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Tamil Movie The Toxic Avenger Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r0fxa
This is the story of Melvin, the Tromaville Health Club mop boy, who inadvertently and naively trusts the hedonistic, contemptuous and vain health club members, to the point of accidentally ending up in a vat of toxic waste. The devastating results then have a transmogrification effect, his alter ego is released, and the Toxic Avenger is born, to deadly and comical results. The local mop boy is now the local Superhero, the saviour of corruption, thuggish bullies and indifference. Troma classic with good make-up effects and stunts, a pleasant surprise indeed.
Tromaville has a monstrous new hero. The Toxic Avenger is born when meek mop boy Melvin falls into a vat of toxic waste. Now evildoers will have a lot to lose.
"Toxic Avenger" is a grotesque parody on 80s teenager flicks like "Pretty in pink" or "Ferris Bueller´s Off Day", the same as a silly homage on comic heroes like the Swamp Thing or the Incredible Hulk. This film is a typical Troma release so watch it at your own risk: what you get is horrible acting (Marisa Tomei, anywhere?), sometimes infantile, sometimes macabre humor (beating up grannies, shooting guide dogs, running children over...) and comic book-like violence. Nevertheless it´s quite enjoyable and entertaining. A strange movie at all, but great for its kind! Highly recommended to people who like "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" or stuff like that.
One of the craziest, most over-the-top, and bizarre films I've ever seen. Still feels surprisingly fresh and puts the majority of today's superhero films to shame, including recent hits such as "Avengers Assemble" and "The Dark Knight Rises" (Coincidentally, the latter stole a line from this film). Why? Because not only does this not take itself even remotely seriously, it's hilarious to the point where the comedic timing rivals that of some of the most beloved comedies out there. The pacing is also practically perfect, ensuring there's not a single dull moment during the entire runtime. The only time where I started to feel the length was during the finale, but that's only because I was watching it late at night. Herz and Kaufman proved here that they knew exactly what it took to make an entertaining camp trash classic. It also has some rather well implemented social commentary, but never preaches to the viewer or makes them feel as if they're watching a "message movie" in disguise. "The Toxic Avenger" is certainly not for everyone, and the average person is likely to automatically label it as juvenile garbage with no redeeming values, but for those with an open mind and a strong stomach for pretty much anything, it's simply an absolute blast from start-to-finish, and if any of Troma's other films are even half as entertaining, I have a feeling I'm going to quickly become a huge fan.
This madcap spoof on The Incredible Hulk is an outlandish mix of gory violence and realistic special effects.
Yes, it's true. The so-called Unrated Extended Cut was released in Germany on VHS and features the well-known Unrated Version plus the deleted scenes reintegrated into the movie. Therefore this versions is nearly 12 minutes longer than the Director's Cut. In the UK, the cult film (that by now spawned 3 sequels) was released in a shortened version on VHS as well as DVD. Only the VHS tape released by Vipco and a very rare edition released by Troma are uncut. All shortened versions are missing nearly four and a half minutes of footage. Not sure if she appears in the theatrical, but she is definitely in the DC. She may be in the crowd when the lights come on and Melvin is kissing the sheep (with the red bikini)... but if you REALLY want to get a good look at her, go near the end of the film. When Toxie goes back to the gym later in the movie to take care of Julie (Cindy Manion), he confronts her by a mirror. A woman screams and Toxie spins around to see... Marisa Tomei (in a full body blue and purple striped swimsuit), who promptly spins around and runs away. a5c7b9f00b
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