Sunday 9 November 2008 photo 1/1
This is the place in my heart
This is the place where I'm falling apart
Isn't this just where we met?
And is this the last chance that I'll ever get?
I wish I was lonely
Instead of just only
Crystal and see through and not enough to you
This is the place in my heart
This is the place where I'm falling apart
Isn't this just where we met?
And is this the last chance that I'll ever get?
I wish I was lonely
Instead of just only
Crystal and see through and not enough to you
Comment the photo
Tue 9 Dec 2008 01:04
as söt :)
Tue 11 Nov 2008 21:37
men de var ju du ju! :D fan va kul att du skrev ti mej då ;)
Sun 9 Nov 2008 22:12
fin du är! kom just på att du är väldigt lik mikaela på den där bilden :) alltså hon från jersey
8 comments on this photo