28 August 2008
haha, jak har sett det jak tydelign hade skrivfit igår. aja ta't hur ni vill . jak har tenkt ut det , inbillning . jak inbillar mei foer mkt saker . sa en sak för jag ville att du skull kom
idak boerjade jak 12;50 . det visste mitt päron te farsa hela dagn lång, och ljugarN kmr jak ju alltid vara .- lit besvikn påe mei sjelv er jak faktist . brukar oftast turna up like t
take me to the place where you go where nobody knows, if it's night or day. please don't put your life in the hands of a Rock 'n Roll band who'll throw it all away
you and me we used to be together everyday together always i really feel that I'm losing my best friend i can't believe this could be the end it looks as though you're letting go and if it
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