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The Crimson Tide Hindi Dubbed Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r24wz
On a U.S. nuclear missile sub, a young First Officer stages a mutiny, to prevent his trigger happy Captain from launching his missiles, before confirming his orders to do so.
As the Russian civil war gradually gets worse, The U.S. Navy gets activated. Fearing a Nuclear fallout, upstart Commander Hunter and veteran Captain Ramsey along with several other naval officers aboard a Nuclear missile submarine to avert the attack on the United States. But, due to some misunderstanding, Hunter and Ramsey begin to quarrel for command of the Submarine.
As a former ballistic missile submariner I can tell you that this movie bears about as much relation to anything faintly resembling reality as Happy Gilmore does to professional golf - but at least the latter film was pretty funny in an Adam Sandler kind of way. Crimson Tide lacks any sort of comparable redeeming virtue, but is purely an adolescent fantasy best suited for those who have never considered actually thinking in the least about the subject matter of what they watch. This was a big disappointment for myself and other submariners, who out of some necessity HAVE actually thought about the issues it poses - after all, we were the ones who might have actually had to "push the button" (actually, it was a trigger in a pistol grip) in the middle of the night one night - and were left feeling very much let down by the film's complete failure to deal with them in a mature, adult, intelligent dramatic context. This is especially true given the tremendous potential of the leading players, Gene Hackman as the captain and Denzel Washington as the executive officer (always abbreviated in the Navy as "X.O." - who on earth who knew Thing One about the Navy - any part of the Navy - would ever refer to him as the "ex-o"?) and the more thoughtful way the plot begins to develop. But eventually it deteriorates into a far-fetched underwater version of a 1950's 'B'-grade western shoot-'em-up totally unworthy of its high-powered acting talent. Hoping for something along the lines of Seven Days in May or The Bedford Incident, or even Dr. Strangelove, we instead got something utterly vacuous.
As one submariner I know recently put it:
"When we went to see the movie in the theater, it was all I could do to keep from walking out. The premise depicted in the movie was so utterly ridiculous! In my view, there were two subliminal messages being conveyed. The first, that our deterrent system as it was in those days, had too many weaknesses to be reliable. The idea that those in the command structure would circumvent the safety controls and the procedures in place based solely on a some idealistic difference of opinion with the CO was completely foreign to me. Secondly, the racial overtones suggested in this movie were something I never witnessed during my 20 year career. It would be very naive of me to say those things didn't exist in other communities within the Navy, or in the other services. However, the crews of the 4 submarines I served in were all way above that kind of nonsense. The movie in question here didn't offer a true vision of reality but may have been a good Hollywood story. The problem was and is that the general public seems to accept these inaccurate depictions as the gospel truth."
If you feel you must see this film, I suggest the VHS version in preference to the DVD, because it should rent for less and thus you will waste less money.
CT is a combination of tense psychological drama and superb acting. Gene Hackman masterfully brings his character to a boil in reaction to the actions of the first officer: from the initial discontent, to the awkwardly concealed irritation, and finally to the fist-throwing fury. In return, Denzel Washington displays smartness, coolheadedness, respect and intellectual, sometimes physical tenacity towards his captain. The subtleties and innuendoes of the captain-1stOfficer dialogues when they do talk, as opposed to yell, punch and lock each other up, are paralleled within the crew during the mutiny (remember the "Mind your f***ing panel!!" scene?!). CT comes through as a compelling portrayal of many shades of the human psychology. It had plenty of moments that replayed themselves in my mind long after I watched the movie.
I can only sympathize with the people versed in the Naval regulations for being turned off by the movie's factual flaws. However, if every thriller had to stick to the truth all the time,there would be no thrillers left to watch. Stretching the truth just enough to keep things plausible is how you make a thriller different from a documentary. Yes, I'll keep in mind that CT ignores some facts the next time I watch it, but watch it again I will. This is entertainment at its best!
Directed by Tony Scott, Crimson Tide is the kind of sumptuously exciting undersea thriller that moves forward in quick, propulsive waves.
The Unrated Extended Version runs more than 6 minutes longer than the theatrical version. It extends the story in many scenes. a5c7b9f00b
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