Sunday 15 March 2009 photo 1/1
Tristan & Isolde världens vackraste film.
- Tristan, we both know this can't be, we've known it from the start. That doesn't mean it isn't true, it is, it just cannot be. I want to know that you're alive somewhere thinking of me from time to time. I want to know that there's more to this life and I can't know that if they kill you.
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Sun 15 Mar 2009 21:07
asså.. njaa fery :P
Sun 15 Mar 2009 20:52
den e faktist mysig, inte va jag brukar tycka om den genren xD
Sun 15 Mar 2009 20:49
om man scrollar ner så man inte ser deras huvuden. Så ser det ut som en elefant som är påväg upp ur morgonbadet!
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