his kingdom by accepting an ultimatum-he must cede all lands outside the crown city, and see his son, Prince Noctis, wed to Lady Lunafreya, the former princess of Tenebrae now captive of Niflheim. As the war of wills rages, the machinations of Niflheim transform Insomnia into an awe-inspiring battleground, pulling Nyx into a struggle for the very survival of the kingdom.
Minor spoiler warning! I normally don't enjoy game adaptions, however, this movie spent enough time on characters and plot to be fairly decent. Not knowing anything about the characters, I was thrust into an alien world with two opposing forces. One based on technology (the aggressor) and one based on magic (the defender). As the story progressed, it was apparent that the glaive (king's personal elite forces) were from the outlying lands (combat zone) and were second class citizens in the shiny capital of the defenders. This created ambiguity in some characters' motives throughout the film. If you aren't on your toes, you may miss things in this movie. However, if you like a fantasy/fighting movie to challenge your thinking, this will be rewarding. It's fair to say though that an extended edition would make the film a little more complete and hopefully not spoil the surprises. The graphics are a step up from the previous final fantasy movie, but still disappointing - the eyes felt lifeless and constantly reminded me I was watching generated graphics. The story has a similar Asian feel to the last FF movie (although this one is definitely more Americanised than the previous installment as it has no respect for Gaia/Earth's spirit). Ultimately, this movie is a little simplistic (pure aggressor/pure defender), however, the story has depth in the social dynamics and the movie keeps you thinking. If you want a lazy cinema experience, give this one a miss. This isn't power rangers. It's a tribute to many fantasy classics and it won't spoon feed you every step of the way.
Honestly, we are not dealing with the film of the year! However, there are a lot of subtleties, the fan service is not outrageous, it is pretty well realized in the end, and the action is omnipresent. However, it should not be forgotten that this is a transmedia project that only serves as a promo to the next game: Final Fantasy XV!
http://lesplayersdudimanche.com/final-fantasy-xv- kingsglaive-avis/
You may not want to spend more time with these characters, but you will want to sink deeper into their world — fortunately, the forthcoming videogame will allow players to do just that. Whether the game will make retroactively make “Kingsglaive" a more engaging movie remains to be seen, but there’s certainly room for improvement.
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