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9 Nov 2015 Statistical Basis of the Charts IV the estimator of ?: 1. the standard deviation. 2. the ranges of the m samples (the range method). ? Range of a sample of size n: x1,,xn ? R = xmax ? xmin. ? The average range: ?. R = ?m i="1" Ri m. ? In Chap. 4: relative range W: W = R ?
Other Control Chart types: X-Bar and S Chart u Chart. Median X and R Chart p Chart c Chart np Chart. CONTROL CHART. VIEWGRAPH 4. Control Chart Decision Tree. Are you charting attribute data? YES. NO. YES. NO. Data are variables data. Is sample size equal to. 1? Use XmR chart for variables data. For sample size.
8.1 Control charts. The most common method of statistical process control is to take samples at regular intervals and to plot the sample mean on a control chart. If the sample mean lies within the warning limits (as point (1)) the process is assumed to be on target. If it lies outside the action limits (as point (2) the process is off
20. Because control limits for attributes data are often computed in ways quite different from control limits for variables data. Unless you have a clear understanding of the distinctions between the two kinds of data, you can easily fall victim to inappropriate control charting methods. It is important to understand the distinction.
The reduction of common-cause variation is also very important, but control charts are not designed for this task. Quite different tools and ways of thinking are required. For example, it may be possible and worth while to control vari- ability in some inputs to the process or aspects of the operating environment. In order to do
Steps Involved In Using Statistical Process Control. 6. Specific SPC Tools And Procedures. 7. Identification and Data gathering. 7. Prioritizing. 7. Pareto Charts. 7. Analysis Of Selected Problem. 9. Cause-and-Effect or Fishbone Diagram. 9. Flowcharting. 10. Scatter Plots. 11. Data Gathering And Initial Charting. 12.
30 Nov 2015 choose n sufficiently large. ? a high probability of finding at least one nonconforming unit in the sample. Otherwise, find the control limits: the presence of only one nonconforming unit in the sample would indicate an out-of-control condition. ? Ex: (p,n)=(0.01,8) ? UCL = p + 3. vp(1?p) n. = 0.1155.
If data falls outside the limits, then the process is not in control. The assignable causes must be found and eliminated. • Then those values of X-bar and/or R that are outside the limits can be removed from the data, after eliminating the assignable cause(s). • New limits can be recalculated for future use from the “remaining".
For example, there might be a positive trend in the last ten units, but until a number of nonconformities goes above the upper control limit, the chart gives no indication that a change has taken place in the process. Runs tests can be used to check control charts for unnatural patterns that are most likely caused by assignable.
Unit 23: Control Charts | Student Guide | Page 1. Summary of Video. Statistical inference is a powerful tool. Using relatively small amounts of sample data we can figure out something about the larger population as a whole. Many businesses rely on this principle to improve their products and services. Management theorist