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Tuesday 13 March 2018 photo 4/10
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classpath> ant.home}/lib/ant-javamail.jar" /> <! a ant javamail Downloadantjavamail161jar Download all Jar Files. Although mail.jar, activation.jar, and smtp.jar are in the classpath before the script is run, when mail is constructed using AntBuilder, I get the Ant message: [mail] Failed to initialise MIME mail: org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.email.MimeMailer. The attached script will first attempt to send an email using Javamail, and then a. Ant-javamail.jar problems include application errors, missing files, and possible virus infection. Here are the top five most common Ant-javamail.jar problems and how to fix them... ant-common.xml build.properties build.xml mbox.xml project.properties project.xml. Finally, some files for checking that the API signatures match the spec (not yet integrated into the build). mail.sig siggen sigtest. The main JavaMail source code module, containing all the code that goes into mail.jar. mail/pom.xml. JavaMail 1.4. JavaMail API 1.4, you can find it here. JavaMail 1.3.3. JavaMail API 1.3.3, you can find it here. JavaMail 1.3.2. JavaMail API 1.3.2, you can find it here. JavaMail 1.3.1. JavaMail API 1.3.1, you can find it here. JavaMail 1.3. JavaMail API 1.3, you can find it here. JavaMail 1.2. JavaMail API 1.2, you can find it here. Did you have to add the tasks jar (and dependencies)? What do you have in your Tools/Options/Java/Ant panel's Classpath table? I only have "C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.3javaantlib" in my classpath table. I found ant-javamail.jar in the directory "C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.3javaantlib". Does that. (1 reply) Sorry for the wrong subject (previous)! -----Original Message----- From: Chris Chang Sent: December 11, 2001 10:42 AM To: 'Ant Users List' Subject: RE: Help with 'pathconvert', please! Folks, Any ideas to send out jar file via email? --- Nested Exception --- javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed; nested. Since the Ant task reported: Failed to initialise MIME mail: javax/mail/MessagingException. I decided to download the mail.jar and activation.jar from Sun's website and copy those two jar files in the lib directory of Apache Ant in order to make sending attachments using MIME work and bypassing the default. /etc/ant.d/javamail; /usr/lib64/gcj/ant/ant-javamail-1.6.5.jar.db; /usr/lib64/gcj/ant/ant-javamail-1.6.5.jar.so; /usr/share/java/ant/ant-javamail-1.6.5.jar; /usr/share/java/ant/ant-javamail.jar. ant-javamail-1.7.1-15.el6 RPM for x86_64. Summary: Optional javamail tasks for ant. 0:1.7.1-1 - 1.7.1 - update maven pom files - rediff apache-ant-jars.patch - rediff apache-ant-bz163689.patch - add apache-ant-gnu-classpath.patch - set rpm_mode=true in conf since the ant script handles the rest * Thu. i am getting dependencies error when building report designer with ant. :: problems summary :: :::: WARNINGS module not found: javax.mail#mail;1.4.1 ==== local: tried C:UsersVako.ivy2localjavax.mailmail1.4.1ivysivy.xml -- artifact javax.mail#mail;1.4.1!mail.jar:. I can send an email from an ant script, but cannot figure out how to do the same thing in Gradle. Below is my Gradle script: task sendMail ant.mail (mailhost:'smtp.host.co…. I have copy the javax.mail.jar to the GRADLE_HOME/lib, my gradle version is 1.7, and jvm version is 1.7.0_15. Thank in advance. javax.activation, activation, 1.1.1, jar, COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0, No.. Unknown: JDOM, ant-launcher, growl, jcharset, jcifs, org.apache.tools.ant, servlet-api, swt, winrun4j. BSD License: HtmlCleaner. The BSD License: Stax2 API. CDDL: JavaMail API. MIT License: JCL. I'm having trouble with the Ant mail task. Its giving the error. [mail] Failed to initialise MIME mail: javax/mail/MessagingException [mail] Sending email: Test. My experience with eclipse is that it doesn't recognize that additional jars have been dropped into the ant home lib directory. You need to change. Install Javamail OpenGTS can be setup to send emails to users based on certain events using Javamail, which may require additional configuration: $ mkdir ~/gps && cd ~/gps $ wget -c http://java.net/projects/javamail/downloads/download/javax.mail.jar $ sudo cp javax.mail.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/. Install ant Ant, which. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/Authenticator "C:Program FilesJavaj2sdk1.4.2_08binjava" -Xmx128m "-Dant.home=C:Program FilesJetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA 5.0libant" -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 -classpath "C:Program FilesJetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA 5.0libantlibant-antlr.jar;C:Program. Executing the script places a fresh mail-1.4.5.jar at C:Usersjonlee.groovygrapesjavax.mailmailjars, which contains the MimeMessage.class.. IJCCoreUtils init = { widget -> } destroy = { widget -> } evaluate = { widget -> def ant = new AntBuilder() ant.mail(mailhost:'mymailserver.sample.com', mailport:25,. CHECKSTYLE_HOME}/checkstyle-all-3.5.jar:${CHECKSTYLE_HOME}/checkstyle-sun-modules.jar"/>. CHECKSTYLE_STYLESHEET,. CHECKSTYLE_CONFIG and CHECKSTYLE_OUTPUT variables have defaults. Ants and JARs You have two choices for integrating third-party code into your project: use source code or use pre-packaged JARs.. 1. jar. With both of those in the libs/ directory, the classpath told javac to link against those JARs, so any JavaMail references in the MailBuzz code could be correctly resolved. Then, those. JDK (Java Development Kit) version 1.5+; Apache Ant version 1.7+; mail.jar in Sun's JavaMail API 1.4+; activation.jar in Sun's JavaBeansActivationFramework. This is only required for media specific APIs including Document List Data API, Picasa Web Album API, and YouTube Data API. servlet.jar in Sun's. I want to send an mail through ANT. For this, I have copied mail.jar and activation.jar in ANT-Installation-Dir/lib folder and also basedir/lib folder. I have downloaded javamail-1_3_3_01.zip (which contains mail.jar), jaf-1_0_2-upd2.zip (which contains activation.jar), and copying the two jar files into the lib. Hey, I'm trying to import javax.* folder to my bukkit plugin. I cant just add external jars, because when I run my server, it will not find the... javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp at javax.mail.Session.getService(Session.java:794) at javax.mail.Session.getTransport(Session.java:71 at javax.mail.Session.. please stop the tomcat server, then go to tomcatserverlib and delete the mail.jar and activation.jar files. Those files conflict with. jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31.zip, jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31/common/lib/servlet.jar, wtpInstallDirectory>/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.wst.ws.apache.axis_1.0.0/lib/. soap-bin-2.3.1.zip, soap-2_3_1/lib/soap.jar, /eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.wst.ws.apache.soap_1.0.0/lib/. javamail-1_3_2.zip. pom.xml snippet for Maven. com.sun.mail artifactId>javax.mail 1.5.6 . Gradle. 'com.sun.mail:javax.mail:1.5.6'. Ivy (Ant). mail" name="javax.mail" rev="1.5.6" />. OS name: Windows Browser name and version: IE 9 Sahi build number: 2013-04-29 Hello, I am trying to send e-mail using Javamail and having a hard time. However, for a complex manifest file, it's easier to first create a physical manifest file and then refer to the file through the manifest attribute of the jar> task.. 4 javaMail-Implementation-URL : http: / /www. coreservlets . com/ javaMail .jar This manifest, in addition to naming who built the file, contains information on the. If the com- piler reports that the packages javax.mail and javax.mail.internet do not exist, you must add the proper JAR files to your classpath. See Recipe 4.3 on using Ant to include Tomcat's JAR files in your classpath. Download the mail.jar component from http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/. The downloaded file is a. Hi All, The below ant traget is throwing "Failed to send email: javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage". I added mail.jar and activation .jar to my lib folder. My Ant version is 1.8.4. Please help me resolve this issue. mail mailhost="mail.comscore.com" mailport="25" subject="Tag Fail. Fix: Look in the ANT_HOME/lib for the 'ant-' JAR corresponding to the task and make sure it contains more than merely a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. If all it contains is the. exception is: javax.mail.MessagingException: 454 5.7.3 Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server. at javax.mail. Make sure that mail.jar from JavaMail and activation.jar from the Java Beans Activation Framework are in your CLASSPATH . How do I get at the properties that Ant was running with from inside BuildListener? You can get at a hashtable with all the properties that Ant has been using through the BuildEvent. Please download a jar of “java mail" and put it to the lib folder of your ant installation. Using Java code: When I had this problem of sending the execution report as mail, I did it in a hard way by writing the following java code. In the following code I had used the javax mail API for composing and sending the. EmailTask Its dependencies are found in the jar files I have: mail.jar activation.jar and maybe java-mail.jar, which comes with the ant installation.. fileset(dir: "D:\dev\apps\gradle-0.9\lib"){ include(name: 'mail.jar') include(name: 'activation.jar') include(name: 'ant.1.8.1.jar') include(name: 'ant-javamail.jar') }. The j2ee.jar in IDE-HOME/lib contains the class javax.mail.internet.ParameterList that relies on the following Geronimo-specific classes:. This bug also affects the ant integration when you want to send emails from ant files as excecution from inside the IDE will throw. Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:. Ant is great for software builds and even for distributions, while Ivy could precede Ant and handle the dependencies of a library or other artifacts. Ivy is able to track.. javax.jms javax.mail javax.servlet net.sf.ehcache org.aopalliance org.apache.ant org.apache.commons.codec org.apache.commons.dbcp. Hi Guys, I'm trying to compile Java packages using Apache ant but I'm getting compilation errors.. org.apache.ant.patch_1.6.5.jar": no such file or directory.. MessagingException; [javac] ^ [javac] /export/home/user/svn/src/myc/util/mail/EmailAttachment.java:12: package javax.mail.internet does not exist. Content of RPM : /opt/rh/rh-maven35/root/etc/ant.d/javamail /opt/rh/rh-maven35/root/usr/share/ant/lib/ant-javamail.jar /opt/rh/rh-maven35/root/usr/share/java/ant /opt/rh/rh-maven35/root/usr/share/java/ant/ant-javamail.jar /opt/rh/rh-maven35/root/usr/share/maven-metadata/ant-javamail.xml ant, ant, 1.6.5, -, jar. ant, ant-optional, 1.5.1, -, jar. atlassian-core, atlassian-core, 2006.07.14, -, jar. atlassian-mail, atlassian-mail, 2007_03_12, -, jar. atlassian-plugins, atlassian-plugins. com.atlassian.mail, alt_j2ee, 0.07, -, jar. com.atlassian.profiling. javax.xml.bind, jaxb-api, 2.0, -, jar. javax.xml.bind. Levels, Log4J, 406 LGPL (Lesser General Public License), GNU, compared to Apache license, 7 lib directory see $CATALINA_HOME/lib directory. lib directory, WEB-INF, 114 licensees, J2EE, 10 licensing and distribution of Tomcat, 6 Light Edition of Tomcat, 39, 49 disappearing startup window, 42 Jar files excluded from in. INFO: Properties for portal loaded from [jar:file:/Users/akakunin/.m2/repository/com/liferay/portal/portal-impl/6.1.1/portal-impl-6.1.1.jar!/portal.properties] Loading. DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is. findBaseClass(AntClassLoader.java:1383) at org.apache.tools.ant.AntClassLoader. Missing artifact javax.activation:activation:jar:1.0.2:provided. Missing artifact javax.mail:mail:jar:1.3.1:provided. Missing artifact javax.xml:namespace:jar:1.1.0:provided. Project 'testMavenProject' is missing required library: “C:Userszoe james.m2repositoryjavaxactivationactivation. Here is the pom.xml:. Hi, I'm trying to compile through javac a java file adding the libraries NetUtil.jar, max.jar and a personal jar package.. javax.mail.MessagingException: IOException while sending message; nested exception is: javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME type text/plain;. 2 - Prerequisite. The jar file mail.jar (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.mail/mail) must be in the lib dir of ant. 3 - Example. 3.1 - SSL. example.com" mailport="465" subject="The wiki backup has completed (${backupZipFilePath})" user="${env.ANT_MAIL_USER}" password="${env. ... /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-apache-log4j.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-apache-oro.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-apache-regexp.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-apache-resolver.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-apache-xalan2.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-commons-logging.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-commons-net.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-javamail.jar. MF maven-antrun-plugin 1.7 unpack-jar-for-bundling package run org.apache.felix maven-bundle-plugin 2.3.7 generate-osgi-headers package manifest ${project.build.directory} javax.servlet;resolution:=optional, javax.servlet.http;resolution:=optional, javax.sql;resolution:=optional, javax.mail;resolution:=optional,. org.apache.ant, ant-launcher, 1.7.0, -, jar. org.apache.... org.apache.neethi:neethi:jar; org.apache.ws.commons.schema:XmlSchema:jar; xalan:xalan:jar; javax.mail:mail:jar.. The JavaMail API provides a platform-independent and protocol-independent framework to build mail and messaging applications. ... /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-apache-resolver.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-apache-xalan2.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-commons-logging.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-commons-net.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-javamail.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-jdepend.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-jmf.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-jsch.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ant-junit.jar. Constants" classpathref="classpath"/> javamail.complete"> metainf> ant.jar xml-apis.jar xercesImpl.jar xalan.jar"/> jar> jar destfile="${build.lib}/ant-nodeps.jar". options.jar:axis-ant.jar:axis-schema.jar:axis.jar:commons-discovery-0.2.jar:commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:jaxrpc.jar:log4j-1.2.8.jar:saaj.jar:wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar:mail.jar:activation.jar VcclabALOGPS -f smi FILE_SMILES output.xml where FILE_SMILES is file with molecules in SMILES format On Windows : to compile program javac. In effect, we can build these classes easily, so long as JavaMail (mail.jar), the JavaBeans Activation Framework (activation.jar -- required by the JavaMail API), and the James package (james.jar) are on the classpath. To use the James JAR file, you have to get it out of the james.sar file, which you'll find in. Its dependencies are found in the jar files I have: mail.jar activation.jar and maybe java-mail.jar, which comes with the ant installation. I still get the same exception no matter how I do this: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException. Execution failed for task ':doEMail'. Cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.mail.internet. ant-1.7.0.jar; javax.mail-1.5.5.jar; jtds-1.3.1.jar; labkeyBootstrap-17.2-SNAPSHOT.jar; mysql-connector-java-5.1.39.jar; postgresql-42.0.0.jar. Delete all files in your /build/staging/tomcat-lib directory. Copy the unversioned JAR files into /lib by executing gradlew setup. Your /lib directory. aQute.bnd.annotation, Jar:org.scala-lang.scala-library, Jar:json, Jar:logging, Jar:m2ee-api, Jar:mxruntime, Jar:integration, Jar:osgi.cmpn, Jar:webui,. Jar:commons-logging-1.1, Jar:dom4j-1.6.1, Jar:guava-12.0, Jar:guice-2.0, Jar:javax.xml.stream-1.0, Jar:joda-time-1.6.2, Jar:mail, Jar:nekohtml,. GA-sources.jar.save ${ant-jar-location} ${vaadin-jar-location} ${src-location} Output will be written into.. icu4j-50.1.1.jar javax.activation-1.1.0.v201105071233.jar javax.annotation-1.1.0.v201108011116.jar javax.mail.glassfish-1.4.1.v201005082020.jar.