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curious case benjamin button movie
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Drama · Tells the story of Benjamin Button, a man who starts aging backwards with bizarre consequences.... Some dialog here is timeless and quotable, such as the film's tag-line; "We are defined by opportunities, even by the ones we miss." When you age backwards, you get more chances rather than missing it. I love that. Movie Info. David Fincher's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, an adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's story, re-teams the director with Brad Pitt, who takes on the title role. What makes Button such a curious case is that when he is born in New Orleans just after World War I, he is already in his eighties, and proceeds to live. Read the Empire review of The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. Find out everything you need to know about the film from the world's biggest movie destination. 2 min - Uploaded by Paramount Movies"I was born under unusual circumstances." And so begins "The Curious Case of Benjamin. 3 min - Uploaded by Associated PressBrad Pitt and Cate Blanchett star in this fable about a man who ages in reverse. Directed by. 2 min - Uploaded by FilmTrailersChannelIn Theaters: 6 February 2009 On the day that Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans, elderly Daisy. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button begins in the hospital room of an elderly, terminally ill woman. Attending is her daughter, Caroline. The dying woman asks Caroline to read from the diary of a friend named Benjamin, whose life addresses this question: If one could live in reverse—old to young—would inevitable losses. "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is a splendidly made film based on a profoundly mistaken premise. It tells the story of a man who is old when he is born and an infant when he dies. All those around him, everyone he knows and loves, grow older in the usual way, and he passes them on the way. Buy The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Read 1302 Movies & TV Reviews - but she stays by him to the end. Forget gimmicky special effects or acadamy award this or that, just watch the movie closely and see how much Daisy loves Benjamin througout her life even with his bizarre affliction. Read more. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button movie reviews & Metacritic score: “I was born under unusual circumstances." And so begins The Curious Case of Benjami... Remove "curious" from the title and replace it with "twee and pointless", and you're close to it. What a incredible shaggy-puppy of a movie, a cobweb-construction patched together with CGI, prosthetics, gibberish and warm tears. And, at two hours and 40 minutes, it really does go on for an incredibly long. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a striking anomaly in his filmography as the allure of the project makes some sense, but the execution is a lush, unabashed romance bubbling with mawkish sentiment. The movie is graceful, beautiful, poetic, and yet oddly distant. The whole production feels gilded. From this odd, somewhat unpromising kernel, the director David Fincher and the screenwriter Eric Roth have cultivated a lush, romantic hothouse bloom, a film that shares only a title and a basic premise with its literary source. “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," more than two and a half hours long,. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was originally a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald that was later very loosely adapted into a successful 2008 epic … The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (The Criterion Collection): Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Julia Ormond, Tilda Swinton, Tom Everett, Jared Harris, Ted Manson, Fiona. Still, the Hurricane Katrina framing story feels put-on, and the movie lets Benjamin slide offscreen during its later stages--curious indeed. The same is true with Fincher's latest and biggest project to date: "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." This time, though, you're meant to revel in the sights. Brad Pitt is a baby, but an 80-year-old baby! Remarkable visions abound in "Benjamin Button," especially in the first hour of this 2-hour, 47-minute fantasy. Much as. Jan 15, 2016Watch The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button movie trailers, exclusive videos, interviews from. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. · February 27, 2014 ·. "Will you still love me when my skin grows old and saggy?" The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – Will You Still Love Me? In the movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), Benjamin (Brad Pitt) and Daisy (Cate Blanchett) sail into the Gulf along the. Indeed, the concept of a man aging backward has formed the basis for more than one sci-fi tinged story - from novels to an animated Star Trek episode - but the source material for this film is a 1922 short written by acclaimed novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald. The original "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" functions as little. Critics have moaned about its length, but for the story and the characters to become a part of you, this film could not have been any shorter. The Currious Case Of Benjamin Button is a magical tale about love, understanding and acceptance, all themes ridiculously relevant in our time. Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett's chemistry. Tell us where you are. Looking for movie tickets? Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing The Curious Case of Benjamin Button near you. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO. This is a heavy and thought-provoking movie, good for teens who like serious content. My teenager really loved it, and we both cried. There is a small amount of comic relief, which appeals to the younger teen, but probably not enough to engage them in the movie for its full length (160. continue reading. Benjamin Button[edit]. My name is Benjamin Button, and I was born under unusual circumstances. While everyone else was aging, I was gettin' younger... all alone. It's funny how sometimes the people we remember the least make the greatest impression on us. Along the way you bump into people who make a dent on your. 166 minWatch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button online. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. 2008 PG-13 2h 46m Blu-ray / DVD. Rent this movie. Overview; Details; Cast. David Fincher directs this Oscar-nominated tale of Benjamin Button -- a man who was born old and wrinkled but grows younger as the years go by -- with a screenplay adapted from a short story by F. Scott. After his mother dies giving birth to him on the day of victory in World War I in 1918, Benjamin is taken by his father, Thomas Button (Jason Flemyng), and deposited on the doorstep of a home for the elderly. That is fitting since the infant looks like an 80-year-old man with sagging skin, cataracts, and wrinkles all over is body. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a story of a man born with the physical characteristics and appearance of an 80-year-old man. He grows younger and younger as the years pass on, which makes him an outsider to those that know of his affliction. However, that is not to confuse physical. Financial analysis of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) including budget, domestic and international box office gross, DVD and Blu-ray sales reports, total earnings and profitability.. Movie Details. Production Budget: $160,000,000. Domestic Releases: December 25th, 2008 (Wide) by Paramount Pictures. Saddled out of the gate as the presumptive winner of this year's Oscar for Best Picture, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is top-heavy with expectations. The nearly three-hour film is expanded from a very short story by literary god F. Scott Fitzgerald. Script duties fell to Eric Roth, who crafted the. Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The script at the Internet Movie Script Database. Empty. The fantasy element in F. Scott Fitgerald's 1922 short story, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," in which a man ages backwards, does not begin to suggest the urgent drama and romantic fatalism that director David Fincher and writers Eric Roth and Robin Swicord have so strikingly brought to. To aim for greatness otherwise invites all kinds of risks - the possibility of reaching high and crashing, of mistaking the somber for the serious, of creating the form of greatness without the content. [...] there's the danger of making something as pretty and vacant as "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008). Short Version: Daisy (Cate Blanchett) moves into the old age home to live out her final years and care for Benjamin Button as he regress to infancy. Benjamin dies cradled in her arms as an infant in the Spring of 2003. Daisy dies of old age in a New Orleans hospital as. About the Movie. "I was born under unusual circumstances." And so begins "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," adapted from the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who is unable to stop time. We follow his story, set in New Orleans, from. Colt M1911A1. One of Captain Mike (Jared Harris)'s tugboat crewmen is seen holding an M1911A1 pistol during the battle with the U-boat. The one in the movie is fitted with wooden grips. World War 2 issued Colt M1911A1 Pistol - .45 ACP. The crewman aims his M1911A1 at the U-boat. Captain Mike gives his M1911A1 to. Hollywood South wasn't always so bustling with movies and television shows. Long before film crews were interrupting your lunch break to shoot ya mom and dem on Treme, filming was spotty at best. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button changed all that. Though the F Scott Fitzgerald short story called for. “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" represents a richly satisfying serving of deep-dish Hollywood storytelling.. Due to its history-spanning structure, blank-page title character and technical sleight of hand, the film “Benjamin Button" most recalls is “Forrest Gump," but in a good way; it is entirely possible. The protagonist of the leisurely romantic fable The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is born old and wrinkled and ages backward, which means we spend an hour. The movie, directed by David Fincher, will probably be a hit anyway, because the gimmick (adapted by Eric Roth from an F. Scott Fitzgerald story) is fun to play. But in the hands of director David Fincher, and with Brad Pitt as Benjamin, this Button is a curious case indeed: an extravagantly ambitious movie that's easy to admire but a challenge to love. Perhaps that's how it ought to be. Eric Roth's fanciful screenplay makes use of a cheesy Bridges of Madison County. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is een erg originele film wat het concept betreft. Wat de film zelf betreft vond ik het best wel een lange zit, hoewel een mensenleven ook een lange zit kan zijn. De make-overs vond ik erg goed gedaan, in het begin moest ik goed kijken of het wel degelijk Brad Pitt was. Brad Pitt is echt. It's now been five years since The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was released. Maybe I'm alone, but it hasn't felt like five years. That's fitting for a movie that deals with the power, or curiosity, of time. Upon its 2008 release David Fincher's epic was a modest success. The pricey drama was a hit with. High resolution official theatrical movie poster (#1 of 12) for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008). Image dimensions: 1148 x 1702. Directed by David Fincher. Starring Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Tilda Swinton, Julia Ormond. It turns out that the original short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the film in 2008 is quite different. Rather than saying I am not sure which one I like more, I would say they are very different except that Benjamin Button in both occasions was born old and died young. Spoiler Alert for both the… The Curious Case of Benjamin Button takes nearly three hours to unfold and every bit of it is depressing. As the story of a man aging backwards through time director David Fincher's film is a failure; not much seems to happen and for a guy miraculously de-aging right before our eyes Benjamin is surprisingly uninteresting. Ann Hornaday Movie Review: 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. Video. 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. A man born in 1918 New Orleans (Brad Pitt) ages backwards into the 21st century. Based on the F. Scott Fitzgerald story. Video by Paramount Pictures. » LAUNCH VIDEO PLAYER. Struggling with the themes of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button? We’ve got the quick and easy lowdown on them here. So it's basically The Notebook, but with a reverse-aging man-baby. Perfect. Here is the curious case of why this movie stinks: AHHHHHH, WHAT IS THIS THING?! So, Benjamin Button was born in New Orleans at the end of World War I and he was a baby but he kind of looked like an old man, and he had all. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button : Unusual, Sometimes Preposterous and That's What Makes it so Effective. The entire film is told in flashback manner as a dying Daisy, played by a wheezing Cate Blanchett, is cared for by her daughter Caroline, portrayed effectively in a somewhat guilt-ridden. “I was born under unusual circumstances . . ." Thus begins The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the Academy Award–winning film starring Brad Pitt as a man who is born in his eighties and ages backward, and Cate Blanchett as the woman he is destined to love forever. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a. about this item. details; shipping & returns; parental info; q&a. Movie Genre: Drama; Software Format: DVD; Movie Studio: Warner Home Video; Street Date: January 1, 2013; TCIN: 14400791; UPC: 883929303625; Store Item Number (DPCI): 058-12-2775. Report incorrect product information. Life isn't measured in minutes, but in moments. “I was born under unusual circumstances." And so begins “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," adapted from the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who is unable to stop time. We follow his. If Hollywood handed out awards for "Best Third Act," The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, David Fincher's 167-minute adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's 30-page short story, would win every trophy in sight. After drifting along at a deliberate (some might say tedious) pace for two hours, Button gathers. 28 questions and answers about 'Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The' in our 'Movies A-C' category.. The movie was based on a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who was in turn inspired by the following quote from Mark Twain: "Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of 80 and gradually. About halfway into the movie, when Benjamin finally starts looking like Brad Pitt, he is seen piloting a sailboat across a sun-dappled sea. Originally, this scene went on. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is sketchy on what happens to the film's hero after he leaves his happy home in the late 1960s. But in an extended. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 2008 American romantic fantasy drama film directed by David Fincher. The storyline by Eric Roth and Robin Swicord is loosely based on the 1922 short story of the same name by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The film stars Brad Pitt as a man who ages in reverse and Cate Blanchett as the. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a film based loosely on an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, stars Brad Pitt as a person who is born old and ages backward. The movie has generated rave reviews and earned 13 Oscar nominations — more than any other film this year — including a nod for special. Hardly the nostalgic romance it was promoted as being, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is about the fleeting nature of happiness, the struggle of life and the inevitability of death. It's told with generosity and warmth, true, yet even the comfort it offers is the sort usually found next to hospital beds or in funeral homes. "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is widely considered one of the most impressive works of special effects genius. The film, which won an Oscar for Achievement in Visual Effects and was nominated for Best Costume Design, managed to depict the backwards-aging process of the title character, played by Brad Pitt,.