Sunday 21 December 2008 photo 1/1
yupp, the t-shirt is officially mine ;)
its about trusting your feelings
and taking chances,
losing and finding happiness,
appreciating the memories,
learning from the past
and realizing, people always change.
And in the end, everyone turns out
to be the person they swore
they'd never become!
its about trusting your feelings
and taking chances,
losing and finding happiness,
appreciating the memories,
learning from the past
and realizing, people always change.
And in the end, everyone turns out
to be the person they swore
they'd never become!
Comment the photo
Thu 25 Dec 2008 01:04
snyggaste t-shirten ;)
Mon 22 Dec 2008 18:14
Min skoltröja seeeegar! :'( Vi kmr få dom efter jul -.-'
Sun 21 Dec 2008 15:37
i don't, my polhem tröja kommer snart så jag flashar nog hellre med den :P(L)
Sun 21 Dec 2008 15:29
nä skoja skit fin :O<3 jag vill oxå ha skoltröja :(
Sun 21 Dec 2008 15:29
HAHAH <3 så söt du e !
17 comments on this photo