Monday 21 January 2008 photo 1/1
Regler: 1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING! Will it be ok? Blake Shelton - Holes in the floor of heaven Ookej. Hmm How are you feeling today? Within Temptation - Wish you were here What? I'm fine. How do your friends see you? Fighter - Christina Aguilera Ja tack, varför inte :) Will you get married? Nobody but me - Blake Shelton Haha, då är det bara jag som gifter mig. Ingen annan. Okej? What is your best friends theme song? Frosty the snowman - George Strait HAHAHAHA What is the story of your life? Knock 'em out - Lily Allen Sure, why not? Gärna. What was high school like? Come live your life with me - Peter Cincotti SÅ bra var det ändå inte. How can you get ahead in life? Ljudet av ett annat hjärta - Gyllene Tider Så om jag finner en bra partner så är allt bra? What is the best thing about your friends? För bra för att vara sant - Per Gessle Yes. I agree. Förutom att det är sant. What is tonight going to be like? Angel - Westlife ??? What song describes you? The Baby - Blake Shelton HAHA, är jag en sån mes?! To describe your grandparents? 1973 - James BluntÖöh, okej. How is your life going? Kiss Me - Sixpence non the richer Desperate kisser? Njaej... What song will they play at your funeral? High - James Blunt Haha. Tror inte det nej. How does the world see you? Glory of love - Peter Cetera Sure. Will you have a happy life? It ain't easy bein' me - Blake Shelton Hmm...ska jag få det svårt? Usch då xD What do your friends really think of you? Your'e beautiful - James Blunt Ja det låter ju bra. :) Do people secretly lust after you? When somebody knows you that well - Blake shelton I guess we'll never know. How can I make myself happy? You're the reason why God made Oklahoma - Blake Shelton & Maria Lambert ????? What should you do with your life? Coca cola (theme song) HAHA dricka cola? Will you ever have children? The Bartender - Blake Shelton Med en bartender? Ja vem vet...