Wednesday 19 September 2018 photo 2/2
Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download Zombie Apocalypse
Three small groups of survivors of a zombie plague join forces to reach the ferry boat to a sanctuary that they are not sure that it does exist in the Catalina Island. Along their journey, they are hunted down by hordes of zombies and only a few of them survive.
Months after a zombie plague has wiped out 90 percent of the American population, a small group of survivors fight their way cross-country to a rumored refuge on the island of Catalina.
From the get go this movie is awful the title sequence looks like a 5yr olds attempt to copy any one of a 100 better made movies, the effects are poor the script is terrible sci- fi lost its way a long time ago and have just turned out trash movies for years. The only good thing they've done in years was Caprica/BSG they really should just give up now the production values on their movies are very amateurish.
Dawn 04 is simply the best zombie movie ever made followed very closely by 28 days/ weeks later. Ving please please next time the SciFi channel phone you tell them to get lost.
Awful movie I would actually give it zero stars if I could
Decent story, decent action, a group of noobs (start yelling "Hello" and banging on vending machines, see how long you last - check your Zombie Survival guide often) run into a group of veterans and hook up looking for a safe zone.
SFX cut corners in some places but still fun to watch - entertaining, and that's what I look for.
Although it's a half-way decent undead movie, the jerks (Asylum) relabeled the video release as '2012 Zombie Apocalypse' so you'd think it was something different. Just rented from RedBox, but already saw it on Syfy. Now I'm ticked.
Hard to tell when Ving Rhames stars in half the zombie movies released in the past year or two.....
The government doesn't set off EMPs to stop zombies, it sets them off to stop people who have the zombie plague but have not yet turned into zombies. This was done because infected people were fleeing from urban areas by car, train, plane, etc., and were only spreading the plague faster. Having watched all of Europe and the Pacific Rim countries collapse in just days or weeks to the plague, the government used EMPs as a last, desperate measure. It didn't work. 646f9e108c