Tuesday 26 April 2011 photo 1/2
“In Dead End Justice, when Cherie has fallen down and Joan is trying to coax her on, there is a moment of silence in the singing and Joan sings to Cherie, ‘But Cherieeeee you must try hardeerrrrr.’ So when we would do the song, when that point came, we would all stop playing our instruments, lean into our microphones and shout ‘But Cheriieeeee you must try harderrrrrrrrrr.’ After awhile it grew to just ‘Wahhhhhhhh Cherieeeeeeee’ or even just ‘Cherie-eeeeee’ and we used it all the time. I don’t remember giving any similar kind of grief to the rest of the band when they were misbehaving, as I think we are all too afraid of Lita’s temper to try and we knew Sandy could kick our asses. So we left them alone. Ah, but what about Joan? Joan never misbehaved on her own — while the rest of us were friends with one of the other girls one week and not speaking to that person the next, Joan pretty much got along with everyone all the time. So the babies of the band, Cherie and me, took most of the flak." - Jackie Fox