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8 Aug 2002 Similar to B trees, with a few slight differences. ? All data is stored at the leaf nodes (leaf pages); all other nodes (index pages) only store keys. ? Leaf pages are linked to each other. ? Keys may be duplicated; every key to the right of a particular key is >= to that key. Amir Kamil. 8/8/02. 2. B+ Tree Example.
B-Trees and B+ Trees. Brian Curless. Spring 2008. 2. Announcements (4/30/08). • Midterm on Friday. • Special office hour: 4:30-5:30 Thursday in Jaech. Gallery (6th floor of CSE building). – This is instead of my usual 11am office hour. • Reading for this lecture: Weiss Sec. 4.7. 3. Traversing very large datasets. Suppose we
11 Jan 2005 B Trees are dynamic. That is, the height of the tree grows and contracts as records are added and deleted. B+ Trees A B+ Tree combines features of ISAM and B Trees. It contains index pages and data pages. The data pages always appear as leaf nodes in the tree. The root node and intermediate nodes
Maintaining a Sequence Set. • Sorting and re-organizing after insertions and deletions is out of question. We organize the sequence set in the following way: – Records are grouped in blocks. – Blocks should be at least half full. – Link fields are used to point to the preceding block and the following block (similar to doubly
start from root. • examine index entries in non-??leaf nodes to find the correct child. • traverse down the tree until a leaf node is reached. • Non-??leaf nodes can be searched using a binary or a linear search. 11. CS 564 [Fall 2015] -?? Paris Koutris
most common variant of B-tree index is B+- tree data pointers are stored only at the leaf nodes structure of leaf nodes differs from internal nodes leaf nodes have entry for every value of the search field along with a pointer to the record (or the block that contains the record) for non-key search field, pointer points to a block.
Indexes as Access Paths. • A single-level index is an auxiliary file that makes it more efficient to search for a record in the data file. • The index is usually specified on one field of the file (although it could be specified on several fields). • One form of an index is a file of entries <field value, pointer to record>, which is ordered
efficient RDF dictionaries using B+ trees. Our key contributions are. – (a) building an ensemble of B+ trees, instead of one giant B+ tree, to maintain a low average height across the ensemble, (b) a hashing technique for storing the string labels as search-keys to reduce the space consumption, maintain a higher B+ tree
At first, read the beginning of the chapter 18 from the text book. It explains why B-trees are used when the search structure is on disk. In this course, we consider B+-trees instead of classical B-trees introduced in the text book. The difference is that in B+-trees only leaf nodes contain the actual key values. The non- leaf nodes
Balanced Tree. • Same height for paths from root to leaf. • Given a search-key K, nearly same access time for different K values. – B+ Tree is constructed by parameter n. • Each Node (except root) has ?n/2? to n pointers. • Each Node (except root) has ?n/2?-1 to n-1 search-key values. B+ Tree Properties. P. 1. P. 2. P. 3. K.