Thursday 21 May 2009 photo 1/3
Diabetes is a syndrome of disordered metabolism, usually due to a combination of hereditary and environmental causes, resulting in abnormally high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia).[2] develops due to a diminished production of insulin (in type 1) or resistance to its effects (in type 2 and gestational). Both lead to hyperglycemia, which largely causes the acute signs of diabetes: excessive urine production, resulting compensatory thirst and increased fluid intake, blurred vision(?), unexplained weight loss, lethargy, and changes in energy metabolism.
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Fri 22 May 2009 21:46
aaa du drack ju massa! Men samtidigt, man ska kissa väldigt mycket också
Fri 22 May 2009 21:47 Heh, menar du på exams att jag drack mkt?:P Jaaa, o sen mkt på tränigen(även att jag simma i vattnet) o på kvällen kunde jag dricka typ nästan en liter!:O Men jag kissar iaf normalt xD
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