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Venture Capital For Dummies
by Nicole Gravagna
rating: 4.7 (36 reviews)
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Secure venture capital? Easy.
Getting a business up and running or pushing a brilliant product to the marketplace requires capital. For many entrepreneurs, a lack of start-up capital can be
Details:Amazon rank: #221,710Price: $26.99bound: 360 pagesPublisher: For Dummies; 1 edition (August 15, 2013)Language: EnglishASIN: B00EFB42ZOFile size: 3466 KB
Venture Capital For Dummies Nicole Gravagna
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Details:Amazon rank: #221,710Price: $26.99bound: 360 pagesPublisher: For Dummies; 1 edition (August 15, 2013)Language: EnglishASIN: B00EFB42ZOFile size: 3466 KB
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