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Monk healer 5.4 guide: >> << (Download)
Monk healer 5.4 guide: >> << (Read Online)
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This guide contains everything you need to know to be an excellent Mistweaver Monk in WoW Legion 7.3.5.
27 Sep 2013
This is not my guide, I'm just posting this here from ArenaJunkies. 1 A Mistweaver's Abilities If you're reading this guide you probably have a fair perception of how Mistweaver Monks work and what their abilities do, but for the sake of it I'll explain what they do, how they work and how to use them.
Click pentru versiunea in Romana Mistweaver Monk Guide Table of Contents: Click 1. Introduction. 2. Races. 3. Spec. 4. Glyphs. 5. Spells. 6. Cooldowns. 7. Stats. 8. Enchants. 9. Gems. 10. Rotat
21 Mar 2015 Welcome to our Mistweaver Monk healing guide for World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. Here, you will learneverything you need to know about playing a Mistweaver Monk in a raid environment,although most of the content also applies to normal and heroic dungeons. Class Overview. The Mistwewaver is the
22 Aug 2014
Introduction: I would like to start a kind of Discussion/Guide on Mistweaver Monk PvP. I have been doing a few Battlegrounds and some 2v2 Arena match-up a
16 Jan 2013 Updated for patch: 5.4 5.4 Mistweaver Monk Notes Changed Mana Tea is now consumed at an increased rate of 1 stack per 0.5 seconds (up from 1 stack per 1 second). Revival's healing has been reduced by 30%.
This isn't an indepth guide, more of a skim over of how a mistweaver can work and how to gear / spec / ultilise us. . 25m Monks are at a loss at the stage i'm at where we do 14/14 HC in 4 hours So fistweaving is meh, and actual healing output is even worse, due to the smart healing and absorbs going
1 Aug 2014