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First Tsurugi
The First Tsurugi (translated as "First Sword" in Japanese) is the collection of six swords, and their single combined form, used by Cloud Strife as his primary weapon in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children,
The Swords
The First Tsurugi is composed of six separate swords that assemble into one large sword which Cloud uses in his battles against the antagonists Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz, the summoned Bahamut TREMOR/Bahamut SHIN, and Sephiroth. It is also disassembled for the final attack on Sephiroth at the end of the movie.
The swords of the First Tsurugi are not named in the movie, but their names were revealed after the movie was released. The First Tsurugi consists of one main blade (Vigilante), one hollow blade that serves as the front edge (Vendetta), two identical (but asymmetrically opposite) blades that form the back (Merciless and Avenger), and two identical (also asymmetrically opposite) smaller blades that attach to the sides (Ascalon and Sidewinder). In its fully assembled state, the First Tsurugi is clearly inspired by Zacks Buster Sword in its shape and size.
The six blades of the First Tsurugi, stored in the Fenrir motorcycle.
The swords of the First Tsurugi in its disassembled state are usually stored in racks inside the special compartments (three racks per compartment) on both sides of Cloud's motorcycle, the Fenrir. In addition, Cloud wears a harness on his back which he carries the swords in. Since this harness is never shown fully occupied, it is possible that all six swords can be carried by Cloud at once.
The main blade Vigilante resembles an exaggerated Zweih??ndr in its shape and appearance, though Cloud usually wields it with only one hand, invariably his right one, despite its apparent size and weight. It consists of a long hilt wrapped in a red material, a distinctively large handguard which the other swords are locked into, a wide length of blade, and an equally long but thinner length ending in a point. The main blade is the only sword among the six that is double-sided, and is somewhat similar in silhouette to Cloud's Ultima Weapon.
The main blade has two forms. In the first, the appearance is as described above, with the blade of the sword appearing to be one solid length of metal except for the transition between the wide and thin halves. In the second, the blade is pulled outward; the edges are locked apart and a complex inner portion of the sword is visible, giving the blade an appearance not identical to but reminiscent of Cloud's Apocalypse sword. It is in this second form that the other swords are assembled onto the main blade.
Vigilante, by itself and as other swords are attached, is Cloud's primary weapon. In addition, Cloud is shown to be able to use his Blade Beam Limit Break using Vigilante only.
The hollow blade Vendetta, as its description suggests, does not have an inner core as expected for a sword. Rather, it is essentially (though not exactly) a thick sheet of metal folded in a V-shape when looked from above, with the cutting edge of the sword being the the bottom point of the V, with its lower one-third of its length wrapping around a red double-hilt. Vendetta is locked onto the front edge of Vigilante, where it snugly covers that entire side of Vigilante, and its own edge serves as the striking point for the assembled sword, which is named "Alkaid". It is this addition that turns the First Tsurugi from a symmetric shape to the distinctive Buster Sword appearance.
Vendetta, while not Cloud's primary weapon, was perfectly capable of serving as such when Cloud was deprived of the main blade in the battle at Ajito against Yazoo and Loz. Despite its lack of an inner core, it is strong and sturdy enough to deflect and block both bullets from Yazoo's Velvet Nightmare handgun and Loz's physical attacks. After regaining the main blade, Cloud uses Vendetta as an off-hand weapon. He also ejects Vendetta from the completed First Tsurugi as an off-hand weapon during the fight with Sephiroth.
Merciless and Avenger
The two back blades Merciless and Avenger are identical long swords, mirror images of each other, with one side completely straight and the other a saw-tooth pattern, and a long black hilt for each. These two swords are attached to the back Vigilante, on both sides of Vigilante's back edge, with the saw-tooths pointed forward toward the hollow blade. The addition of these two swords completes the trapezoidal silhouette of the First Tsurugi.
Merciless and Avenger were used by Cloud in the fight against the summoned Bahamut SHIN. One was an off-hand weapon to complement Alkaid in Cloud's right hand; Merciless's saw-tooth edge is the striking edge, and Cloud wielded it until he attached it to Alkaid in preparation for the Braver limit break, forming the "Heaven's Cloud". Avenger was carried on his back harness, until it was attached to the Heaven's Cloud, forming the "Dragon Slayer" in the same battle in preparation for the Climhazzard limit break.
Ascalon and Sidewinder
The two small blades Ascalon and Sidewinder are identical, mirror image dagger-like swords, though they are still quite long. They are singled edged, with a gear-like mechanism between the hilt and the blade that allow them to fold up like a switchblade. It is in this folded form that these two small blades are locked onto the two sides of Vigilante, with their edges turned forward toward Vendetta. In addition, one of the small blades can be quickly ejected from the assembly if needed, providing Cloud with a needed off-hand weapon as was the case in the second motorcycle battle against Yazoo and Loz.
One of the small blades (Ascalon) was used by Cloud in the fight against Yazoo and Loz (afterwards combined with the Dragon Slayer to form the "Apocalypse"), and the other (Sidewinder) against Kadaj, as the off-hand weapon, then reinserted into the Apocalypse in preparation for the Finishing Touch limit break, forming the completed First Tsurugi. As part of the assembled First Tsurugi, Ascalon and Sidewinder do not appear to have any vital function like the rest of the swords, only serving as covers to the exposed hilts of the other blades, adding extra weight, and therefore force, to strikes, and providing a decorative appearance.
Completed First Tsurugi
As mentioned before, with the locking of Vendetta, Merciless, Avenger, Ascalon, and Sidewinder onto Vigilante, the completed First Tsurugi takes on the distinctive appearance of Zack's Buster Sword, which was placed on the cliff outside Midgar by Cloud as a memorial of his friend and not used for fighting in the movie. Unlike the Buster Sword, which contains two obvious round slots for Materia to be inserted, the First Tsurugi does not have any similarly obvious placement options (similar to Cloud's Materia slot-less Nail Bat joke weapon).
The First Tsurugi, much like the Buster Sword, is primarily a crushing weapon, not necessarily a slicing weapon as a katana such as Sephiroth's Masamune would be, though Cloud is perfectly capable of slicing through even concrete with it. Although its appearance is as stout and sturdy as the Buster Sword, Cloud does not demonstrate any more difficulty carrying and wielding it with one hand than he does using only the presumably lighter Vigilante by itself. In addition, the First Tsurugi does not appear any stronger or weaker than Kadaj's Souba (a tasseled double-katana) or Sephiroth's Masamune long katana, neither damaging nor being damaged by repeated full-strength edge-to-edge blows between either, which would certainly damage a real sword's edge if not outright break one of or both of the swords. However, it is demonstrably capable of cutting through Yazoo's Velvet Nightmare gun and Loz's Dual Hound pile bunker, even when missing one of the small blades from the full assembly.
Much like how the buster sword made an appearance in Kingdom Hearts, Cloud uses the First Tsurugi in Kingdom Hearts II. It too, is wrapped in bandages.
Omnislash Version 5
In Japanese, called "Choukyuu Bushin Hakazan Version 5" or "Super Ultimate War God Champion Slash", Cloud's final limit break in Advent Children is a fast succession of six slashes using the six swords of the First Tsurugi one time each. It is significantly different from the Omnislash in the original game, which only used one single sword for a longer sequence of many more slashes. Omnislash Version 5 is performed according to the following steps:
1.The completed First Tsurugi is fully disassembled in an instant, the five swords ejected upwards from the main blade in a circle around the target (which may not be on a parallel plane with the ground), who is in the air above the performer.
2.The performer then flies (as an effect of the limit break, as Cloud does not fly or otherwise change directions in midair under his own power usually) upward, leaves Vigilante directly above the target, and flies toward one of the swords around the circle.
3.Grabbing the sword with his right hand, he flies straight into, and through, the target on the way to the next sword, striking the target with the sword currently being held.
4.Once past, he releases his current sword, takes the next one, and repeats the fly-by process until all five swords have been used and released.
5.This done, he flies up to Vigilante still directly above the target, grabs it, and performs the final strike by flying through the target again straight toward the ground, releasing Vigilante as well. This leaves him on the ground, the five swords landing in succession in a circle around him a moment later, and Vigilante falling from the sky directly on top of him a moment after that.
First Tsurugi
The First Tsurugi (translated as "First Sword" in Japanese) is the collection of six swords, and their single combined form, used by Cloud Strife as his primary weapon in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children,
The Swords
The First Tsurugi is composed of six separate swords that assemble into one large sword which Cloud uses in his battles against the antagonists Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz, the summoned Bahamut TREMOR/Bahamut SHIN, and Sephiroth. It is also disassembled for the final attack on Sephiroth at the end of the movie.
The swords of the First Tsurugi are not named in the movie, but their names were revealed after the movie was released. The First Tsurugi consists of one main blade (Vigilante), one hollow blade that serves as the front edge (Vendetta), two identical (but asymmetrically opposite) blades that form the back (Merciless and Avenger), and two identical (also asymmetrically opposite) smaller blades that attach to the sides (Ascalon and Sidewinder). In its fully assembled state, the First Tsurugi is clearly inspired by Zacks Buster Sword in its shape and size.
The six blades of the First Tsurugi, stored in the Fenrir motorcycle.
The swords of the First Tsurugi in its disassembled state are usually stored in racks inside the special compartments (three racks per compartment) on both sides of Cloud's motorcycle, the Fenrir. In addition, Cloud wears a harness on his back which he carries the swords in. Since this harness is never shown fully occupied, it is possible that all six swords can be carried by Cloud at once.
The main blade Vigilante resembles an exaggerated Zweih??ndr in its shape and appearance, though Cloud usually wields it with only one hand, invariably his right one, despite its apparent size and weight. It consists of a long hilt wrapped in a red material, a distinctively large handguard which the other swords are locked into, a wide length of blade, and an equally long but thinner length ending in a point. The main blade is the only sword among the six that is double-sided, and is somewhat similar in silhouette to Cloud's Ultima Weapon.
The main blade has two forms. In the first, the appearance is as described above, with the blade of the sword appearing to be one solid length of metal except for the transition between the wide and thin halves. In the second, the blade is pulled outward; the edges are locked apart and a complex inner portion of the sword is visible, giving the blade an appearance not identical to but reminiscent of Cloud's Apocalypse sword. It is in this second form that the other swords are assembled onto the main blade.
Vigilante, by itself and as other swords are attached, is Cloud's primary weapon. In addition, Cloud is shown to be able to use his Blade Beam Limit Break using Vigilante only.
The hollow blade Vendetta, as its description suggests, does not have an inner core as expected for a sword. Rather, it is essentially (though not exactly) a thick sheet of metal folded in a V-shape when looked from above, with the cutting edge of the sword being the the bottom point of the V, with its lower one-third of its length wrapping around a red double-hilt. Vendetta is locked onto the front edge of Vigilante, where it snugly covers that entire side of Vigilante, and its own edge serves as the striking point for the assembled sword, which is named "Alkaid". It is this addition that turns the First Tsurugi from a symmetric shape to the distinctive Buster Sword appearance.
Vendetta, while not Cloud's primary weapon, was perfectly capable of serving as such when Cloud was deprived of the main blade in the battle at Ajito against Yazoo and Loz. Despite its lack of an inner core, it is strong and sturdy enough to deflect and block both bullets from Yazoo's Velvet Nightmare handgun and Loz's physical attacks. After regaining the main blade, Cloud uses Vendetta as an off-hand weapon. He also ejects Vendetta from the completed First Tsurugi as an off-hand weapon during the fight with Sephiroth.
Merciless and Avenger
The two back blades Merciless and Avenger are identical long swords, mirror images of each other, with one side completely straight and the other a saw-tooth pattern, and a long black hilt for each. These two swords are attached to the back Vigilante, on both sides of Vigilante's back edge, with the saw-tooths pointed forward toward the hollow blade. The addition of these two swords completes the trapezoidal silhouette of the First Tsurugi.
Merciless and Avenger were used by Cloud in the fight against the summoned Bahamut SHIN. One was an off-hand weapon to complement Alkaid in Cloud's right hand; Merciless's saw-tooth edge is the striking edge, and Cloud wielded it until he attached it to Alkaid in preparation for the Braver limit break, forming the "Heaven's Cloud". Avenger was carried on his back harness, until it was attached to the Heaven's Cloud, forming the "Dragon Slayer" in the same battle in preparation for the Climhazzard limit break.
Ascalon and Sidewinder
The two small blades Ascalon and Sidewinder are identical, mirror image dagger-like swords, though they are still quite long. They are singled edged, with a gear-like mechanism between the hilt and the blade that allow them to fold up like a switchblade. It is in this folded form that these two small blades are locked onto the two sides of Vigilante, with their edges turned forward toward Vendetta. In addition, one of the small blades can be quickly ejected from the assembly if needed, providing Cloud with a needed off-hand weapon as was the case in the second motorcycle battle against Yazoo and Loz.
One of the small blades (Ascalon) was used by Cloud in the fight against Yazoo and Loz (afterwards combined with the Dragon Slayer to form the "Apocalypse"), and the other (Sidewinder) against Kadaj, as the off-hand weapon, then reinserted into the Apocalypse in preparation for the Finishing Touch limit break, forming the completed First Tsurugi. As part of the assembled First Tsurugi, Ascalon and Sidewinder do not appear to have any vital function like the rest of the swords, only serving as covers to the exposed hilts of the other blades, adding extra weight, and therefore force, to strikes, and providing a decorative appearance.
Completed First Tsurugi
As mentioned before, with the locking of Vendetta, Merciless, Avenger, Ascalon, and Sidewinder onto Vigilante, the completed First Tsurugi takes on the distinctive appearance of Zack's Buster Sword, which was placed on the cliff outside Midgar by Cloud as a memorial of his friend and not used for fighting in the movie. Unlike the Buster Sword, which contains two obvious round slots for Materia to be inserted, the First Tsurugi does not have any similarly obvious placement options (similar to Cloud's Materia slot-less Nail Bat joke weapon).
The First Tsurugi, much like the Buster Sword, is primarily a crushing weapon, not necessarily a slicing weapon as a katana such as Sephiroth's Masamune would be, though Cloud is perfectly capable of slicing through even concrete with it. Although its appearance is as stout and sturdy as the Buster Sword, Cloud does not demonstrate any more difficulty carrying and wielding it with one hand than he does using only the presumably lighter Vigilante by itself. In addition, the First Tsurugi does not appear any stronger or weaker than Kadaj's Souba (a tasseled double-katana) or Sephiroth's Masamune long katana, neither damaging nor being damaged by repeated full-strength edge-to-edge blows between either, which would certainly damage a real sword's edge if not outright break one of or both of the swords. However, it is demonstrably capable of cutting through Yazoo's Velvet Nightmare gun and Loz's Dual Hound pile bunker, even when missing one of the small blades from the full assembly.
Much like how the buster sword made an appearance in Kingdom Hearts, Cloud uses the First Tsurugi in Kingdom Hearts II. It too, is wrapped in bandages.
Omnislash Version 5
In Japanese, called "Choukyuu Bushin Hakazan Version 5" or "Super Ultimate War God Champion Slash", Cloud's final limit break in Advent Children is a fast succession of six slashes using the six swords of the First Tsurugi one time each. It is significantly different from the Omnislash in the original game, which only used one single sword for a longer sequence of many more slashes. Omnislash Version 5 is performed according to the following steps:
1.The completed First Tsurugi is fully disassembled in an instant, the five swords ejected upwards from the main blade in a circle around the target (which may not be on a parallel plane with the ground), who is in the air above the performer.
2.The performer then flies (as an effect of the limit break, as Cloud does not fly or otherwise change directions in midair under his own power usually) upward, leaves Vigilante directly above the target, and flies toward one of the swords around the circle.
3.Grabbing the sword with his right hand, he flies straight into, and through, the target on the way to the next sword, striking the target with the sword currently being held.
4.Once past, he releases his current sword, takes the next one, and repeats the fly-by process until all five swords have been used and released.
5.This done, he flies up to Vigilante still directly above the target, grabs it, and performs the final strike by flying through the target again straight toward the ground, releasing Vigilante as well. This leaves him on the ground, the five swords landing in succession in a circle around him a moment later, and Vigilante falling from the sky directly on top of him a moment after that.
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