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Saab r4 gps installation manual: >> http://fea.cloudz.pw/download?file=saab+r4+gps+installation+manual << (Download)
Saab r4 gps installation manual: >> http://fea.cloudz.pw/read?file=saab+r4+gps+installation+manual << (Read Online)
While reasonable care has been exercised in the preparation of this manual, Saab. TransponderTech AB shall incur no For Installation, Service and Technical Support: Please contact your R4 . The R4 GPS Navigation Sensor features a high-precision GPS receiver, capable of receiv- ing WAAS, EGNOS and MSAS
External fuse. User. R4. Port 4. Sensor. RS-422 Ports. INSTALLATION. SUPREME - Navigation System. R4 GPS Navigation Sensor or. R4 DGPS Navigation Sensor. R5 NAV Sensor Cable. 4. Speed. Alarm. GP I/O. Log. Relay. R4 GPS Navigation Sensor or. R4 DGPS Navigation Sensor. R4 Nav Signal and Power Cable.
Versatile, Accurate and Reliable. For any application, from work boat manoeuvring to worldwide navigation, from hydrographic surveying to marking of fishing grounds - the two models of our series of professional GPS and DGPS navigators has been designed to exactly suit your needs. Depending on your precision.
INSTALLATION MANUAL R4 AIS Class A Transponder System - Read more about transponder, display, antenna, ignored, settings and appendix.
modifications, shall remain the property of Saab TransponderTech AB at all times. The contents must not, whether . and presentation systems that support required IEC 61162-1 sentences as set out in the. Installation Manual. The R4 Transponder is prepared for connection to Long Range sys- tems like Inmarsat C. The R4
SAAB TRANSPONDERTECH. Saab R4. Navigation Systems. IMO require SOLAS class ships to carry a type- approved GPS and further that any new GPS installation shall be compliant with the new performance standard for GPS. This was defined by MSC 112(73) and resulted in the associated test standard IEC 61108-1
Saab TransponderTech AB shall incur no liability whatsoever based on the contents or lack of contents in the manual. iii. Software. This manual reflects the capabilities of R4 Display software version 5.2.x and R4 AIS Transponder software 5.2.x. iv. Installation Manual Part Number and Revision. Part number 7000 108-011,
installation guide, Saab TransponderTech AB shall incur no to facilitate installation of the Saab TransponderTech J4N Junction Box for the R4 (D)GPS Refer to the R4. Navigation System installation manual for details. 2.6. J4N Circuit Board. The components and available connections of the J4N circuit board are shown
CONTENTS Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1.8 Grounding Mount the R4 Transponder?s GPS antenna 4.1.6 Cabling 4.4 Panel Mounting 4.1.4 4.1 Location provides in-depth information to facilitate installation of the Saab TransponderTech R4 AIS Shipborne Class A Transponder System.
Any transponder system needs navigation input. Saab's R4 GPS and DGPS Navigation System is type-approved for SOLAS and any other precision navigation application. Includes RAIM and support for DGPS corrections from an external receiver, from an internal beacon receiver (R4 DGPS) or from satellite differential