January 2013
Jag är arg på mig själv inte dig. Jag är arg för att jag alltid är snäll, alltid bett om ursäkt för saker jag inte gjort. Litat på dig, tänkt på dig, förlåtit dig, önskat dig det bästa
hey. you´re out late. Lucky thing you finding lucas like that, if you haven´t coming along who knows what might had happend. Everything turnd out okey. No, not really. I don´t know what hurt worst.
''i have made a huge mistake, im calling lindsey'' ''.................. If you think that will help xD'' HAHAHAHAHAHA
I mean, I think about the future sometimes and thats scares me but live the life, the dream, no fear.
"I don’t know, I feel a little bit like I failed, you know? I’m watching all my friends move on with their lives. And they’re all moving forward and it’s like I’m stuck here, standing still.
Because you kink your eyebrow when your trying to be cute. And you quote Keimoo, even though I’ve never actually seen you read. And because, you miss your parents, but you’ll never ever admit that
These are the best days, aren’t they? When we look back, these are the days we’ll remember. Often the greatest rewards come from doing the things that Scare you the Most