December 2009
Ska nog snart dra ivag till dom har tva mupparna har fan inte traffat dom pa flera veckor nu! Och dom har precis gjort san dar laser eye surgery sa vi far se hu der ar med dom. Andrew har hallt mig up
Gör detta testet, annars kommer du få otur under hela 2010. Under 2009 har jag hittills; [x] Du har hittat ny musik du gillar [x] Du har fått nya kompisar [x] Du har varit utomlands [x] Du har v
Family? Family?! God I hope you haven't invited that bloody, boll*cky, selfish, twofaced, chicken, b*stard, pigdog man have you?' Saffy - 'You could just say dad.'
Saffy - 'Why aren't you dead(to patsy)!' Edina - Darling... because she started young. When other kids were playing pin the donkey, Patsy was lookin' for a vein.' Saffy From the episode - Fish Farm
Eddy - 'She can't go back to her flat until it's been fumigated' Saffy - 'Why not? I thought sniffing chemicals is what she did best, maybe it will be the one substance that will make her socia
Patsy - 'My name is Patsy Stone and I'm an alcoholic. What she did was an act of humanitarian mercy.' Judge - 'That is no excuse for stealing a crate of champagne.'