Saturday 16 May 2009 photo 1/2
Seto No Hanayome
Seto no Hanayome's story revolves around a young teenage boy named Nagasumi Michishio. One day during his summer vacation, Nagasumi was saved from drowning by a mermaid, Sun Seto, in the Seto Inland Sea. However, under mermaid law, if a mermaid's identity as a mermaid has been revealed, either the mermaid who was involved or the human who saw the mermaid are to be killed. In an attempt to save both Nagasumi and Sun's lives, Sun's family, which is apparently the head of its own mob, reluctantly decides that the two are to be married.
Maffiafiskar, sjuk humor och en annorlunda Romeo och julia historia gör den här serien till en av dom roligaste serierna jag har sett.
Helt i klass med Welcome to the NHK, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei och Shuffle!
Maffiafiskar, sjuk humor och en annorlunda Romeo och julia historia gör den här serien till en av dom roligaste serierna jag har sett.
Helt i klass med Welcome to the NHK, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei och Shuffle!
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