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Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
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i forget da naMe of this cat!!! shes not mine!!!met her ones onLY!!Xd
when i met you i was afraid to Like you when i Liked you i was afraid to Love you And Now that i LOve yoU
me and bro me and bro!!!remiX!!!blacK n white!!! chocolate and miLk ofcourse chocolate is betteR!!!
used to drive this to schoOL!! a friends PIMP bike!!!!!watcha aLL think!!!?
HERES another PIMp biKe of a friend of Mine!!!!cOOL
we caLLEd this LEchOn in my countrY this is a whOLE package of pure pIG!! crisPY in the outsiDe yUMMyLicious in the insiDE!!!
FOr YouR eYEs OnLY!!waaaaaaa XD
ToDay is a sucKy daY!! got lots of ????? running in my head.... calls without answers!! Hear nothing!! got depress!!! bad,suck,shit day!! DePress:( hoPe ya fine!
HOw caRs are MAde!!!
who Love MUsiC? saY!! ME Love MusiC!!!
whaT is LIfe withOut musIC? 1)BorIng 2)shit 3)sucks 4)nothing 5)ALL OF THE ABOVE What`s your answer?