Thursday 21 February 2008 photo 1/1
1. 14 2. 9 3. Miyavi 4. Eiji 5. Yomi 6. Erika 7. Jiro 8. Chao xi huan ni 9. Itoshii hito 10. Hui ma qiang 11. obscure • Miyavi is the one that you love. • Jiro is one you like but can't work out. (Inte sant T _ T) • You care most about Eiji. (ofc I do <3) • Yomi is the one who knows you very well. (Yes, quite well ^^) • Erika is your lucky star. • Chao xi huan ni is the song that matches with Miyavi. (HAHA, kanske översättningen, men de e inte hans låt) • Itoshii hito is the song for Jiro. (Omg, de här blir helt tvärtom 8D, men visst <3) • Hui ma qiang is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind. (Danson? :D) • and obscure is the song telling you how you feel about life (Illa, men kanske de >8D) De innom paranteserna har jag lagt till.. De va rätt kul ogöra, men jag vet inte om de stämde.. Hoppas min önskan gåri uppfyllelse dåh x'D
Comment the photo
Wed 13 Feb 2008 17:52
Man skulle skriva låttitlar i 8 9 10 11 .. x3 Gör testet så fattar du hur man gör ^^
Wed 13 Feb 2008 15:53
nowe :3
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